Saxalin Islands
Colony of Sakhalin Axerka Saxalin (Kiravic) | |
Flag | |
Country | Kiravian Federacy |
Capital | Kærasta |
Population | 3,275,000 |
Governor | A. Kyrin Væhitin |
Chancellor | D. Lenihan Śirayakin (INP) |
Stanora seats | 3 |
Official languages | Standard Coscivian |
Other Languages | Austral Coscivian Australic Coscivian |
Postal Abbreviation | SAX |
The Colony of Saxalin is a Kiravian colony located on an archipelago of three large islands in the Pelian Ocean of Ixnay.
The Saxalin Islands have no native population, remainign unpeopled for millennia due to their remoteness and the harsh conditions of the surrounding ocean.
Politics & Governance
Society & Culture
The ethnic makeup of the Sakhalins is 91% Coscivian, 6% Celtic, and 3% other (including Sarpic, Old Sydonan, and Corummese).
The largest Coscivian ethnic groups in the Sakhalins are the Sëorans (Käloatem, Vespâniem, Koralem, Ibusckem), Dark Coscivians (Iruktem, Kibirskem, Krôysanyem), Caspoärians (Stelanoviem, Cervoniem), Pineratem, and Túkluskans, who were resettled from Old Coscivia and poorer areas of the Federacy. The military bases and larger towns are home to Kiravians of various other ethnic backgrounds.