Arab Coscivians

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Arab Coscivians
Total population
25 million
Regions with significant populations
File:AbsurranianFlag.png United Islamic Federation21,684,000
Template:Country data KIR Kiravian Federacy2,413,000
Arabic (Khudri dialect)
Sunni Islam, Shia minority
Related ethnic groups
South Coscivians, Deep South Coscivians, Arabs

The Arab Coscivians are a group of Arab tribes in Central and Southern Ixnay with varying measures of Éorsan Coscivian descent.


Arab Coscivians traditionally speak the Khudri dialect of Arabic, which retains an Arabic grammar and lexical base, while adopting some morphological features and a great deal of vocabulary from Coscivian languages, in a manner similar to Maltese. Most urbanised Arab Coscivians today speak flawless Absurranian Arabic, and some (particularly younger speakers) are monolingual in the standard dialect.


Arab Coscivians are homogeneously Muslim, with the majority adhering to Hanafi Sunnism. Zayidi and Alawi Shi'ite Arab Coscivians are found in Quazuaria. Sufi practices, particularly those of the Nurbakshi and Tijaniyya orders, are widespread among the tribes.

21206 Pelian War

The Arab Coscivian minority living in the Urcean protectorate of Pel became militarised during the 21206 Pelian Revolt, mobilising into right-wing militias such as the Arab Coscivian Republican Army and the Jalil Battalion to keep the country under Urcean rule.