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Prehistory and Peopling of Great Kirav

The distant past of Great Kirav is steeped in mythology and remains obscure. Archæological evidence suggest that the region may have been inhabited by humans as early as 65,000 years ago, and subsequently beset with multiple waves of migration that have left enduring genetic, archæological, and cultural imprints on the island continent. The bulk of the genetic heritage of Kiravian peoples is attributable to Ice Age migrations from both Levantia and Crona made possible by lower sea levels and dense floes of pack ice.

Unravelling the truth of Kiravian prehistory and dark history is complicated by Coscivian culture's schizo-sacramentalist conception of reality (which does not clearly distinguish between what Occidental cultures would regard as the symbolic and the real) and its [[unique approach to time (which is often reflected in non-linear narratives and the confounding expression of temporal processes in spatial or virtual terms).

Pre-Human Times

[Dino lore]
[Yeti and Samsquanch]

Earliest Homonids

[Homo vetus montanus]
[Homo darudensis]

Turbo-Ancient Migration


Examples of the "Demomappic" flint and bone toolmaking style found at Upper Palæolithic strata in both Great Kirav and Boreal Levantia

Ultra-Ancient Migration (Pre-D)

[Haplogroup D? (Mystery haplogroup)]

[Dark philology]


Deep Philology & Dark Philology
Five Races Cycle
Coscivian Origin Narratives
Kiro-Akai Hyperwar
Phantom Time
Shadow Realm
Shadow Time and Dream Time

Slash Noïnclude

Palæo-Cronan Haplotypes:

  • Haplogroyup Ʒ
  • Haplogroup

Palæo-Levantine Haplotypes:

  • Haplogroup Ƕ
  • Haplogroup Ỽ

Antediluvian Arctic Haplotypes:

  • Haplogroup Ȼ

Noun Declension Tables (pic unrelated)

Form I - istuv
Case Nonplural Plural
Ergative istuk istuyak
Genitive istul istu
Indirect istum istuyam
Number Nonplural Plural
Aspect Imperfect Perfect Imperfect Perfect
Present istuv istuvi istuya istuyi
Past istuve istuvéi istuyave istuyavéi
Future istuvo istuvói istuyavo istuyavói
Jussive istuvu istuvúi istuyavu istuyavúi

Form II - rona
Case Nonplural Plural
Ergative ronak ronæk
Genitive roná ronæ
Indirect ronam ronám
Number Nonplural Plural
Aspect Imperfect Perfect Imperfect Perfect
Present rona ronavi ronáv ronávi
Past ronave ronavéi ronáve ronávéi
Future ronavo ronavói ronávo ronávói
Jussive ronavu ronavúi ronávu ronávúi

Form III - vālin
Case Nonplural Plural
Ergative vālith vālinyak
Genitive vālisk vāliskya
Indirect vālint vālintya
Number Nonplural Plural
Aspect Imperfect Perfect Imperfect Perfect
Present vālin vālini vālinyav vālinyavi
Past vāline vālinéi vālinyave vālinyavéi
Future vālino vālinói vālinyavo vālinyavói
Jussive vālinu vālinúi vālinyavu vālinyavúi

Form III - kenor
Case Nonplural Plural
Ergative kenorth kenoryak
Genitive kenorsk kenorskya
Indirect kenord kenordya
Number Nonplural Plural
Aspect Imperfect Perfect Imperfect Perfect
Present kenor kenorsti kenoryav kenoryavi
Past kenorste kenorstéi kenoryave kenoryavéi
Future kenorsto kenorstói kenoryavo kenoryavói
Jussive kenorstu kenorstúi kenoryavu kenoryavúi