Business Excellence Awards

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Vallejar Physical Award for Business Excellence (Writen in the Native language of the Creator)

Business excellence awards are recognitions, titles, and monetary or advertising awards granted by the independent agency "Vallejar Quality Assessment and Analysis" since 1956 (5 years after the agency's foundation), these awards are given to all companies in the Vallejarian territory by sector, without differentiating between local, national, international companies, amount of funds, ownership, advertising, among other things that may influence their decisions to grant the award.

This award is recognized throughout Vallos and Sarpedon, as it is considered by international transparency analysis mechanisms as one of the most neutral awards and agencies in the world, as it does not succumb to any bribery or pressure, in addition to the fact that the corruption rate given by the same international mechanisms is less than 2.5%.

The Vallejarian government, since the foundation of the agency, has always defended its independence against the powers of the state, which has been continuously criticized by left-wing and extreme left-wing sectors. Their efforts in maintaining transparency and impartiality have led to the creation of many private investigation commissions funded by these same means, of which only 2 out of more than 200 until 2034 have been confirmed as cases of corruption, conflicts of interest, or favors.


Photo of Carlos Villa Varejo

This type of awards has existed in other countries for much longer than in Vallejar, but in this case, the first time the idea of ​​creating an extensive line of awards was proposed was in 1952, almost simultaneously with the foundation of the agency. This idea came hand in hand with Carlos Villa Varejo, a businessman in the retail trade who sought to improve the way companies invested in the quality and safety of their facilities, as well as their products and services. According to Carlos himself, the concern was for the economic situation of the Vallejarian economy at that time, but some sources claim that he did it for his own interest, to gain fame and publicity for his own businesses and the services and products offered.

The proposal was brought to the general economic affairs body in Vallejar, that is, the Ministry of Economy, a ministry in which the idea was well received and taken to the central institution of state power, the king. After a few days of deliberation, it was decided to finance the first awards campaign and carry out the necessary advertising from the state itself, which resulted in a great success, with more than 4 million companies registered for the awards throughout Vallejar.



El día 8 de Marzo de 1956 (5 días después de la propuesta) los preparativos empezaron a llevarse a cabo, un equipo de más de 2500 funcionarios en todos los puntos de Vallejar analizó a todas las empresas registradas en un plazo de 3 meses y se designaron a todos los sectores y requisitos que la agencia reconoce hasta el día de hoy.

El primer premio y reconocimiento de la primera edición del concurso se repartieron 30 millones de hoy en día a cada ganador, sin repartir más dinero a ninguna otra empresa por segundo o tercer lugar para impulsar el espíritu de competencia y la carrera por el desarrollo y mejoría de la calidad de las empresas en todos los ámbitos posibles, ya que la cantidad de dinero puede llegar a impulsar varias empresas, además de poder salvar de la bancarrota o números rojos en un mal año fiscal.

Implementación y Desarrollo

En el año 1966 (a los 10 años del inicio del reparto de premios) el premio fue desarrollado por la agencia, haciendo que no solo el dinero fuera el premio, sino que se encargaron de dar la publicidad necesaria al reconocimiento para que fuera una marca de prestigio importante en el mundo empresarial y de la población general, por lo que los premios significaron un gran impulso a todas las empresas que han ganado este premio desde esta etapa. Su reconocimiento alcanzó la fama continental y atrajo a una gran cantidad de inversores extranjeros y nacionales, que hicieron autosustentable e incluso beneficioso económicamente para el fundador y las empresas partícipes.


Durante el final de los años 60's, toda la década de los 70's


Hoy en Día


Requisitos de Premio

Lista de Sectores reconocidos

Empresas ganadoras por sector

