Goverment of Vallejar
Vallejar's government is not so similar to that of its closest neighbors and the rest of Ixnay, which is why its government and the way in which it is managed is often misunderstood from abroad, often comparing it to a soft dictatorship or "El father knows best", that gives him a general bad reputation among people who don't study his composition beyond their local media or the most superficial part of the internet.
Vallejar is composed and divided into a few levels of administration to maintain the unity and austerity of the state, which has greatly helped the country's economy and the quality of life of the citizens themselves.
Vallejar's official form of government is an Absolute Theocratic Monarchy, since according to the constitution national sovereignty resides in God and is represented on earth by the King.

King/Head of State
The King/Queen is the head of the state and has total control over all administrations, ministries, resources and anything else contained in the state, he has the duty and obligation to defend the Vallejarians and their interests above all. things, so the responsibility for total stability falls on him.
He is the person who has the last word on any decision that is made and affects the state and the population, his will is unbreakable and the omission of his orders and decisions is considered treason to the state that he represents, the king has salary and his Obligations, rights, duties and obligations are set out in the constitution.
"III. The King and the Monarchy
Article 65.
65.1. The King is the Head of State, a symbol of its unity and permanence, arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of institutions, assumes the highest representation of the State in international relations, especially with nations of its historical community, and exercises the functions expressly attributed to him by the Constitution and laws.
65.2. His title is the King of Vallejar, and he may use others corresponding to the Crown.
65.3. The person of the King is not inviolable and may be charged with any crime or illegality contrary to the constitution, law, or the will of the people.
Article 66.
66.1. The Crown of Vallejar is hereditary in the successors of the king, the legitimate heir being the firstborn, the eldest son of the king, without gender preference.
66.2. Females can inherit just like males.
66.3. The succession to the throne implies the succession to the head of state; that is, inheriting the monarch's position also means inheriting the nation's management.
66.4. If the king abdicates, the position of head of state automatically passes to the firstborn; if the firstborn is not of age, they must be advised by the principal minister of God until reaching majority.
Article 67.
The Queen consort or the consort of the Queen cannot assume constitutional functions, except as provided for in the Regency.
Article 68.
It is the King's prerogative:
a) To make, review, change, and eliminate laws.
b) Supreme command of the Armed Forces.
c) To exercise the right of grace in accordance with the law, which cannot authorize general pardons.
d) The High Patronage of the Royal Academies.
e) The management and administration of the state.
f) The correct international image of the state.
g) The management of the royal family.
h) The management and administration of the Vallejarian Church.
i) To declare war and make peace.
j) To express the State's consent to be internationally bound by treaties, in accordance with the Constitution and laws.
k) To accredit ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives.
Article 69.
69.1. The King receives a global amount from the State Budget for the support of his Family and House, and distributes it freely.
69.2. The King appoints and dismisses freely the civilian and military members of his House.
Article 70.
70.1. The monarchy and the king represent the Vallejarian people.
70.2. The king exercises the legislative power of the State, approves its Budgets, controls the Government's actions, and has other competencies attributed by the Constitution.
70.3. The royal house is not inviolable and can be subject to investigation if there is evidence of any illicit activity.
Article 71.
This article gives the monarch absolute power over the state and all the goods and resources within it to address situations of extreme urgency and danger to the state in any area. It also allows the king to ignore the constitution and act according to his own assessment in situations that require immediate urgency. This article will only be executed under the direct order of the monarch."
Minister of God
El principal Ministro de Dios de Vallejar es una persona que está al servicio de
Ministers Council
State expenses

Vallejar is characterized by having a diversified economy with austere spending. This doesn't mean that little is invested in public services and their maintenance; rather, by law, both the national government and those of the small municipalities and cities are prohibited from running any kind of deficit and debt, except in cases of extreme importance, danger, or instability, such as war, a pandemic, or a global crisis. In such extreme cases, any loan or deficit must be approved by the general government.
Government spending is tightly controlled, with meticulous oversight of each investment, minimizing corruption cases and their impact on economic resources. Moreover, penalties for corruption, embezzlement, and other forms of public fund manipulation include life imprisonment, as it is considered "a theft from the effort and work of all Vallejarians."
Expenses are divided into two categories: Ministerial and Special. (The percentage of expenses is based on the total budget, not the GDP.)
These are the expenses and investments, representing the percentage of the total budget allocated to the various ministries that make up the Vallejarian government. These investments are defined by the general state budgets promulgated by the government. These expenses are flexible and not solely based on general budgets; they are also influenced by the political, economic, and social context of the nation.
Security and Justice:
Investment: 16.7 billion (2.76% of the total budget)
This ministry ensures the safety and integrity of all Vallejarians, providing economic resources for the state police, the national guard, and various special security forces throughout Vallejar. It also includes justice, responsible for the proper functioning of the courts and penitentiary centers.
Investment: 27.2 billion (4.5% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for maintaining national security and sovereignty against any threat, internal or external. This is achieved by investing in the preparation, training, guidance, modernization, and construction of a competent and prepared army. The ministry also has the option to invest in the private military sector for the improvement of both the economy and overall defensive power. It also has the ability to manage military schools alongside the Ministry of Education.
Education: (Increased to 4.91%, i.e. 29.7 billion)
Investment: 14.6 billion (2.41% of the total budget)
This ministry, along with its counterparts, manages, maintains, finances, and constructs all educational centers in Vallejar, regardless of their nature and origin. The ministry is responsible for improving and promoting the quality of educational centers, the materials used, the method of education, and the content of subjects. This is aimed at promoting love for education and learning, along with the religious values of the nation, patriotism, and the value of effort through meritocracy.
Investment: 8.3 billion (1.37% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for analyzing the general economy of the state and economic sectors. It analyzes them meticulously to present detailed reports on the situation of each, to make effective responses if necessary. It also has the capacity, alongside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to analyze external economies, their sectors, products necessary in Vallejar, and possible beneficial exports according to the context of each country.
Health: (Increased to 5.23%, i.e. 31,64 billion)
Investment: 16.5 billion (2.73% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for managing, maintaining, financing, and constructing all health centers in Vallejar. It defends and maintains the right to public and universal health care. It also invests in and researches techniques and technologies to improve the quality of life and ensure the health of the population. It also conducts health awareness campaigns and, alongside the Ministry of Education, manages medical-educational centers. Thanks to the medical and pharmaceutical sector, it has the capacity and competencies to invest in the private sector for the improvement of the sector in both areas.
Investment: 34.1 billion (5.64% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for managing, maintaining, and constructing all infrastructure in Vallejar, on land, sea, and air, including roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, airports, and ports. The responsibilities of this area belong solely to the Ministry of Infrastructure, which must ensure the quality of all infrastructure and technological development in the sector, such as high-speed trains, effective safety measures, more efficient and less polluting planes, cars, and vessels.
Investment: 15.8 billion (2.61% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for overseeing all others to ensure effective, efficient, and real management. It prevents bad investments, corruption, and deficits, and also creates economic and criminal investigation commissions into public figures as deemed necessary. Funding is provided for the maintenance of all commissions and departments within the ministry.
Foreign Relations:
Investment: 9.2 billion (1.52% of the total budget)
This ministry is responsible for everything related to relations with foreign states. It manages embassies, consulates, and foreign military bases in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense. It helps foster relationships between states and secure beneficial agreements for Vallejar in global geopolitics.
Investment: 184.7 billion (30.53% of the total budget)
As the ministry in which the highest amount of economic resources is invested, this is the ministry with the most responsibilities, different offices, and importance. It deals with everything directly related to Vallejarian society, its form and quality of life, and its economy. It aims to improve these aspects from the government with investments in various areas, including culture, housing, transportation, commerce, employment, industry and energy, agriculture, livestock and fishing, research, development, and investigation, general public services, transfers to public administrations, and other public benefits, among others.
These are expenses and investments representing the percentage of the budget invested in special areas of the economy or sent to areas different from the ministerial ones for direct investment or for the "Vallejarian Development Fund", which has been accumulating 5% of the total budget since the king, in 2001, approved the royal decree consolidating its creation. The money in the fund and that not invested in ministries can be used freely by the national government, always within the terms of the law.
The expenses by ministry (data from 2032) are as follows:
Vallejarian Development Fund:
This fund was created in 2001 by the king to have liquidity reserves as a backup, separate from the national treasury, for investment and economic stimulation in any sector where it is urgently and quickly needed. As of January 1, 2033, it has only been used twice partially in times of widespread global instability. As of the same date, the development fund has approximately 1.096 trillion in reserve.
Vallejarian National Reserve:
This is the official monetary reserve of Vallejar, which backs investments and the value of the currency. It also serves as a significant influence in global geopolitics. This reserve has never been used since its creation in 1845. The reserve increases by the additional 5% added by the state budgets each year, resulting in the national reserve accumulating 4.305 trillion in gold.
International Aid Fund for Developing Countries: (Temporarily suspended)
This fund is composed of 15% of the annual budget as a rule, although it can vary or even disappear depending on the economic, global, and national context; it is subject to changes. The fund implies the total management of money allocated for international aid and also commissions that manage those resources to be invested effectively.
International Loans: (Temporarily suspended)
This section is related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which manages these resources. These loans are granted to states, companies, or international or foreign entities with urgent economic needs, usually with an interest rate lower than the global average. These loans are granted with the aim of helping entities in need of economic liquidity and also benefiting from it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sets the clauses with the approval of the general government. This section receives 10% of the state's annual budget, 60.5 billion.
Various investments and research: (Increased to 30% of the budget, i.e. 181.5 billion)
This section receives another 10% of the total budget (60.5 billion), and this is a very special section, since this money is not linked to any law or regulation other than those of good management of public resources, and therefore These can be invested in any of the previous ministries or sections, although normally the resources are destined for various investments and research both in national territory and abroad, this money is managed personally by the king based on the principle of the well-being of the people.
(The remaining economic resources after the period of one year will be distributed as follows: 70% to the Vallejarian development fund and 30% to the national reserve)
State powers and duties/obligations
Los poderes, deberes y obligaciones del estado están definidos en todos los apartados de la constitución, plasmando de forma clara que puede, debe y tiene que hacer en cada momento.