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Republic Of Teŕazta

Respublika Teŕazta
Flag of Terazta
of Terazta
Coat of arms
Motto: Oŕemuš, Vivamuš, Gŕatiamuš
Let us pray, Let us live, Let us give thanks
Anthem: Teŕazta, Laus Tibi Media:TeŕaztaNathionalAnthem.mp3
Location of XXX (dark green)
In XXX (gray)
Largest cityPalmero
Official languagesYour language
Your language Teŕatzan
Ethnic groups
Teŕaztanii, Caphiric,
Your religion

XXXan (adjective)

Taraztanii (plural)
GovernmentClassic Republic
• Princeps Senatoris de Terazta
Scipio Gauius Publius
LegislatureThe Senate Of The People Of Teŕazta.
Your upper house
Your lower house
• An event
• Estimate
Your population
• Census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Your GDP = GDPPC x Population (This is calculated for you after first entry)
• Per capita
GiniYour gini coefficient
Error: Invalid Gini value
CurrencySasterio (RTS)
Driving sideright

Terazta, officially the Republic Of Teŕazta, is a country in eastern Sarpedon. It is neighbored by Caphiria.

Terazta is a member of the League of Nations.


The nation of Teŕazta sits in a highly mountainous region of Sarpedon known as “Xelphia”. in the early history of the region slaves, prisoners and the poor of the First imperium were sent to this area, referred to by it's inhabitants as “Terra Resta" which translates as “The land that remains” or “The leftover land.” It's Poor, rocky soil yielded little wheat and made farming difficult. Over time this insult for the land grew to become it's name and over millenia “Terra Resta” would replace “xelphia”. And would eventually become “Teŕazta” is the country's language.


First Era

The region of Xelphia began to see the arrival of Adoneri Peoples beginning in the 18th century, BC. The best recorded of these peoples was the Polentii civilization, a People who built their villages high above the ground within mountains and oceanside cliffs.

Excavation have shown that the Polentii built small replica huts out of the ashes of their dead which they would mix with clay and inscribe the name of the dead. With these they would contruct small villages on altars in their homes, engaging in a sort of ancestor worship.

The Polentii civilization would be asimiliated into The First Imperium in the 3rd century BC after a long decline.

After the region's incorporation into the imperium, it became a dumping ground for all "Personae non Gratae". This religious and politcal disidents, Prisoners and other undesirables. The region became named "Terra Resta" for its poor, rocky soil and wilderness. This area of Sarpedon would be settled by tens of thousands who were employed for mining and quarrying. Because despite the poor soil for agriculture the country's mountains were rich with Precious metals, gemstones and ore.

Second era

What were the first political structures of your country? Did it have any very early rivals or was it controlled by a foreign country?

Third era

What were your country's first major moves on an international level?

Fourth era

Did your country ever have a period of significant decline or internal struggle?

Fifth era

Was your country subject to imperialism later in its life, or was it an imperial power?

Sixth era

How did the 20th century affect your country?


What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?

Climate and environment

Is your country hot or cold?

Government and Politics

How is your country ruled or governed?


Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?


What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?


What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?


What kind of people live in your country?


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Self-reported ethnic origin in the Republic of Teŕazta(2028)

  Teŕatzani (90%%)
  Caphirian (5%%)
  Yanubi (3%%)
  other (2%%)

What ethnic groups make up your country?


What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?


Religious affiliations in the XXX (20XX)

  Religion 1 (94.5%)
  Religion 2 (1.7%)
  Religion 3 (1.3%)
  Religion 4 (.5%)
  Religion 5 (2%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


Education among the Taŕatzanii is largely done by parents in private homes or by private tutors.

Culture and Society

What do your people do, and what are they like?


What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?

Attitudes and worldview

The overall attitude of the Teŕaztanii can be summed up with the motto of their nation: Oŕemuš, Vivamuš, Gŕatiamuš; Let us Pray, let us live, let us give thanks.

They are a people who do not seek dominance over others, they do not engage in foreign wars of aggression and only seek to eek out their own place within the world. The People of Teŕazta respect their traditions, their culture and their heritage.

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


Teŕaztan Cuisine is largely defined by it's Geography. During the earliest days it's People have struggled to grow food in the region and relied heavily on Pulses (Lentils, peas, beans and fava beans) root vegetables such as Carrots, parsnips, turnips and beets, and Less "Noble" grains such as Spelt, Barley and Rye.

The people of Teŕazta have a strong tea drinking culture, first introduced by Yanubani traders in the 8th century AD along with melons, cucumbers and sugar.


As previously stated, cereal crops which are consumed by many countries have a difficult time growing in the rocky and poor soil of Teŕazta. Grains such as Rye, barley, spelt and einkorn have long since replaced wheat, oats and corn as the staple grains.

The Teŕaztanii have many different forms of bread with the most common being the "Planacŕuse" which is a squat loaf scored with a wide cross on the top. This is usually produced from barley which has been boiled with Molasses and turned into a paste before being combined with spelt flour. This process unlocks many nutrients locked away in barley and is believed to have its origin in "puls" which is a boiled gruel. It would have been made from a variety of grains, but most famously that of barley which was the staple of Gladiators in antiquity.

The People of Teŕazta also enjoy a variety of other breads;

Militus: a hard bread which has been twice baked and is typically pounded into crumbs and boiled with milk, broth or water. Commonly issued to soldiers. Typically coin shaped with a hole in the middle, in ancient times it would have been tied to a string when issued.

Pons: a mountain bread that is flat and easily rolled and carried, typically used for meat or sopping up the juices thereof. Typically served complimentary at "Carnae" or restaurants which specialize in meat.

Circae: a round sweet bread made with eggs. This is commonly served at weddings and filled with a melon preserve. A symbol of fertility and unity it is commonly adorned also with a braid on top.

The Teŕaztanii do not have a traditional pasta culture, although pasta has caught on in more recent years.


consumed widely among the population of Teŕazta, Dairy is an important source of fat and protein. Yogurt, Cheese, butter, milk and cream are staples of the Teŕaztan diet.

Milk typically comes from either goats or sheep and is usually processed into Yogurt and cheese. Yogurt is very common and I'd used as a marinade for meat or eaten with jams, nuts and fresh or dried fruits. (80px) [Formachu, commonly eaten with herbs, garlic and olives spread onto bread]

cheese is commonly consumed on a daily basis and Teŕatzan cuisine has many different kinds from Formachu, which is a soft and stinky cheese with a greenish grey rind. To Pernasa, which is is hard and has been left to dry and age in caves for years.



Within Teŕazta the most commonly consumed meat is that of pork, goat and lamb. Cattle and horses were traditionally viewed as high status animals with the former typically being used for farming. Chickens, although very popular in households for egg produciton, are not typically consumed. Rooster is commonly eaten once or twice a month.

Within Teŕaztan Thermopoli culture there are restaurants which specifically cater to meat consumption. These restaurants, called "Carnae" are very common within cities in towns. Typically serving smoked or grilled animal products the Carnae cater to the palet of Teŕaztanii.

Cuts of meath which are fried, forcemeat balls made of offal and wrapped in fat, sausges and cuts of meat wrapped in grape leaves and grilled on skewers are all popular means to consume meat in Teŕatza.

Chaecium culture

Tea time, known as "chaecium" in Teŕatzan, is akin to a siesta time for the people of the country and is a 3 hour long affair of snacking, tea drinking and relaxing. Tea was

Beginning around 2pm and ending around 5 pm, the lady of the household will brew enough tea for the entire time, preparing a plethora of small snacks and games for those taking part will enjoy. Common snacks are:

Miglae: small steamed buns filled with pistachio and almond paste, flavored with lemon or sumac and glazed with a glaze of powdered sugar, rose water and a colorant (usually saffron)

Glirae: rolls reminiscent of mice and filled with anything from pastry cream to ground beef and cheese. Typically fried.

Plasenta: a cheese cake made of eggs, goats cheese, sugar and baked with a shell of slivered almonds. Typically flavored with almond liquor

Dulcae domae: dates stuffed with ground nuts, encased in a caramel and seasoned with some salt and spices.

Glabi: round donuts, made of spelt flour and filled with cheese then fried and rolled in honey and coated with cinnamon and Poppy seeds.


The mainstream religion within Teŕazta is the Valerite Church, a Sui Iuris Church which is in communion with the Catholic Church. Founded some time in the 2nd century AD by St. Quintus Valerius.

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?

Economy and Infrastructure

How does your country's economy work?

Industries and Sectors

What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?


What exchange systems are used within your country's economy?


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?


How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?