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Zhijun Province (Corummese: 知君省), simplified as Zhijun, is a territory of the Republic of Corumm consisting of a single island off the southeastern coast of Ixnay. It is home to the Corummese Navy's Third Fleet.

Zhijun Province

知君省 (Corummese)


Country Republic of Corumm
Capital Yishi
Population 815,250
Governor Bo Xinyu
Official languages Corummese
Postal Abbreviation ZHI



Zhijun was colonized by the Qian Dinasty during the maritime campaign of the Yuanjian Emperor in the early 1210's, intended to 'seed' his people across to the farthest reaches of the world. A fort and a town named Yishi were founded and aftwerwards ten thousand colonists were mostly abandoned to their fate on the island, with the Imperial authorities consisting of a 300 strong garrison and a member of the Grand Bureaucracy as administrator to be rotated every 10 years.


Zhijun is ruled oficially by the Zhijun Regional Administration as executive body and by the Zhijun Sovereign Assembly as the legislative branch. Unofficially both of these organs are entirely dominated by members of the paramilitary Green Army



Thanks to its tropical climate the island's interior boasts one of the foremost centers of sugarcane plantation in western Sarpedon, having cultivated the crop uninterrupted for hundreds of years. During the Republican years the full spectrum of facilities required for sugar production were installed and it is now the islands principal export.

Sugarcane plantation in Zhijun