Minor Kiravian Political Parties

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This article discusses select Kiravian political parties with little or no representation at the federal or state levels. Many of the parties listed hereīn have representation at the local (countyship and municipal) level only, have fallen into decline after historically having significant representation, do not participate in elections, or are newly-established and have yet to contest elections.

Monarchist Party

Monarchist Party

Xūroārkax Plaiduv
Traditionalist conservatism
Congress of Issyria
4 / 86
Andrēdan Commons
2 / 76

The Monarchist Party (Kiravic: Xūroārkax Plaiduv) is a party uniting advocates for the abolition of the Republic and a return to a monarchial system of government. Though it operates as a single party for electoral and public relations purposes, the Monarchist Party is internally divided into a number of different factions that disagree on what a Kiravian monarchy would look like in practice. One of the main lines of division (and a major obstacle for the Monarchists in promoting their agenda) is a lack of consensus on who would accede to a putative Kiravian throne. The House of Arenian, descendants of the last Coscivian Emperor, was historically considered the natural choice, though most of its members have disavowed monarchial rule. Other factions support an Arenian cadet branch, one of the other Eight Iatic Lineages, personal union with Livensóla, a Mandirid lineage (descendants of the philosopher Shafto), House MacRae of Kuhlfros, or the prominent Férapelan family. The Monarchist Party rejects both absolute monarchism (which has had a rather minor presence in Coscivian history) and figurehead constitutional monarchism, preferring a constitutionally-bound political order whereīn the monarch would act as head of the executive branch and wield substantial political power. Most within the party favour a male-preferential system of agnatic primogeniture, while a significant minority wish to revive the Coscivian and Celtic traditions of tanistry and elective monarchy. Monarchist Party members also disagree on whether the Kiravian federal subjects should be reformed into subnational monarchies in vassalage to the federal monarchy, principalities-electorate with the power to choose the federal monarch, dominions with viceroys replacing state governors, or kingdoms in personal union. The Party's non-constitutional platform is broadly conservative and traditionalist, embracing Coscivian cultural conservatism, national sovereigntism, distributism, and agrarianism. Monarchism is strongest in South Kirav, where the influence of Coscivian Manorialism on culture and political institutions has been more pervasive and enduring than in other parts of the Federacy. However, even there its influence is minor. A handful of Monarchists have been elected to the state legislatures of Issyria and Andrēdan over the years, and a somewhat larger number have been elected to countyship and municipal offices. Many successful Monarchist candidates have been defectors from the ruling Southern Green-Right parties who were defeated in their original parties' primaries.

Kiro-Hekuvian Party

Kiro-Hekuvian Party

Kiro-Hekuviax Plaiduv
IdeologyIDEC membership
National Sovereigntism
Federal Cambrium
0 / 545

The Kiro-Hekuvian Party is a single-issue party advocating a strong alliance between the Federacy and Heku. It was founded in early 21207 to advocate for Kiravian observer membership in the Hekuvian-led IDEC, and is funded primarily by the Society for Capitalist Preservation. It presents itself as an alternative to the Levantian Union Party, opposing supranationalism and continental integration while still supporting extensive international commerce, international military coōperation, and a more open attitude toward Latin-speaking immigrants and expatriates. Most current party members are naturalised citizens of Hekuvian origin or Coscivian-Kiravians of partial Hekuvian descent, and membership is concentrated in the Valēka metropolitan area. Its domestic platform is based on laissez-faire capitalism and pro-business liberal conservatism. It advocates the elimination of English instruction from school curricula and its replacement by Latin as the main foreign language taught in schools. The party is headquartered on Ansalón Island, Valēka, Kiygrava, and employs agents and activists in Kartika. It intends to contest the 21208 House of Delegates election in Kiygrava and field candidates for the 21209 state elections in Kiygrava and federal elections in Kiygrava, Niyasca, and Cascada.

Bath Salts Party

Bath Salts Party

Plaiduv Sulyūkeśnúl
IdeologyDrug reform
Cultural liberalism
SloganSmoke salts erryday
Argévian Assembly
8 / 230

The Bath Salts Party is a single-issue party that opposes initiatives to ban bath salts and related grey-market recreational substances marketed as nonconsumable bath salts and fertilisers. True to form, the party's platform is also used as a moderate cover to advocate for the legalisation of popular rave drugs, especially ketamines, ecstacy, and alkyl nitrates. The party is headquartered in Pontevedra, Argévia and is most active on the West Coast, where recreational drug use is most widespread and federal drug laws are most poorly-enforced. The party's official platform concerns only drug reform and the adoption of proportional representation in state and federal legislatures, but BSP candidates have often spoken in favour of other culturally libertarian positions, such as support for consensual cannibalism, leniency in cases of nonconsensual cannibalism resulting from bath salt consumption, legalisation of prostitution, and the abolition of state and Aboriginal monopolies in the gambling industry. The BSP mostly fields candidates to local offices in localities where ordinances to prohibit or circumscribe the sale or use of bath salts have been proposed. It also campaigns for 'no' votes in local plebiscites on the same issue and conducts pro-drug public advocacy. It is headquartered in Pontevedra and holds eight seats in the Public Assembly, the purely deliberative lower house of the Argévian legislature. BSP members held 26 local offices on the West Coast and 2 elsewhere as of 21206. It has unsuccessfully applied to join the Direct Democratic Front and Liberty Group cadres.

Antidecimal Party

Anti-Decimal Party

Asokōsivkorrisēx Plaiduv
IdeologyVigesimal system
SloganBase-10: Too Mainstream for Kiravia
Railways Board
2 / 5
Election symbol

The Antidecimal Party is a single-issue party dedicated to preserving use of the vigesimal system of numerals used in most Cosco-Adratic and Celtic languages, as well as opposing proposals for currency decimalisation and adoption of the metric system in Kiravia. Its members view the abandonment of vigesimal Iatic numerals and Coscivian customary weights and measures as forsaking and Kiravian identity the millennia-old mathematical heritage of Coscivian civilisation in the name of "compatibility" and "convenience". Though mainly focused on opposing proposals for decimalisation of the saar and metrication, the Antidecimal Party has taken up the cause of defending Kiravian traditions with regard to various other weights, measures, and technical standards. It has called for the country to abandon 24-hour time and return to the Coscivian marr system, ban Arabic numerals from Kiravian military vehicles and public school textbooks, and prohibit the construction of railroads using any gauge other than the 5'3" Kiravian standard. Though the party does contest elections, mostly in Kiygrava State where it is headquartered, Endivéga, Kastera, Hiterna, and Devalōmika, it allocates very little of its budget to electoral campaigns, prioritising lobbying, issues activism, and organisational development. The party hopes to have chapters in all mainland Kiravian states, Meridia, Æonara, and the Sydona Islands within the next five years. The Anti-Decimal Party has applied for consultative status with the Conservatives and Reformists Cadre.

Font Union Party

Font Union Party

Plaiduv Anūrá Fontiúl
IdeologyFont Unionism
Butvuknoér Village Council
1 / 5

The Font Union Party is (ostensibly) the Kiravian counterpart of Font Unionist party of Pauldustllah. Both parties were founded in support of the supranational Font Union that existed between Palmeria and Sawra prior to the annexation of the latter by the former. However, unlike its Pauldustllahni counterpart, the Kiravian FUP has never sought Kiravian admission to the Font Union, and indeed, may not even understand what the Font Union is. In 21205, the FUP elected a member to the village council of Butvuknoér, Kensonia, who told the press upon his victory, "Yeah, I support fonts. Especially Wingdings! It's my favourite!"

Coscivian Parsist Party

Prohibition Party

Party for Prohibition of Alcohol

Plaiduv Asomarkakorō Ɣidrá
Fun Inspector-GeneralErnesto Che Ihātbír
Military HeadMalcom McBuzzkill
Armed wingSober State of Kirav and the Isles
SloganBooze is bad, mmkay?
Federal Cambrium
0 / 554


The Party for the Prohibition of Alcohol, also known as the Prohibition Party of the Kiravian Federacy, is an illegal political party designated as a domestic terrorist group by the Kiravian Security Executive. It is a single-issue party whose ultimate goal is the complete prohibition of alcohol in the Kiravian Federacy and all places subject to its jurisdiction. The party platform calls for the abolition of the alcoholic beverage industry and of drinking as a social and cultural institution. It seeks an amendment to the Fundamental Statute of the Kiravian Federacy that would criminalise the production, possession, sale, transportation, distribution, and consumption of any potable ethanol solution through the Federacy, its external territories, and its territorial waters and airspace. It claims that alcohol is the root cause of many social ills, including traffic accidents, spousal abuse, public urination, and the late-night texting of exes; and that it arrests Kiravian economic growth by impairing worker productivity, promoting absenteeism and missed deadlines, and dramatically reducing overall efficiency. The party's armed wing, the Sober State of Kirav and the Isles (SSKI), has conducted numerous terrorist attacks targeting breweries, distilleries, pubs, and liquor stores, resulting in a death toll of 88 civilians to date. The SSKI are believed to operate as a network of independent cells under the direction of the party's Direct Action Committee. The Domestic Security Agency suspects that the SSKI may be partially financed by foreign alcohol conglomerates who hire it to attack their Kiravian competitors' operations in order to gain an edge in the global market.