Ardmori Civil War

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Ardmori Civil War
Ardmore, Southern Levantia
Result Establishment of the Republic of Ardmore and the Ardmori Cooperative
Ardmori Cooperative
Units involved
Royal Ardmori Army
Royal Ardmori Navy
Ardmori Air Corps
 Arcer Army
Ardmori Liberation Army
National Ardmori Front
New Ardmori People's Republic
Casualties and losses
significant significant


-Socialist uprising

-King suppresses

-Everyone thinks its cool and it is over

-Foreign support

-Revitalised support through foreign weapons and fighters

-Massive battles on South island (2 key battles)

-Infighting amongst commies allows Prince Regent (King is trapped on South island) to use Arco troops and Ardmori troops to solidify position and secure north island

-Invasion of south island

-initial succes

-commies reform against new threat to the revolution

-few key battles, at least 1 stalingrad esque

-ardmori troops begin to break with mass execution of royals and armori government officials

-wavering ardmori support increases burden on arco troops

-arco generals see writing on the wall, begin an evacuation a la Manila to get loyalists to the north island

-retreat to north island (make it seem like a long march type deal)

-generic status quo

-armstice negotiated by @Kir ?

-2 countries emerge

-arco withdrawal from Levantia