Index of Urcean legislation

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This is a list of various legislative items enacted by the Conshilía Daoni in Urcea. All existing standing legislation in Urcea originates in 1885 with the enactment of the Consolidated Laws of HMCM's Kingdom and State, which consolidated all standing laws enacted prior to 1885 and nullified any other uncodified laws. Accordingly, the vast majority of laws passed since that date amend or create chapters of the Consolidated Laws, the main exception being canon law. Changes to the Guild Law are passed by the Gildertach rather than the Conshilía Daoni.

Title Year Brief Description Chapters amended
Constitutional Settlement Act 1902 Long Title: An Act to amend the Consolidated Laws of HMCM's Kingdom and State for the settlement of the Constitution

Enacted and legitimized various acts of the Conshilía Daoni taken during the Crown Regency which were retroactively declared null, including a broad array of changes to every chapter of law and major parts of Urcean governance and society.
Every chapter
Enabling Act 1903 Long Title: An Act to supersede portions of law related to the exercise of executive authority of the State

Granted to the Apostolic King of Urcea the executive power held by the Procurator and Conshilía Purpháidhe for a period until the next regularly scheduled election of the Conshilía Daoni in 1905, at such time the Act was repealed.
Unconsolidated law; superseded the Executive Law and various other sections of law related to the authority of the Procurator and Purpháidhe ministers
National Banking Act 1909 Long Title: An Act to amend the Debtor and Creditor Law and to constitute a chapter of the Consolidated Laws of HMCM's Kingdom and State

Reinforced the principals of Levantine banking and finance after they had been loosened or suspended under the Enabling Act of 1903 and subsequent acts.
Debtor and Creditor Law
Financial Services Law (Established)
State Motorization Act 1925 Long Title: An Act making appropriations for the procurement of motorized vehicles for public purposes

Provided a large scale monetary appropriation for the procurement of trucks and automobiles for public purposes. The Act was used to procure vehicles for all parts of the Government of Urcea, but most funding under the Act would provide for the motorization of the armed forces. The Act also included appropriations to provinces to help develop a paved roadway system.
Unconsolidated law/appropriation
Economic Transportation Act 1972 Long Title: An Act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to the use of automotive-based transportation of goods

Prohibited the use of tractor trailers for transportation of goods within Urcea beyond last mile services; in most cases, the Act prohibits use of these vehicles for deliveries beyond that of fifty miles without a special permit.
Vehicle and Traffic Law
Privilege Consolidation Act 1982 Long Title: An Act to amend the Constitutional Settlement Act of 1902 for the purposes of consolidating grants of honor

Simplified the hierarchy of precedence and honors for Urcea's life peerage system into four tiers.
Unconsolidated law
Redundancy Elimination Act 1985 Long Title: An Act to amend the Executive Law, the Transportation Law, and the Transportation Corporations Law for the purposes of eliminating certain Purpháidhe ministries

Eliminated the Ministry of Transportation as a standalone part of the Conshilía Purpháidhe and embedded agencies and departments of that Ministry within the Ministry of Commerce.
Executive Law
Transportation Law
Transportation Corporations Law
Judicial and Appointment Term Act 1989 Long Title: An Act to amend the Executive Law, the Judiciary Law, and the Public Officers Law relating to the appointment of officers of the court

Enacted a non-partisan process for the appointment of judges to Urcea's hierarchy of courts and prohibited political affiliation by officers of the court during their tenure as an officer.
Executive Law
Judiciary Law
Public Officers Law
Family Living Act 2003 Long Title: An Act to amend the Executive Law, Multiple Dwelling and Residence Law, the Public Housing Law, the Real Property Law, and the Tax Law regarding sale of homes to extended family bidding entities and the development of property for residential use

Requires builders of subdivisions to offer bidding by extended family groups before individually selling each house to individual ownership groups, and made several conforming changes across the law to this end, including significant alterations to Urcea's public housing system.
Executive Law
Multiple Dwelling and Residence Law
Public Housing Law
Real Property Law
Tax Law
King's Health Aid Act 2007 Long Title: An Act to amend the Public Health Law and National Finance Law, in relation to enacting the King's Health Aid program

Enacts universal multi-payer healthcare system, creating the King's Health Aid a public healthcare provider alongside existing private insurers.
Public Health Law
National Finance Law
Crona Organic Act 2010 Long Title: An Act providing for the governance of His Most Christian Majesty's territories in Crona

Formally divested Urcea of ownership of the Rectory of New Harren and provided the legal groundwork for the establishment of the Kingdom of New Harren.
Rectory and Overseas Territory Law
Connectivity Act 2012 Long Title: An Act to amend the Family Living Act of 2003 and National Finance Law related to the construction of mass transportation infrastructure

Creates a system of national subsidies to local public transportation systems for the construction of new mass transportation lines, such as buses, trains, and light rail, to "urban town and country" communities.
Multiple Dwelling and Residence Law
National Finance Law
Administrative Reorganization Act 2016 Long Title: An Act to amend the Diplomatic Law, Duties and Customs Law, Executive Law, Foreign Dependencies Law, Military Law, Rectory and Overseas Territory Law for the purposes of creating and eliminating certain Purpháidhe ministries

Eliminated the Ministry of Overseas Territories as a standalone part of the Conshilía Purpháidhe and embedded agencies and departments of that Ministry within the Ministry of Administration of the Realm; created the Ministry of National Security from parts of various other ministries.
Diplomatic Law
Duties and Customs Law
Executive Law
Foreign Dependencies Law
Military Law
Rectory and Overseas Territory Law
Royal and Provincial Tax Act 2020 Long Title: An Act to amend the Crownland Law, Province Law, and State Law, repealing provisions of the Constitutional Settlement Act and providing for state revenue

Repealed subdivision-specific tax structures and implemented a national personal income tax.
Crownland Law
Province Law
State Law
Tax Law
Sustainable Greenspace Act 2022 Long Title: An Act to amend the Family Living Act of 2003 in relation to floral growth requirements

Requires builders of subdivisions to use plants friendly to pollinators in the construction of exurban developments.
Multiple Dwelling and Residence Law
Real Property Law
Protocols Act 2023 Long Title: An Act amending the Diplomatic Law and Foreign Dependencies Law regarding diplomatic protocols between Ministers of HMCM's Government and certain nations

Removed the Ministry of State as official diplomatic intermediary between the Government of Urcea and members of the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association, allowing Urcean government ministries to interact directly with administrations of those nations.
Diplomatic Law
Foreign Dependencies Law
Commonwealth Investment Act 2024 Long Title: An Act amending the Banking and Lending Law, the Executive Law, the Foreign Dependencies Law, and the National Finance Law for the establishment of shared commonwealth values in Crona; makes appropriations

Established the Agency for Cronan Economic Development and Department of National and Institutional Development for the purpose of promoting shared commmonwealth values in Crona as well as for the development of the postwar economy of both occupied Varshan and members of the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association by means of microloans and other economic development policy tools.
Banking and Lending Law
Executive Law
Foreign Dependencies Law
National Finance Law
Nysdra Development Additional Appropriation Act 2025 Long Title: An Act amending the Executive Law and making appropriations for the purposes of statebuilding in Crona

Expanded the role of the Department of National and Institutional Development to complete the work of dividing mandatory Venua'tino into independent states.
Executive Law
Foreign Occupation Act 2027 Long Title: An Act to amend the Military Law and Rectory and Overseas Territory Law relating to the appointment of Military Rectors

Removed the requirement that theater commanders serve as the military governor of Military Rectories in certain instances; allowed Procuratorial discretion in appointments.
Military Law
Rectory and Overseas Territory Law
Pilot Economy Act 2029 Long Title: An Act to amend the Business Corporation Law, the Debtor and Creditor Law, the Tax Law, etc., for the purposes of implementing the Pilot Economy Act of 2029

Enacted parts of the proposed Model Economy relating to incentives for businesses to change their structures; repeals in 2033.
Business Corporation Law
Debtor and Creditor Law
Employers' Liability Law
Estates, Powers and Trusts Law
Financial Services Law
Partnership Law
Tax Law
Workers' Compensation Law
Protocols Act 2032 Long Title: An Act to amend the Diplomatic Law and Foreign Dependencies Law, repealing certain provisions of a Chapter of the Laws of 2023

Largely repealed the Protocols Act of 2023, reinstating requirements that interaction with Nysdra Sea Treaty Association members be done through proper diplomatic channels and the Ministry of State; provided an exemption from this requirement for the Department of National and Institutional Development and Agency for Cronan Economic Development.
Diplomatic Law
Foreign Dependencies Law