Ĥeiran Coscivians

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Ensciryan Coscivians, also known as Ĥeiran Coscivians are a cohort of Coscivian ethnic groups. Today they comprise approximately a quarter of the Kiravian population and are present in most other Coscivian countries.

Population245 million
StockÉorsan (Akúvaric)
LanguageEnsciryan languages
ReligionInsular Christian (predominant)
Catholic (minority)
SubgroupsSee below
Related GroupsIgórians, Vèuskans, Féinem, Kiravian Celts
RegionEastern Highlands
Eastern Seaboard
Upper Northwest


Following the closely related Vèuskans, the Ensciryans were the earliest Cosco-Adratic speaking people to venture westard into Éorsa from the Coscivian urheimat of Adraïa and reach the shores of the Aquaric Ocean. Variously displacing or assimilating the autocthonous P'ter peoples, the Ensciryans came to occupy most of modern-day Kóursedan and Ispadan, as well as isolated pockets of territory further east. In the late 15th millennium (Iatic calendar), a subgroup of the Ensciryans settled the Northwestern Isles of Vryta and Æredan.

For the majority of their history, the Ensciryan peoples lived in small chiefdoms, tending to crops and livestock, and practised a religion combining ancestor worship with aspects of pandeïsm with henotheïsm and transcendental idealism. The Ensciryans living on the Éorsan mainland gradually came under the rule of the expanding Coscivian Empire, and assimilated into its Iatic-speaking culture except in the most peripheral and isolated areas. While the Empire eventually took possession of southern Vryta, the remaining Insular Ensciryan territories did not come under Imperial rule until well into the Second Empire.

During the 8th Century anno Domini, Hiberno-Scottish Christian missionaries reached Éorsa by sea and attempted to evangelise the inhabitants. While the Antaric and Iatic peoples of the Imperial mainland were generally unreceptive to their message, the missionaries found it easy to relate to and communicate with the Insular Ensciryans, whose culture and lifestyle was similar to their own. The Insular Ensciryans were wholly converted in under a century, and intermarried with successive waves of Celtic clerics, traders, and emigrants.


Ensciryans are known for their literary culture.

Ensciryan Coscivians have a rich literary culture [Picture of the Ensciryan variant of the Iatic script], with Classical Ensciryan (Old Æran-Kaltan) being the longest continuously written Coscivian language after High Coscivian and Eskean. The Ensciryan regions were the intellectual powerhouse of the Coscivian world from the Interimperial Period well into the Silver Age, and Ensciryan scholars were sought after across the Coscivian Empire as teachers, jurists, political advisors, and theologians. Ensciryans are regarded (and regard themselves) as having an inborn talent for rhetoric and wordplay, and have made major contributions to Coscivian poetry and literature out of proportion to their population. Scalta, a spoken word art form based on the rapid, rhythmic delivery of wordplay and quick turns of phrase, developed in Ensciryan ethnic neighbourhoods of Kiravian cities during the 21080s and has been incorporated into Kiravian popular music on a large scale.

[Clans, kinship, and community structure]

[Comparative individualism, esp. among Kainans and Kelnordans]

[Crofting, Pastoralism, and other lifestyle/landscape information] [Sylviculture, Permacultures, Forest agirculture or whatever the fuck]

Freedom and privacy are highly prized, and it is taboo to criticise or correct another in a matter that is considered "his business".

The Ensciryan peoples are noted for their high degree of gender parity. Ensciryan women have always been held as equal to men under customary law, and predominantly Ensciryan localities have very high rates of female participation in politics.

Illustration from an early Ensciryan monastic manuscript of a monk drinking beer.

Originating in the cold, rainy, and windswept fringes of Éorsa where cereals were the staple crop, Ensciryan Coscivians maintain venerable brewing and distilling traditions and a well-developed alcohol culture. Pubs and taverns are the central locus of community life among Ensciryans.


Ensciryan Coscivians are almost exclusively Christians, predominantly affiliated with the Insular Apostolic Church, which practices the Celtic Rite of Christianity. Ensciryans were the first Coscivians outside of South Kirav to convert to Christianity, and led the effort to evangelise the Kir and other Coscivian peoples. Insular Christianity is an important marker of Ensciryan identity, and the Insular Church plays a central role in the spiritual, social, and cultural life of Ensciryan communities. The literary and intellectual heritage of the Ensciryan peoples is strongly anchored in the scholarly endeavours of Insular Apostolic monasteries. A small minority of Ensciryans practice Insular Christianity under the auspices of the Ancient Celtic Church, which separated from the Insular Apostolic Church in [YEAR] over objections to liturgical and administrative reforms.

However, the largest non-Apostolic minority among the Ensciryan peoples are Catholics. 60% of Kastrovans and 30-40% of West Coast Kaltans, West Coast Ærans, and West Coast Armakans are Catholic. Smaller percentages of East Coast Ensciryans are Catholic or Coscivian Orthodox, largely confined to lowlanders, coastal urbanised populations, and the offspring of mixed marriages. Smaller Sectarian minorities include the 20-30% Discipular contingent among the Kainans in South-Central Kirav and the Trinitarian Universalists found in some Highland communities.

There are very small communities of Iduans and Ruricans of Kaltan ethnicity. Northern Kelnordans practice Insular Apostolic Christianity in syncretism with Læstorianism.


Owing to their large population and socioeconomic diversity, Ensciryans can be found in all positions on the Kiravian political map, and Ensciryans regularly vote and provide candidates for all of the major Stanora caucuses. However, owing to their strong cultural values of freedom, privacy, distrust of governmental authority, and long history of voluntary social relations, Ensciryans comprise a major portion of the Liberty Group's voter base. Many historians and political sciences have theorised that Ensciryan Coscivians are largely responsible for the libertarian, decentralist, and "ain't broke, don't fix it" underpinnings of Kiravian political culture, while Taństem Coscivians and Antaric Coscivians contributed its modernising, centralist, and reformist tendancies.

Because of their long history of poverty, marginalisation, and foreign domination in Éorsa, Ensciryans tend to take hardline positions on issues of fiscal policy and national sovereignty. A 21204 poll in Fariva found that Ærem were the group least likely to support a Levantian Union at 2%, as opposed to 15% for Venskem, 19% for Tańrisem, and 30% for Kostiatem.

Physical Characteristics

Ensciryan Coscivian populations have the lowest average melanin levels of all (generally pale) Éorsan Coscivians. Ærans customarily describe their complexions as either folbiĥ ("white"), plistraĥ ("freckled"), or uruapástaĥ ("ruddy"). Blue and green eyes predominate among the Black-Disciple Ensciryans, while the Gangster-Disciple Ensciryans have rates of grey irides more similar to the Éorsan average.

Coscivian ethnic groups of Akúvaran stock are known for their high frequency of left-handedness, and this phenomenon is most extreme among the Black-Disciple Ensciryans, a supermajority of whom are left-handed (80% of Triśkans, 74% of Kaltans, 61% of Ærans). Synæsthesia is also exceptionally common among Ensciryans, with the Cíortem and Heĥtem having perhaps the highest incidence of synæsthesia in the world (1 in 100 individuals).

Geographic Distribution

Ensciryan Coscivians can be found throughout the Kiravian Federacy, except in a few of the most isolated colonies. Outside of their traditional homelands, Ensciryans can be found in large numbers in the metropolitan areas of the Eastern Seaboard, Middle Kirav, and Upper Kirav, and have also settled heavily in [NS], [NI], Hiterna, and Verakośa. Kaltans have settled heavily in certain lowland areas of Trinatria, and various Ĥeiran groups (Ærans first among them) migrated to the growing cities of the Baylands *en masse* during the industrial era.

Ensciryans and Kiravian Celts have long been at the forefront of Kiravian overseas expansion, and many Kiravian overseas possessions have owe large segments of their populations to Ensciryan pioneers. The overseas colony of Enscirya is 90% Ensciryan and is now regarded as the new global centre of Ensciryan culture. All Ensciryan groups are represented among its population, and all Ensciryan languages share co-official status in the colony. Other colonies with large Ensciryan components of their population include Irobria (68% Ærem), Prithera (50% Phryðiem, 40% Kaltem), Intærmec Islands (40% Kaltem), Lānkova (32% Kyrnem, 8% Ĥymrem), Nerþalia (30% Ĥymrem, 30% Kaltem), the Scotchpine Republic, and Cèuvara. The population of Saint Kennera have substantial Ĥeiran ancestry and maintain strong Ĥeiran influences in their culture.

The bulk of Cíortans, Eligtans, and Heĥtans live in rural block villages in the Eastern Highlands and Transateranda.

Ensciryan Peoples

Black Disciples sets

  • Kaltan Coscivians
  • Æran Coscivians
  • Triśkan Coscivians
  • Heĥtan Coscivians
  • Eligtan Coscivians
  • Cíortan Coscivians

Insane BDs

  • Kainan Coscivians - Say they BD but they still BDK.

Gangster Disciples sets

  • Phrydhian Coscivians
  • Ĥynran & Kernan Coscivians
  • Armakan Coscivians
  • Kastrovan Coscivians

Insane GDs

  • Eńlan Coscivians - Say they GD but they still GDK.


  • Èulugian Coscivians
  • Iyrlan Coscivians
  • Isléan Coscivians
  • Sotlederian Coscivians
  • Immraman Coscivians
  • Selkrans - A group of 2,000 farmers in Manida
  • Mandhanem - Small community in Central Livensóla
  • Śapatsans - Mixed ethnic group native to Southeastern Great Kirav descended from Kawati aboriginals and Kaltan settlers.