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Anti-Ænglish sentiment or Ænglophobia means opposition to, dislike of, fear of, or hatred towards Ænglish people. The widespread influence of Ænglish people and Ænglish-controlled polities over the course of world history has contributed to the spread of Ænglophobic sentiments in many countries.

In Levantia



Kiravia is, by many assessments, the most Ænglophobic society in all of Ixnay. According to the Madisar-based Fariva Contra-Xenophobic Society, "Ænglish-speakers and persons of real or perceived Ænglish descent face intense and pervasive antipathy from the general Kiravian population, including the educated classes, and routinely encounter overt discrimination in the legal, economic, and cultural spheres." Ænglophobia in Kiravia overlaps with general Anti-Occidental sentiment in the country, but the former is more deeply rooted than the later, dating back to the Cromwelute depredations. During the Late Imperial and Viceregal Periods, the Coscivian, Celtic, and Finno-Ugrian populations of Great Kirav were subjected to raiding and conquest by the para-Ænglian Cromwelute tribes of the Kilikas, who were known for their savagery towards enemy populations and their passion for mass slaughter of noncombatants, slavery, torture, and religious desecration, which engendered deep fear and emnity towards Cromwelutes among Kiravians culminating in the celebrated Cromwelute Genocide that accompanied the Kiravian victory in the Cromwelute Wars. Most historians believe that the eradication of Cromwelutes from Upper and Northeastern Great Kirav was either total or near-total, and may constitute one of the earliest episodes of comprehensive genocide in Ixnayan history.

The Cromwelute Genocide is commemorated annually on Sāxna Būraktorsk Gromhélulya, a federal holiday. Observance of the holiday centres on Ænglophobia and customs glorifying the genocide. For example, most urban neighbourhoods, towns, and villages across Upper Kirav and the Eastern Seaboard host their own mock-Cromwelute funeral involving the mutilation and burning in effigy of Cromwelutes, usually inside a simulated Cromwelute longship. Though quite disturbing to foreigners and regularly eliciting strongly-worded letters of complaint from governments of Ænglo-Germanic nations, the holiday is uncontroversial within Kiravia.

In several federal subjects, such as Ilánova, Koskenkorva, and Mariava, there are still state and local laws on the books authorizing (or even compelling) able-bodied citizens to kill Ænglos on sight. Such a law was last invoked in 1978 A.D. when a Mariavite man, Cúchulainn mac Mágach, was acquitted for the murder of Nigel Proddingham, a visiting Ænglish photographer, in the course of a dispute involving a bag of frozen peas. A federal court later ruled Mariava's statute invalid for contradicting international treaties, but the acquittal stood.

Ethnic Ænglish and native speakers of the Ænglish language are severely discriminated against in the points-based Kiravian immigration and naturalisation priority systems, earning points penalties of -600 and -1,000 for their ethnicity and language, respectively.