Bureau of State Protection

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The Bureau of State Protection or BSP is the secret police of the Democratic Republic of Corumm. Responsible for internal security, foreign intelligence, counter-intelligence and border security among many other tasks. The Chairman of the BSP reports directly to the Chancellor of the Republic and is not answerable to any other ministry or legislative body.

Bureau of State Protection
The emblem of the BSP
Agency overview
Preceding agency
  • Commission of Public Safety
HeadquartersBuilding 82, Government Quarter
Mirzak, Corumm
Motto"If there is no enemy, he should be created."
Agency executive
  • Heshen Shenbao, Chairman


The Bureau of State Protection is the direct institutional continuation of the Commission of Public Safety that existed under the military regime for the entirety of the post-imperial era. After 1992 Linge Chen and the Party of Corummese Democrats renamed the commission and began transferring members of the PCD's organization department into leadership positions at the renamed bureau. A partial purge ensued with many agents perceived as unreliable being disappeared. For those that remained of the pre-1992 structure, Party membership became mandatory. The curricula was modified to include PCD ideology and most notably a book written by Linge Chen, the Management of Brutality. The changes in training and the influx of ideologically motivated agents into the organization resulted in a more ruthless approach being used on security matters as exemplified by one of its more notorious official actions, Operation Brakion. Whereas the Committee of Public Safety might have simply arrested or condemned Shen Doik to internal exile, the BSP determined that he be humilliated and executed in brutal fashion.

By mid-1993 the BSP had been given the directive to begin the repression of the Communist Party of Corumm (CPC) and its armed wing, the Army of Common Men (ACM). Operation Dendron decapitated the communist political leadership and left the party directionless however the cell structure of the ACM prevented most of its leaders from being found out and killed. Dendron marked the beginning of a bloody period of state terrorism as the government sought to crush the armed resistance of the ACM by any means necessary. Hundreds of thousands of left-wing activists, students, journalists, writers and anyone suspected of sympathizing with the political left were imprisoned, tortured and killed. The ACM responded by unleashing a wave of terrorist bombings, hit and run attacks on military and police targets and killing of government employees as reprisals. Increasing efficiency in intel gathering on the ACM resulted in the design and implementation of Operation Eschaton, which succeeded in killing hundreds of leadership figures all across the country.


Suspected Operations

  • Operation Brakion - The secret arrest and murder of Shen Doik, chief advisor and widely suspected power behind the throne of the previous regime. Immediately after the PCD victory, Doik left the country and took up residence in the Cape. In October 1994 BSP agents successfully kidnapped him in Cape Town and put him on a plane to Corumm. It is suspected that Doik was tortured and murdered aboard the plane and his corpse thrown somewhere in the Ocean of Cathay. Brakion was the first of many similar operations against former members of the military regime.
  • Operation Panoptes - Operation Panoptes refers to the concerted effort to expand surveillance of opposition politicians on both the left and right after the PCD victory. With the Ministry of Justice 'untying' its hands, the BSP began massively bugging private homes and offices, constant tapping of telephone and internet based conversations, intercepting and opening mail. Parallel operations were undertaken by tax authorities to create a database of opposition politicians and their assets, legal and illegal.
  • Operation Dendron - A two part operation, the first part was the orchestrated mass arrest and physical liquidation of the entire national and regional leadership figures of the Communist Party of Corumm. The second part was the taking of the infant children of the victims and their induction into BSP-run institutes to be raised as government assets.
  • Operation Eschaton - The targeted killing of leadership cadres of the Army of Common Men beginning in March 1995. The killings mostly took the form of car bombs, poisoning and in at least five instances with a remotely controlled machine gun. The operation lasted approximately two years and its success was a necessary precondition for the later Operation Maniphage. During Eschaton approximately 430 people were asassinated.
  • Operation Maniphage - The gradual infiltration of the leadership ranks of the Army of Common Men. In the months before the start of Operation Eschaton, BSP agents joined the ACM as low level operatives. The BSP's targeted decimation of the leadership forced the ACM to progressively rely on newer but apparently loyal members to fill the yawning gaps in the organization. By late 1995 seven out of the ten members of the ACM's Directorate were BSP infiltrators. The new leadership proceeded to direct the ACM into even more radical actions, especially against civilians. This caused whatever popular support it still had, to completely collapse.