
Revision as of 09:03, 1 April 2023 by Puertego (talk | contribs)

The People's Republic of Puertego commonly called Puertego, is a Unitary Marxist-Leninist Presidential Republic currently under the rule of President Matthias Torres the leader since 2001 though since the enacting of various capitalist policies the legitimacy of them calling themselves Marxist-Leninist has been questioned. It is bordered on the north by Pelaxia and Volonia and on the west by the Natiserve Bay. Puertego covers 1,185,182 square kilometers and has an estimated population of 65 million. Puertego comprises of 12 states and 1 territory.

Puertego ("The People's Republic of Puertego")

La República Popular de Puertego (Spanish)
Motto: "Hacia adelante y hacia adelante para siempre"
("Foreward and onward forever")
Anthem: Your song
      Location of XXX (dark green)
In XXX (gray)
CapitalSan Lina
Largest cityCapital
Official languagesSpanish,
Puertegan Unified Church
Demonym(s)Puertegan (noun)

Puertegan (adjective)

Puertegans (plural)
GovernmentUnitary Marxist-Leninist Dominant Party Presidential Republic
• President
Matthias Torres
LegislatureNational Assembly
• Independance
January 18th, 1904
• Total
[convert: invalid number]
• Estimate
65 million
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$322.418 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyDamillo ((DMO))
Driving sideright

Puertego was first a collection of tribes that inhabited its modern-day borders and the land around it until the first empire of the region came to be. Puertego was originally colonized by the Spanish in the mid 1500's under the name of Puerto Negro because of the large number of slaves moving through and that were in the colony, things got better slowly with the numbers of slaves slowly decreasing until the outlawing of slavery in 1811 where all of them were freed. However, Puertego was still largely impoverished and ruled over my oppressive colonial overlords who brutally repressed the people when they demanded change and treated their newly freed workers almost the same as they did when they were slaves causing multiple large-scale revolts until the country finally gained its independence in a war against Spain in 1904 with one of the last things the Spanish did when they still had control was build a canal which has been a vital part of Puertego's economy ever since. After independence the country fell into the sphere of influence of the Americans who installed multiple puppet dictators to run the country as a banana republic with conditions barely improving for the workers, corruption running rampant, and any industry that wasn't mining or agriculture going bankrupt. The country stayed like this until the end of WW2 where multiple protests and revolts finally got the government to begin transitioning to democracy, however both the Soviets and the Americans almost immediately began to meddle in the country's elections with the Puertegan Conservative Party and the Puertegan Labor Party cyclically taking power and cracking down on the other when they gained power until 1972 when the American government authorized a military coup where a fascist dictator took power, banning political parties until he was overthrown by a communist revolution in 1980 with the country being ruled as a one party state until 1992 where a civil war between the hardline Communist Red Flag party and the reformist Communist White Flag Party broke out ending in 1997 when the Communist White Flag party won and assumed control of the government. The Communist White Flag party is still the incumbent party in the nation's government and them having lost either their majority in parliament or a presidential election for one of their candidates, President Matthias Torres has served as the President of Puertego for 22 years as a member of the party and has taken large measures to liberalize the country's economy preventing stagnation.

Puertego is a regional and middle power in international politics. Puertego is considered a developing, lower-middle income, and newly industrialized country, a large portion of their economy is made by natural resources and industry. The government of Puertego is considered a hybrid regime which maintains elections that are regular and free though not fair while also having strong authoritarian powers such as the ability to crack down on freedoms such as speech, assembly, association, and the press with the country constantly being ranked one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists having at least 400 actively serving prison time for defamation charges pressed on them by the government and having an extremely poor record with human rights including torture, arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial executions, and unfair trials among many others along with massive levels of corruption and censorship. The country tries to maintain a neutral policy in foreign affairs to try and keep trade good with all countries.

Puertego is a member of the League of Nations.


Why is your country called what it is? What is the source of that word or phrase?


What is a general overview of your country's path through history?

First era

How was your country originally settled?

Second era

What were the first political structures of your country? Did it have any very early rivals or was it controlled by a foreign country?

Third era

What were your country's first major moves on an international level?

Fourth era

Did your country ever have a period of significant decline or internal struggle?

Fifth era

Was your country subject to imperialism later in its life, or was it an imperial power?

Sixth era

How did the 20th century affect your country?


What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?

Climate and environment

Is your country hot or cold?

Government and Politics

How is your country ruled or governed?


Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?


What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?


What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?


What kind of people live in your country?


Self-reported ethnic origin in the XXX (20XX)

  1 People (81.4%)
  2 People (7.2%)
  3 People (3.8%)
  4 People (2.8%)
  5 People (2.2%)
  6 People (1.4%)
  Other (1.2%)

What ethnic groups make up your country?


What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?


Religious affiliations in the XXX (20XX)

  Religion 1 (94.5%)
  Religion 2 (1.7%)
  Religion 3 (1.3%)
  Religion 4 (.5%)
  Religion 5 (2%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


How many people in your country are educated?

Culture and Society

What do your people do, and what are they like?


What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?

Attitudes and worldview

How do your country's people view life?

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


What do your people eat?


What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?

Economy and Infrastructure

The economy of Puertego is considered a mixed model economy based largely on natural resource extraction primarily via agriculture and mining and manufacturing primarily of steel, chemicals, and textiles. The economic liberalizations brought by the incumbent president have switched the country from an extraction based planned economy to one split between extraction and industry, the country has adopted much greater economic freedoms than it had under any previous governments with the Special Investment Zones established under him meant to attract foreign investment through very reduced regulations and taxes to business operating there, though the government also maintains monopolies with their state run industries which operate in utilities and natural resources. Economic growth in the nation has been relatively steady with the economy growing by an average of 6-7% each year since 2001 primarily attributed to the Special Investment Zones established at the time, foreign investors in Puertego get many benefits from the government including temporary subsidies for their investments and not having the full amount of their wealth made from it taxed. The poverty rate in Puertego is around 1 in 5 Puertetgans living below the poverty line, in addition the Puertegan government offers very little in terms of social welfare for average citizens, this combination means that there is a large amount of street crime in the nation's cities and a large black market as well with this being allowed to happen by pervasive corruption in almost all levels of the government.

Industries and Sectors

What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?


What exchange systems are used within your country's economy?


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?


How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?