Immigration law by country

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Immigration law refers to the national statutes, regulations, and legal precedents governing immigration into and deportation from a country. Strictly speaking, it is distinct from other matters such as naturalization and citizenship, although they are sometimes conflated. Countries frequently maintain laws that regulate both the rights of entry and exit as well as internal rights, such as the duration of stay, freedom of movement, and the right to participate in commerce or government.

Immigration laws vary around the world and throughout history, according to the social and political climate of the place and time, as the acceptance of immigrants sways from the widely inclusive to the deeply nationalist and isolationist. National laws regarding the immigration of citizens of that country are regulated by international law. The League of Nations' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights mandates that all countries allow entry to their own citizens.

Overview list

Country/territory Nationality Immigration Details Changes to immigration laws
  Caphiria Caphirian nationality law
  Cartadania Cartadanian nationality law Immigration to Cartadania is a dynamic process that can vary based on many factors. National origin is a big component in immigration, as is the duration of the prior residency. The usual standard is that citizenship in Cartadania is granted after 5 years of permanent residence. -
  Faneria Fhainnin Immigration to and citizenship of Faneria are separate issues. Citizenship is only available by application and the payment of a small maintenance fee, while residence is granted by birth or by naturalization. Immigration to Faneria is typically work-related or cross-border/dual-nationality due to the large Fhainnin community in southwestern Fiannria.
  Kiravia Kiravian nationality law Immigration to Kiravia Immigration to Kiravia is usually a mistake.