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Country Kiravian Federacy
Capital Sarolasdra
Population Q,XYZ,000
Captain-General A.D. Vikontarév
President D.H. Fanakatin
Stanora seats 2
Official languages Australic Coscivian?
Postal Abbreviation N/A

Sarolasta (Saxon: "Moonlight") is a theme of the Kiravian Federacy comprising a large island of the same name in the Polynesian Sea, south of Crona, as well as minor outlying islands.


Federal subjects

Flag Classification Province name Capital City Praetor Population (2030 Census)

Overseas Territory StateA Sarolasdra Taxus Elvoren 1,984,000
Overseas State StateB Saar-Kírūra Séamlus Ripov 1,984,000
Overseas State StateC WIIC City Antonin R. 1,984,000
Overseas Territory StateD Krak des Cheveaux Maccus Donaldus 1,984,000
File:Flag of slowjamastan.png Overseas State StateE Alofasar Nikoláus Déimorian 1,984,000
Overseas State StateF Taigovæloa Tadéus Tersinêv 1,984,000
Overseas State StateG Halotisar Lentia Tertakin 1,984,000
Overseas State StateH Ngatra Rallin Soterion 1,984,000


[Austronesian inhabitants] [Coscivian colonisation] [During KFR exile] [Post-Restoration]

Politics & Governance


Society & Culture

The majority of the Sarolastan population is of indigenous stock with some degree of Éorsan Coscivian admixture. 25-32% are fully or primarily of Éorsan Coscivian ancestry. There are many specific mestiśuv ethnicities formed by intermarriage between one Coscivian subgroup and one indigenous people. The largest of these are the Paisonic-Aymang and Paisonic-Ailmao. The Éorsan Coscivian contribution to the Sarolastan cultural mélange is provided mainly by Paisonic, Lusan, Kastrovan, Eskean, Tebnan, Kerēgulan, Vèuskan, [the usual seafaring groups], Æonaran/Umcaran, and Westcoastmarine/Serradan Coscivians.

There is a significant minority of Corummese and mixed Corummese-Polynesian descent.

During the exile period, the Federalist government implemented major reforms on Sarolasta to prevent rebellion. This included recognising all native and mestiśuv communities practicing monotheism, monogamy, tuva, and [other key Coscivian hallmarks] as Coscivians and inviting their customary kings and chieftains to pledge fealty to the Basswood Emperor.

[Leftover minorities from other nations’ colonisation attempts?]

[Languages] [Creole languages]

76% of Sarolastans adhere to the Catholic Church, overwhelmingly to the Coscivian Rite. Minority Christian sects include the Coscivian Orthodox and Independent Orthodox churches, Æglasta-i-Xristul, and Mormonism. Some Kastrovans and Kastrovan-Mestizos are Insular Apostolic. Among the Éorsan Coscivian population there are minorities adhering to Ruricanism, Iduanism, and Komarism.

Sarolasta has a Muslim community.
