Greater Canaery

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Greater Canaery is a term referring to the Urcean provinces and crownlands of Canaery, Gabban, western New Audonia, western Sanctissimo Sacramento, and most of Kingsvale, although portions of that province are also considered to be part of the Urcean frontier. Greater Canaery describes portions of Urcea which are either primarily inhabited by Caenish people or have significant Caenish influences. The region's borders in part descend from areas which were part of the Electorate of Canaery and the counties of Gabban and Goldin, all of which were ruled by nobility of Caenish origin. Accordingly, many people in this region refer to themselves as Urceo-Caens, and Urcea's political parties have historically adopted a more Caenish social approach in the area with strong emphasis on local cultural issues.