Caphirian nationality law

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Caphirian nationality law is the law that determines who is a citizen of the Imperium of Caphiria. The concepts of citizenship (civitatulas) and nationality (agrum) are clearly distinguished with important political and legal status.

Citizenship is the most coveted possession of a resident of the Imperium. Once acquired, a citizen (cives) can serve in the military, run for political offices, join embassies, and is able to participate in the Imperium's universal health and education systems. Citizenship is irrevocable without extreme violations of national law - demonstrable guilt in treason, perjury, barratry, or desertion. Citizens are exempt from the painful death penalties and guaranteed the Legion's protection when traveling outside the limits of the empire.

A non-citizen of Caphiria (incivile), are legal residents of Caphiria who are not eligible for citizenship. These non-citizens have the right to enter, work, and live within the Imperium as permanent residents but don't have the same voting rights as citizens and are barred from holding most public offices. Additionally, non-citizens are subject to a higher income tax (and pay higher taxes/fees on goods and services).

For a person to be a cives (citizen) they must be 16 years of age or older and since 1955, female citizenship has been identical to male citizenship. Neither marriage to a citizen nor birth from one Caphirian parent can guarantee automatic citizenship. Still, it is possible for a son or daughter of a lone Caphirian to seek citizenship through military service and an eventual request to a provincial Praetor.

Acquisition of citizenship

There are three types and ways to acquire citizenship - birthright, naturalized, and proclamative:


Citizenship by birthright is based on jus sanguinis. According to the Constitution, any child born to two Caphirian citizens, or any child born that possess at least 51% Latin ethnicity, is automatically conferred with Caphirian nationality and will be granted citizenship upon reaching the adult age of 16. Additionally, foundlings recovered within the Imperium's borders are considered citizens by birth if it cannot be proven that these persons are in possession of another citizenship. Children born to foreigners do not have the right to citizenship, but may be given nationality if they have a Caphiric father or grandfather.

Referendum LXIIDL

Passed in 1948, Referendum LXIIDL altered access to birthright citizenship by extending it to some categories of citizens who for historical reasons, in connection with war events, were still excluded. The referendum contained provisions to recognize Caphirian citizenship for those persons who were born and residing in the Imperium's annexed territories during the Second Great War. This recognition was available also to their descendants, up to three generations. Recognition of this citizenship under Referendum LXIIDL was given only to applicants, and the provision expired 1 January, 2028.



Loss of citizenship

Dual nationality

Travel freedom

See also