Polynesian Sea Muslim diaspora

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The Muslim diaspora resulting from the Daxian conquest of Truk in 1676 was characterized by a widespread dispersal across the Polynesian Sea, with many seeking refuge in various neighboring regions. Prominent among the destinations for the displaced Truk Muslims were the Saukhin Islands, at the time under the rule of the Polynesian Tapkoii Kingdom. Here, a receptive Polynesian environment provided a somewhat familiar cultural backdrop for the refugees, facilitating their integration into a society that shared some historical and cultural ties with Truk.

Additionally, the Sarolasta archipelago, controlled by Kiravian authorities, became another significant haven for the Trukian Muslim diaspora. The Kiravians, known for their pragmatic approach to cultural assimilation, accommodated the influx of Trukian refugees, fostering a milieu where the synthesis of Truk's Polynesian-Islamic heritage found a place alongside the dominant Kiravian cultural norms. Trukian refugees received some assistance from the Wakf for the Benefit of the Ummah in the South Seas, a charity organised by Kiravian Muslims in Tolôn led by Sunni Imam Aliraxmon Munsavaribn.

Takatta Loa, with its historical connection to the Islamic mystic Sayed Ali Qumi, who had played a pivotal role in Truk's conversion to Islam, became a natural destination for the displaced Trukian Muslims. The presence of shared religious roots and cultural affinities facilitated a relatively smoother integration for the refugees within the Takatta Loa community.

The diaspora also extended to Almadaria, where Trukian Muslims found sanctuary in an environment shaped by a historical concoction of diverse influences. The Almadarian society, characterized by a blend of indigenous and external elements, welcomed the Truk refugees, contributing to the cultural mosaic of the region.

Furthermore, the Kingdom of Oustec became a notable destination for the Trukian Muslim diaspora, adding another layer of diversity to the Oustec cultural landscape.

The Muslim diaspora across the Polynesian Sea following the Daxian conquest of Truk not only reshaped the demographics of various destinations but also engendered a complex interplay of cultural exchange and adaptation. The dispersed Trukian Muslims, finding refuge in regions ranging from Saukhin Islands, Sarolasta, Takatta Loa, Almadaria, and Kingdom of Oustec, contributed to the nuanced diversity and shared heritage across the vast expanse of the Polynesian Sea.

See also