The Lament of the Bergenddium

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The Lament of the Bergenddium is a Levantine Romanticist poem written during the period of debate of the Two Derics in the early 19th century.

Amidst the mists of time, the Bergenddium sleeps,
An ancient realm where history softly weeps.

Where shadows dance upon the hallowed ground,
And whispers of old tales in echoes resound.

In Bergenddium's embrace, ruins stand tall,
Testaments to an era's rise and fall.
Where once mighty kingdoms stretched their hand,
Now lie remnants, amidst the shifting sand.

Beneath the sun's embrace, the land still breathes,
With echoes of glory and forgotten wreaths.
In every stone and relic, echoes the past,
A legacy of splendor, meant to last.

Oh, Bergenddium, thy name in whispers sigh,
An ode to a realm that time cannot deny.
In every rustling leaf and ancient tome,
Thy story endures, forever finding home.

See also