
Revision as of 23:25, 6 January 2024 by PotatoLover (talk | contribs)

Canespa, officially the Congressional Company of Canespa, is a country in Cusinaut. It is neighbored by , Netansett, and Porfiria. For much of its history Canespa has been isolated from the rest of the world and the rest of the Cusinaut. This lead to Canespa developing a distinct culture

Your Country Official Name ("Republic of XXX")

Your Country in Another Language (Your language)
Flag of Canespa
of Canespa
Coat of arms
Motto: Your motto, often in another language
("Your motto in English")
Anthem: Your song
      Location of XXX (dark green)
In XXX (gray)
and largest city
Official languagesYour language
Your language
Demonym(s)XXXan (noun)

XXXan (adjective)

XXXans (plural)
GovernmentYour government type
• Your head of state
Joe Blow
• Your head of government if applicable, otherwise a legislative leader
Jane Blow
• A legislative leader of a different house, if applicable
Georgw Blow
LegislatureHouse of Union
House of Union
• An event
A date
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Your GDP = GDPPC x Population (This is calculated for you after first entry)
• Per capita
GiniYour gini coefficient
Error: Invalid Gini value
CurrencyCapesa (CPA)
Driving sideright
Today part ofNone

Canespa is a member of the League of Nations.


Canes comes from the word "Canasta" which means Basket in the -------- Dialect. The first use of this name is unknown but it likely dates back thousands of years to some small tribe in the region. While pa comes from the word Potato. The meaning of these two words is vary significant to Canespa as they represent the country.


What is a general overview of your country's path through history?

First era

The first signs of human inhabitants within the region originate in around 19,000 B.C.E as early forms of scavenging tool and clothing have been found.

Second era

During the 8th through 14th century the country slowly began to centralize more into a state. The different families and clans slowly began to decrease in number but after the fall of House "Metal" in 1395, the clans stagnated as any move against one another would break the balance of power that existed. This all changed thanks to the Wasi King in 1458. He was a member of House "Light". The Wasi King proposed that all the houses form together and create the country of Canespa. A country that could withstand the forces of any neighboring land. The houses were convinced by both by the Wasi Kings legendary speaking skills and the looming threat of colonizers in the area.

Third era

What were your country's first major moves on an international level?

Fourth era

Did your country ever have a period of significant decline or internal struggle?

Fifth era

Was your country subject to imperialism later in its life, or was it an imperial power?

Sixth era

How did the 20th century affect your country?


What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?

Climate and environment

Is your country hot or cold?

Government and Politics

Canespa is effectively ruled by the Canasta Company. But its still split into two "branches" including the Board of Executives and the House of Union.


The countries Executive branch is lead by the CEO of Canespa.


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?


The only place where any pseudo parties exist is the House of Union. Since worker unions are illegal in the country, an alternative was created in the form of the House of Union. Its job is to make sure the houses left over from the Wasi-King are reigned in and happy. Each house controls a certain amount of members in a 275 person senate. This senate will vote over cultural and internal issues. Effectively acting as a guard to stop extremest Executives from gaining to much power. This senate has little power though and is not always effective. The houses include House Papa, House Espada, House Kuskachay, House Qispisqa Kay, and House Kanchi. Historically House Kanchi has reigned supreme but since 1994 House Papa has held a commanding lead. Bribery is common within the House of Union.


The Countries effective judicial system is the Human Resources Commission. Or the HRC which is directly related to the Canasta Company. Since the disolution of the Wasin Court in 1986 the HRC has handled all judical affairs within the nation.


What kind of people live in your country?


Self-reported ethnic origin in the XXX (20XX)

  1 People (81.4%)
  2 People (7.2%)
  3 People (3.8%)
  4 People (2.8%)
  5 People (2.2%)
  6 People (1.4%)
  Other (1.2%)

What ethnic groups make up your country?


What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?


Religious affiliations in Canespa (2033)

  M'acunism (96.5%)
  Catholic (.7%)
  Other (1.3%)
  Atheist (.5%)
  Agnostic (1%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


How many people in your country are educated?

Culture and Society

What do your people do, and what are they like?


In Canespa, general education for most only lasts till ones 12th birthday. At which point they will start a training program for whichever profession they will ultimately spend most of their life doing.(75% will be in some type of farming) Most training programs last from 2-4 years at which point one will start working.

Attitudes and worldview

The people of Canespa view life as a connection to the earth that individuals have to play a part in. In their opinion other countries lack a connection to the earth, and that this will play a role in most of there failures. They believe that in order to maintain balance Canespa must keep its connections to Mother Nature in order to feed the people of the world.

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


Potato's are the staple dish of the Canespian people. Canespians are known for there ability to make a different potato themed dish for ever day of the year. This was born out of necessity as the government of Canespa gives out rations accordingly to the person. Most of the time these rations come in form of potatoes about 60% of the time. Most take these rations in exchange for less pay.


What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?

Economy and Infrastructure

How does your country's economy work?

Industries and Sectors

The largest economic sector is the farming industry by a long shot. Exporting food makes up 87% of Canespa's industry, 8% is made up of dams and waterway fees. and the remaining 5% is other industries. Canespa has a rich history of farming in the Cusinaut. This caused them to be a vary tribal nation up until the 60s when the Canasta Company gained control of the government. The company was started in the 20s and slowly grew threw the decades. Its strategy from the beginning was to fill a niche and profit greatly from it. Despite the vastly more profitable option of industrializing, Canasta's leadership decided to play the long game as it predicted massive food shortages that would come with urbanization.


In 2027 Canespa updated its currency into the Capesa. An (almost) completely digital style of currency exchange. The Capesa is digital form of currency that is backed by electricity. 1 Capesa is equal to 1 Kilowatt of electricity. While this does lead to a slightly harder to control currency it means that Canespa can engage in trade deals with other nations that result in direct energy transfer. Thanks to this Canespa produces little energy of its own. Instead it imports most of its energy from other countries in exchange for food. Before this Capespa was effectively fallowing whatever currency Burgundie was using at a time as they were the main trade partner of Canespa.


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


Most of the people of Canespa have not had access to electricity till around the 1980s. Today most of the countries electricity is imported while some of it is brought in through dams built along the rivers flowing down from the mountains. Canespas currency is designed to be vary easy to trade with electricity wise.


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?


How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?