Flag of Metzetta

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The flag of Metzetta.

The Flag of The Empire of Metzetta, commonly referred to simply as the Metzettan Flag is the national flag of Metzetta. It consists of an indigo field with red stripes down either side, and a stylised magnolia blossom in the centre, with white petals and a central yellow circle. The indigo section in the middle forms a perfect square.


Mesedan indigo field.
Mesedan flag.

The oldest known flag of the ancient kingdom of Meseda-jo was a simple indigo field. Soldiers would have marched under this banner when the Mesedans took Hyuntoji. Soon after the Emperor decreed that a new flag featuring the magnolia blossom motif should be used. When Meseda had conquered both Hyuntoji and Daekang, the two red stripes were added to represent the two territories on either side of the central homeland; the blossom was also made bigger to symbolise Metzetta's growing power in Alshar.

The flag has become the best-known symbol of Metzetta on the international stage, and is flown in embassies and universities, seen on sports uniforms and worn on the lapels of ambassadors the world over. The colour scheme of the flag is also popularly used domestically on clothing.

The ancient Mesedan flag with no red stripes was revived for use as the flag of Jinju before a new design was brought into use when locals demanded their distinct identity be represented as such.


Colour Name Hex Symbolism
Imperial Indigo 003478
Imperial Red d50b0b
Sun Yellow ffe724
Pure White ffffff