The Burgundies

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The Burgundies, also known as the 4 Burgundies, is the legal term for the supranational concept that collectively represents the following bodies:


It is specifically not a state or body politic, but rather, The Burgundies is a single term to refer to the peoples, the totality of governments, and lands that the collective branches of government oversee, in that order.



Some have criticized the definition as imperialist in nature, specifically considering that it includes non-sovereign Burgundian territory. The primary example given is the royal farm in Alkharvia. While by no other legal definition, the farm is considered part of The Burgundies, by this legal definition.

Ultra-nationalist groups have been petitioning since 2008 to have the nations of southern Punth added to the definition, which has even gotten mild support in some southern Punthite nations. From the Ultra-nationalist perspective adding the southern Punthite nations is a matter of pride and raison d'Etat. For those Punthites in favor, the proposal it almost exclusively economic, as it would eliminate trade tariffs, grant them access to governmental and royal subsidies, and likely vastly increase the standard of living.