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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:GetFirstImage/doc

local p = {}

function p.getFirstImage(frame)
    local pageName = frame.args[1]
    if not pageName then return '' end
    local page =
    if not page then return '' end
    local content = page:getContent()
    if not content then return '' end
    -- Look for images in various formats
    local fileName = content:match("%[%[[Ff]ile:([^%]|]+)") or  -- [[File: syntax
                     content:match("%[%[[Ii]mage:([^%]|]+)") or -- [[Image: syntax
                     content:match("|%s*[Ii]mage%s*=%s*([^%|%}]+)") or -- |image= in templates
                     content:match("|%s*[Ii]mage%d+%s*=%s*([^%|%}]+)") or -- |image1=, |image2=, etc.
                     content:match("{{[Ii]nfobox[^}]*|%s*[Ii]mage%s*=%s*([^%|%}]+)") -- Infobox image parameter

    if fileName then
        -- Remove any leading or trailing whitespace
        fileName = fileName:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
        -- Remove "File:" or "Image:" prefix if present
        fileName = fileName:gsub("^[Ff]ile:", ""):gsub("^[Ii]mage:", "")
        return fileName
        return ''  -- Return empty string if no image is found

return p