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Rectory of Otisco
Overseas territory of Urcea
Flag of Rectory of Otisco
Otisco Purchase17 January 2032
Cathedral CityFort St. Francis
 • RectorAmbrose Hartnett
 • TotalUndetermined

Otisco is a Urcean territory in northern Crona. It sits in the northern end of the Nysdra Sea and borders Venua'tino.




Venua history and the Owasco

For all of its history until 2032, Otisco was part of a larger region known as Venua'tino, and for most of recorded history it was a peripheral part of the tribal lands of the Owasco peoples. During its association with the Owasco, the territory now known as Otisco came under foreign hegemony twice: first, at the hands of the Quetzen during their northern hegemony from about 1440 to 1640, then; at the hands of Varshan, during its Polar Captaincy period which lasted from 1652 through 1964. During both of these periods, what Owasco peoples there were were displaced by the southerners, as the territory of Otisco provided useful harbors and an island from which to project power. Following the withdrawal of Varshan in the 1960s, its military installations in Otisco were abandoned, and ethnic Varshanis living in the area withdrew. The Owasco tribe reestablished limited political control over the sparsely populated area which was recognized by the new League Mandate for Venua'tino administered by Urcea. Urcea negotiated certain rights in the territory in the 2020s and began to resettle Varshani refugees, particularly those from the lower castes, in the area of Otisco. Applications for settlement were taken under the guise of "repatriation" - that is, the refugees claimed their ancestors were brought to slavery in Varshan from Venua'tino, though international observers and geneticists proved that most refugees were of varied origin and that Urcean officials did not diligently require proof of ancestry. By 2031, 2,000 Varshanis had been relocated to or were approved to be relocated to the territory.

In the 2030s, the Owasco negotiated a sale for the territory known as the Otisco Purchase.


Otisco is a civil rectory of Urcea; as such, it is governed as an overseas territory in accordance with the provisions of the Rectory and Overseas Territory Law. The territory is governed by a Rector appointed by the Apostolic King of Urcea by the non-binding advice of the Government of Urcea.


