Agriculture in Arcerion
Agriculture is the 2nd largest industry in Arcerion, which itself is a net exporter of food. As of the 2020 Census of Agriculture, there were 3.8 million registered farms or farming enterprises covering an area of approximately 228 million acres of land; this meaning the average farm itself is approximately sixty acres.
Agriculture in Arcerion is one of the most mechanized in Ixnay, and is often ranked as one of the highest producer of crops per farmer in South Crona. On average, only one farmer or family is required per farmstead or few square kilometers due to advances made in the field of Agricultural sciences.
Farming is common in every of Arcerion's four governorates, it is the most common in Northlea and Moorden, geographically the two largest governorates, and Northlea itself is one of the most dominant producers of farm crops for the Cronan continent. It is particularly concentrated in Northlea's Lowland Plains, which utilizing the Innis and Leigh Rivers is able to irrigate vast tracts of arable farm land. Northlea and Moorden are known for their staple crops such as wheat, barley, and maize (corn). Norham has less of these, but its hotter climate results in crops such as cotton, tobacco, and some ground vegetables. Foxhey has the least in terms of agriculture due to its island nature, but apple orchards, wheat fields, and some other fruits are commonly produced there.
Arcerion has been a reliable source of agricultural improvements, notably through institutions such as the Presdale Agricultural University. Advancements in fertilizers, pesticides, and farming equipment and machinery (ranging from tractors to improved processing facilities) have meant that Arcer farms range from small cottage industry family-run properties to large, sprawling industrial farms along the Innis River.

Agriculture in the 2020s
Major Agricultural Products
Farm Types
Farm types in Arcerion as delineated by the government are based on which commodities are the majority crops (50.1% or more) grown on a farm. The most common across all four governorates include:
- Cash grain crops including maize (corn), wheat, oats, barley; [N, M, O, F]
- Tobacco; [N, O]
- Cotton; [N, O]
- Potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, hay, hops; [N, O, F]
- Fruits and vegetables; [N, M, O, F]
- Cattle and other livestock; [N, M, O, F]
- Dairy & Poultry. [N, M, O, F]
N = Northlea, M = Moorden, O = Norham, F = Foxhey
Governance and Regulation
The Confederate Parliament governs and regulates farming and agriculture through the Ministry of Agriculture, currently under the portfolio of the Rt Hon Thomas Hawkins, MP. The Ministry manages not only the domestic production of goods, but works with the Arcer Foreign Office and Arcer Foreign Secretary on global issues through the 1st Deputy Minister and the Ministerial Coordination Element. This includes global issues such as the Arcer supplying of foodstuffs and crops without tariffs to the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association (NSTA). As well, the export of Arcer agriculture products to other South Cronan Nations with no tariffs, or in a significant diplomatic development, the South Cronan Congress ratifying a commitment to permit the use of pesticides and fertilizers that other parts of Ixnay forbid due to supposed environmental issues.