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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Iteration/doc
-- This module contains the functions for different templates, solving their iteration problems.
local p = {}
-- for Template:Ifim
function p.ifim1 (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local p1 = args.p1 or "";
local p2 = args.p2 or "";
local p3 = args.p3 or "";
local p4 = args.p4 or "";
local p5 = args.p5 or "";
local fn = args.fn or "";
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Ifim1", args = { v, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, n= fn } });
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function ifim
-- for Template:Ifimc
function p.ifim2 (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local p1 = args.p1 or "";
local p2 = args.p2 or "";
local p3 = args.p3 or "";
local p4 = args.p4 or "";
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Ifim2", args = { v, p1, p2, p3, p4, v } });
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function ifim2
-- for Template:Ifimt (param pairs)
function p.ifimt (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local v1 = "";
local p1 = args.p1 or "";
local p2 = args.p2 or "";
local p3 = args.p3 or "";
local p4 = args.p4 or "";
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
if v1 == "" then
v1 = mw.text.trim( v );
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Ifim2", args = { v1, p1, p2, p3, p4, v } });
v1 = "";
if v1 ~= "" then
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Ifim2", args = { v1, p1, p2, p3, p4, "" } }); -- last elem
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function ifimt
-- helper function for: ownbased, and filelist
local function samefile ( fnam, numb, frst )
local name = mw.text.trim( fnam ) or ""
if mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) == "."
local nsnr = tonumber( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace );
local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text;
local part = "Example" -- default name
if nsnr == 6 or nsnr == 7
then local parts = mw.text.split(page , '.', true)
local upTo = #parts - 1 -- copied from Module:File
part = table.concat(parts, '.', 1, math.max(upTo, 1))
if name == "." then name = part .. ".png";
elseif name == ".p" then name = part .. ".png";
elseif name == ".j" then name = part .. ".jpg";
elseif name == ".g" then name = part .. ".gif";
elseif name == ".s" then name = part .. ".svg";
else name = part .. name;
elseif name == ""
local nsnr = tonumber( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace );
local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text;
if tonumber( numb ) == 1
then name = "Example.svg";
if nsnr == 6 or nsnr == 7
then name = page;
else name = mw.text.trim( frst );
if name == ""
or mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) == "."
then name = "Example.svg";
if nsnr == 6 or nsnr == 7
then name = page;
return name
end -- function samefile
-- for Template:Own based (horizontal - but vertical when "b1=")
function p.ownbased (frame)
-- local lpar = parm -- local parms
-- local gpar = frame.args -- global parms
local ppar = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local btab = {};
local dtab = {};
local htab = {};
local itab = {};
local ltab = {};
local ntab = {};
local otab = {};
local qtab = {};
local rtab = {};
local Ctab = {};
local by0 = ppar.b or or ppar.u or ppar.user or "";
local dis = ppar.d or ppar.dis or ppar.display or "";
local hil = ppar.h or ppar.hilite or "";
local lng = ppar.i or ppar.lang or "";
local wik = ppar.l or or "";
local nam = ppar.n or or "";
local opt = ppar.o or ppar.opt or ppar.option or "";
local pr4 = ppar.par4 or ppar.qpar or "";
local pr5 = ppar.par5 or ppar.rpar or "";
local max = 0;
local cor = 0;
local x = 0; -- running index, can be ~= i
local fst = 0; -- first occurrence
local plus = "";
for i, v in ipairs(ppar) do
if v == "+" then
plus = "+";
elseif v == "-" then
if plus == "" then plus = "-" end
x = x + 1;
if fst == 0 then fst = x end;
btab [x] = ppar ["b" .. tostring( x )] or ppar ["by" .. tostring( x )] or ppar ["u" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
dtab [x] = ppar ["d" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
htab [x] = ppar ["h" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
itab [x] = ppar ["i" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
ltab [x] = ppar ["l" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
ntab [x] = ppar ["n" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
otab [x] = ppar ["o" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
qtab [x] = ppar ["q" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
rtab [x] = ppar ["r" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
max = x;
if v == "x"
or v == "X"
or v == "×" then
cor = cor + 1;
end -- for
x = 0;
if fst > 0 then
local mnm = mw.text.trim ( ppar [fst] );
for _, v in ipairs(ppar) do
if v ~= "+" and v ~= "-" then
x = x + 1;
local by = by0; if btab[x] ~= "-" then by = btab[x] end
local ds = dis; if dtab[x] ~= "-" then ds = dtab[x] end
local hl = hil; if htab[x] ~= "-" then hl = htab[x] end
local il = wik; if ltab[x] ~= "-" then il = ltab[x] end
local lg = lng; if itab[x] ~= "-" then lg = itab[x] end
local nm = ""; if ntab[x] ~= "-" then nm = ntab[x] end
local op = opt; if otab[x] ~= "-" then op = otab[x] end
local p4 = pr4; if qtab[x] ~= "-" then p4 = qtab[x] end
local p5 = pr5; if rtab[x] ~= "-" then p5 = rtab[x] end
local px = "";
local vv = mw.text.trim ( v );
vv = samefile ( vv, x, mnm );
if x == 1 then mnm = vv; end
if vv ~= "" and vv ~= "×" then
if ppar.b1 == nil then -- parameter missing
px = "";
if x == 1 then
px = " "
elseif x == max then
table.insert(Ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Conj-and" });
table.insert(Ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Comma" });
else -- ppar.b1 is defined (with value, or empty)
px = "<br><span style=color:#69F>✦ </span>"; -- «list» item
-- ds = mw.text.trim(ds);
if mw.ustring.sub(ds, -2) == "px" then
ds = mw.ustring.sub(ds, 1, mw.ustring.len(ds) -2);
if nm == "" and x == 1 then nm = nam end
if hl ~= "" then
if nm == "" then nm = vv end
nm = "<" .. hl .. ">" .. nm .. "</" .. hl .. ">"
-- if il ~= "" then ds = "" end -- ? (discrepancy)
if vv == "x" then ds = "" end -- this should be the last "file"
table.insert(Ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "F", args = {vv, nm, ds, op, p4, p5, plus, l= il, lang= lg, p= px, by= by} });
end -- for
if max - cor > 3 then
table.insert(Ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Igen/cat", args = {"Own-based with more than 3 files|" .. max} });
return table.concat (Ctab);
end -- function ownbased
-- horizontal file list for: Template:SVG lang, Template:Lang gallery and others
function p.svglang (frame)
local dirp = frame.args-- global parms
local titl = dirp [1] or "Source thumb" -- SVG lang; "Lang gallery thumb";
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local file = args.file or "";
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = titl, args = { file, mw.text.trim(v) } });
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function svglang
-- horizontal file list for: Template:Filelist; Template:File
-- vertical file list for: Template:Other versions; Template:Derived from, Template:Derivative versions
function p.filelist (frame)
-- local locp = frame -- 1 local parm
local dirp = frame.args-- global parms
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local ctab = {};
local ntab = {};
local dtab = {};
local otab = {};
local qtab = {};
local rtab = {};
local vtab = {};
local ktab = {};
local itab = {};
local xtab = {};
local btab = {};
local mnum = 0;
local dir = dirp[1] or "none"
local nam = args.n or or "";
local dis = args.d or args.dis or args.display or "";
local opt = args.o or args.opt or args.option or "";
local pr4 = args.par4 or args.qpar or "";
local pr5 = args.par5 or args.rpar or "";
local pr6 = args.par6 or args.vpar or "";
local by0 = args.user or or "";
local wik = args.w or args.k or or args.sisterproject or "";
local int = args.i or or args.ind or args.inter or "";
local pfx = args.p or args.x or args.pfx or args.prefix or ""; -- 'list' item {{Comma}}
if mw.ustring.sub(dis, -2) == 'px' then
dis = mw.ustring.sub(dis, 1, mw.ustring.len(dis) -2)
if dir == "vert" and pfx == "" then
pfx = "<br><span style=color:#69F>✦ </span>"; -- 'list' item
for i, v in ipairs(args) do
ntab [i] = args ["n" .. tostring( i )] or args ["l" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
dtab [i] = args ["d" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
otab [i] = args ["o" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
qtab [i] = args ["q" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
rtab [i] = args ["r" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
vtab [i] = args ["v" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
ktab [i] = args ["k" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
itab [i] = args ["i" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
xtab [i] = args ["x" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
btab [i] = args ["b" .. tostring( i )] or args ["by" .. tostring( i )] or "-";
mnum = i;
for i, v in ipairs(args) do
local nm = nam; if ntab[i] ~= "-" then nm = ntab[i] end
local ds = dis; if dtab[i] ~= "-" then ds = dtab[i] end
local op = opt; if otab[i] ~= "-" then op = otab[i] end
local p4 = pr4; if qtab[i] ~= "-" then p4 = qtab[i] end
local p5 = pr5; if rtab[i] ~= "-" then p5 = rtab[i] end
local p6 = pr6; if vtab[i] ~= "-" then p6 = vtab[i] end
local pk = wik; if ktab[i] ~= "-" then pk = ktab[i] end
local pi = int; if itab[i] ~= "-" then pi = itab[i] end
local px = pfx; if xtab[i] ~= "-" then px = xtab[i] end
local by = by0; if btab[i] ~= "-" then by = btab[i] end
local vv = v;
vv = samefile ( vv, i, args [1] )
if vv ~= "" then
if dir == "hori" then
px = "";
if i == 1 then
px = " "
elseif i == mnum then
table.insert(ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Conj-and" });
table.insert(ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Comma" });
else -- elseif dir == "vert" then
if i == 1 then
px = " "
table.insert(ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "F", args = {vv, nm, ds, op, p4, p5, p6, l= pk, lang= pi, p= px, by= by} });
return table.concat (ctab)
end -- function filelist
-- for Template:Attribs (param pairs; but also for single oarams)
function p.attribs (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local ftab = {};
local ptab = {};
local rtab = {}
local fnum = 0;
local rnum = 0;
local hnum = 0;
local tp = args.type or "SVG"; -- needs check
local un = or args.U or args.u or "";
local tt = args.t or or "";
local f = args.f or args.from or tt;
local p = args.p or args.part or "";
local vx = "";
local ux = "";
local ft = "";
for i, v in ipairs(args) do
fnum = fnum + 1; -- input parm number
if fnum % 2 == 0 then -- even: should be a username
local enam = mw.text.trim ( v );
local snam = mw.ustring.lower ( mw.ustring.sub ( enam, -4 ) );
if snam == ".svg"
or snam == ".png"
or snam == ".jpg" -- a rough check: is_extension ?
or snam == ".gif"
or snam == ".pdf"
or snam == ".tif" then -- no - it's the next filename
table.insert(rtab, "" ); -- empty username inbetween
rnum = rnum + 1;
fnum = fnum + 1; -- make it odd
if fnum % 2 == 1 then -- odd (now): is a filename
hnum = fnum + 1
hnum = hnum / 2
ftab [hnum] = args ["f" .. tostring( hnum )] or ".";
ptab [hnum] = args ["p" .. tostring( hnum )] or ".";
-- table.maxnum (args) does not work
-- therefore the "rtab" workaround
table.insert(rtab, args[i]); -- = enam
rnum = rnum + 1
-- plus one item when odd number
if rnum % 2 == 1 then
table.insert( rtab, "" ); -- empty user name, to get a pair
for i, v in ipairs(rtab) do
if vx == "" then -- the 2nd 'v' can be empty
vx = mw.text.trim( v );
ux = mw.text.trim( v );
if ux == "" then ux = un end; -- does not work otherwise (?)
hnum = i + 0
hnum = hnum / 2
if ftab[hnum] == "." then
ft = f;
ft = ftab[hnum]
if ptab[hnum] == "." then
pt = p;
pt = ptab[hnum]
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Attrib", args = {vx, ux, "-", tp, "", ux, tt, ft, pt } });
vx = "";
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function attribs
-- for Template:userlist (horizontal - but vertical when dir=I/O/U/V)
function p.userlist (frame)
-- local lpar = parm -- local parms
local gpar = frame.args -- global parms (par/P,dir/V)
local ppar = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local ctab = {};
local htab = {};
local ltab = {};
local ntab = {};
local otab = {};
local ptab = {};
local ttab = {};
--@ local rtab = {};
--@ local qtab = {};
local wtab = {};
local Xtab = {};
local cas = ppar.c or or "";
local hil = ppar.h or ppar.hilite or "";
local lnk = ppar.l or or "";
local nam = ppar.n or or "";
local opt = ppar.o or ppar.opt or ppar.option or "";
local pag = ppar.p or or "";
--@ local pr4 = ppar.q or ppar.qpar or ppar.par4 or "";
--@ local pr5 = ppar.r or ppar.rpar or ppar.par5 or "";
local trl = ppar.t or ppar.i18n or ppar.translate or "";
local wik = ppar.w or or ppar.lang or "";
local max = 0;
local cor = 0;
local x = 0; -- running index, can be ~= i
local y = 0; -- running index, can be ~= i
local odd = 0;
local out = 0;
local plus = ""; -- opt
local prim = ""
local prfx = ":"
local pend = ""
if gpar.dir == "O" then -- ordered list
prim = "<ol>";
prfx = "<li>";
pend = "</ol>";
if gpar.dir == "U" then -- unordered list
prim = "<ul>";
prfx = "<li>";
pend = "</ul>";
if gpar.dir == "V" then -- vertical list
prim = " ";
prfx = "<br><span style=color:#69F>✦ </span>";
for _, v in ipairs(ppar) do
v = mw.text.trim ( v );
if v == "+" then
plus = "+";
elseif v == "-" then
if plus == "" then plus = "-" end
y = y + 1;
if gpar.par == "P" -- pairs of (user, name)
and y % 2 == 0 then -- 1=user, 0=name
x = x;
x = x + 1;
ctab [x] = ppar ["c" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
htab [x] = ppar ["h" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
ltab [x] = ppar ["l" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
ntab [x] = ppar ["n" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
otab [x] = ppar ["o" .. tostring( x )] or "/";
ptab [x] = ppar ["p" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
--@ rtab [x] = ppar ["r" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
--@ qtab [x] = ppar ["q" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
ttab [x] = ppar ["t" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
wtab [x] = ppar ["w" .. tostring( x )] or "-";
max = x;
end -- for
odd = y % 2; -- 1 when last one not paired
if plus > "" and opt == "" then
opt = plus; -- discrepancy ? opt has priority
x = 0;
y = 0;
local vv = "";
for _, v in ipairs(ppar) do
v = mw.text.trim ( v );
if v ~= "+" and v ~= "-" then
y = y + 1;
if gpar.par == "P" -- pairs of (user, name)
and y % 2 == 1 -- 1=user, 0=name
and odd == 0 then -- last one paired
vv = v; -- userid
x = x + 1;
local cs = cas; if ctab[x] ~= "-" then cs = ctab[x] end
local hl = hil; if htab[x] ~= "-" then hl = htab[x] end
local lk = lnk; if ltab[x] ~= "-" then lk = ltab[x] end
local nm = nam; if ntab[x] ~= "-" then nm = ntab[x] end
local op = opt; if otab[x] ~= "/" then op = otab[x] end
local pg = pag; if ptab[x] ~= "-" then pg = ptab[x] end
--@ local p4 = pr4; if rtab[x] ~= "-" then p4 = rtab[x] end
--@ local p5 = pr5; if qtab[x] ~= "-" then p5 = qtab[x] end
local tr = trl; if ttab[x] ~= "-" then tr = ttab[x] end
local wk = wik; if wtab[x] ~= "-" then wk = wtab[x] end
if gpar.par == "P" then -- y%2 = 0 (name)
if odd == 1 then -- no: last user:
vv = v; -- user
nm = v; -- name
vv = v;
if hl ~= "" then
if nm == "" then nm = vv; end
nm = "<" .. hl .. ">" .. nm .. "</" .. hl .. ">";
local p1 = ""; -- prefix
local p2 = ""; -- postfix
if pg == "t" or pg == "wt" or pg == "tw" then p1 = " talk"; end
if pg == "w" or pg == "wt" or pg == "tw" then p2 = "~commonswiki"; end
-- {{Uc}} --> [[Special:Contributions/userid]]
if vv ~= "" and vv ~= "×" then
if gpar.dir == "I"
or gpar.dir == "O"
or gpar.dir == "U"
or gpar.dir == "V" then -- vertical list
if out == 0 then
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "=", args = { prim } });
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "=", args = { prfx } });
out = out + 1;
else --
if x == 1 then
x = 1 -- ??? horizontal list initializing (text)
elseif x == max then
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Conj-and" });
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Comma" });
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "U/main", args = { vv, nm, wk, op, link=lk, par1=p1, par2=p2, case=cs, i18n=tr} });
end -- for
if out > 0 and pend > " " then
table.insert(Xtab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "=", args = { pend } });
return table.concat (Xtab);
end -- function userlist
-- for Template:Legend-table (param pairs)
function p.legendt (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local lg = args.lang or "";
local v1 = ""
-- same problem when not a last pair
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
if v1 == "" then
v1 = v;
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Legend", args = { lang = lg, v1, v } });
v1 = "";
if v1 ~= "" then
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Legend", args = { lang = lg, v1, "" } }); -- last elem
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function legendt
-- for Template:ColorString (Igen/cbox - param pairs)
function p.colorbox (frame)
local args = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local otab = {};
local lg = args.lang or "{{PAGELANGUAGE}}"; --
local v1 = ""
local p2 = ""
for i, v in ipairs(args) do
if i <= 2 then
p2 = v;
if v1 == "" then
v1 = mw.text.trim( v );
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Igen/cbox", args = { v1, v, p2, lang = lg } });
v1 = "";
if v1 ~= "" then
table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Igen/cbox", args = { v1, "", p2, lang = lg } }); -- last elem
return table.concat (otab)
end -- function colorbox
-- Template:Tle
function p.tleparm (frame)
-- local lprm = frame -- local parms
-- local gprm = frame.args-- global parms
local pprm = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
local par1 = "";
local par3 = pprm.f or ""; -- form feed
local par4 = or ""; -- style for value
local par5 = pprm.style2 or ""; -- style for param
local numb = pprm.number or "";
local ctab = {}
numb = mw.text.trim( numb );
for i, v in ipairs(pprm) do
par1 = pprm ["p" .. tostring( i )] or "";
if par1 == "" and numb ~= "" then
par1 = tostring( i )
if mw.text.trim(v) == "" then v = " " end
table.insert( ctab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Tle/parm", args = { par1, v, par3, par4, par5} } );
return table.concat (ctab)
end -- function tleparm
return p;