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== Preámbulo ==
== Preámbulo ==
[[File:Cover of the first Vallejarian constitution.webp|thumb|Cover of the first Vallejarian constitution]]"At the dawn of our history, when the shadows of oppression loomed over us, the people of Vallejar rose with a unified cry for the freedom that would resonate through the ages. We forged our identity in the flames of struggle, weaved our unity in the fabric of resistance, and now, at the summit of our destiny, we solemnly proclaim this Constitution, the cornerstone of our kingdom. Centuries ago, when oppression manifested in tangible and spiritual chains, our ancestors bore the burden of a foreign yoke. But in the darkness of subjugation, the seed of freedom sprouted. Small rebellions, silent uprisings, and acts of individual courage sowed the first cracks in the edifice of domination, signaling the awakening of a people that would not be contained. The annals of our past are marked by echoes of those small revolutions, whispers that resonated in the valleys and mountains of Vallejar. In the years 1815, 1816, and 1817, the flames of resistance burned with increasing intensity. Each spark ignited the hearts of those longing for a tomorrow where oppression would find no home. It was in the grace-filled year of 1818 that the cry for independence reached its zenith. In an act of audacity and determination, we proclaimed the sovereignty of Vallejar, declaring to the world that we were and will forever be masters of our destiny. The War of Independence unleashed was not just an armed conflict but a pilgrimage of sacrifice and resistance, where the motto 'honor or death' echoed as a sacred refrain in every corner of our land. From epic battles to negotiations infused with the essence of our people, the war not only freed us from foreign chains but also provided the opportunity to forge our own destiny. It was in Vallejar, at the summit of the sacred mountain of Vallejar, in the extinct locality of Vallejar, where we sealed our independence with the ink of resistance. The blood shed, the tears shed, and lives offered became the lasting tribute to our freedom. This Constitution is the testimony of that struggle, a beacon that will guide future generations. It lays the foundations of a Vallejar where justice is intrinsic, freedom is inalienable, and brotherhood is the soul nurturing our community. We entrust our aspirations and values to the pages of this sacred document, committing to preserve and protect the flame lit by those who came before us. Thus, with humility and determination, we proclaim this preamble as the echo of our past, the pulse of our present, and the promise of our future. May this Constitution, like an eternal covenant, lead Vallejar to the greatness it deserves. Given under our hand and sanctioned with the love and hope of the people of Vallejar, on this solemn and significant day. May Vallejarian Christianity guide our way, and may the flame of freedom burn eternally on our horizon!"  
[[File:Cover of the first Vallejarian constitution.webp|thumb|Cover of the first Vallejarian constitution]]''"At the dawn of our history, when the shadows of oppression loomed over us, the people of Vallejar rose with a unified cry for the freedom that would resonate through the ages. We forged our identity in the flames of struggle, weaved our unity in the fabric of resistance, and now, at the summit of our destiny, we solemnly proclaim this Constitution, the cornerstone of our kingdom. Centuries ago, when oppression manifested in tangible and spiritual chains, our ancestors bore the burden of a foreign yoke. But in the darkness of subjugation, the seed of freedom sprouted. Small rebellions, silent uprisings, and acts of individual courage sowed the first cracks in the edifice of domination, signaling the awakening of a people that would not be contained. The annals of our past are marked by echoes of those small revolutions, whispers that resonated in the valleys and mountains of Vallejar. In the years 1815, 1816, and 1817, the flames of resistance burned with increasing intensity. Each spark ignited the hearts of those longing for a tomorrow where oppression would find no home. It was in the grace-filled year of 1818 that the cry for independence reached its zenith. In an act of audacity and determination, we proclaimed the sovereignty of Vallejar, declaring to the world that we were and will forever be masters of our destiny. The War of Independence unleashed was not just an armed conflict but a pilgrimage of sacrifice and resistance, where the motto 'honor or death' echoed as a sacred refrain in every corner of our land. From epic battles to negotiations infused with the essence of our people, the war not only freed us from foreign chains but also provided the opportunity to forge our own destiny. It was in Vallejar, at the summit of the sacred mountain of Vallejar, in the extinct locality of Vallejar, where we sealed our independence with the ink of resistance. The blood shed, the tears shed, and lives offered became the lasting tribute to our freedom. This Constitution is the testimony of that struggle, a beacon that will guide future generations. It lays the foundations of a Vallejar where justice is intrinsic, freedom is inalienable, and brotherhood is the soul nurturing our community. We entrust our aspirations and values to the pages of this sacred document, committing to preserve and protect the flame lit by those who came before us. Thus, with humility and determination, we proclaim this preamble as the echo of our past, the pulse of our present, and the promise of our future. May this Constitution, like an eternal covenant, lead Vallejar to the greatness it deserves. Given under our hand and sanctioned with the love and hope of the people of Vallejar, on this solemn and significant day. May Vallejarian Christianity guide our way, and may the flame of freedom burn eternally on our horizon!"''

[July 26, 1831]
[July 26, 1831]


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