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==== 1. Regular Working Uniform ====
* '''Appearance''': The regular working uniform of the Cyber Branch consists of a tactical-style black or dark gray jumpsuit. The jumpsuit is made of high-tech fabric designed to provide flexibility, durability, and comfort during cybersecurity operations. It is sleek and form-fitting to allow ease of movement.
* '''Insignia''': On the shoulders and chest, recruits wear embroidered patches and insignia specific to their ranks and positions within the Cyber Branch. These patches include the Imperial Cyber Corps emblem and the recruit's identification.
* '''Footwear''': Recruits wear black tactical boots designed for comfort and support during long hours of work.
* '''Accessories''': Depending on the role, recruits may carry cyber tool belts with various pouches and compartments to hold cybersecurity tools and equipment. Protective gloves and eyewear are also standard to ensure safety during operations.
* '''Headgear''': Cybersecurity professionals may wear black or dark gray tactical caps or headgear with the Imperial Cyber Corps emblem.
==== 2. Dress Uniform ====
* '''Appearance''': The dress uniform is reserved for formal occasions and ceremonies. It consists of a crisp, black or dark gray jacket with silver buttons, trousers or skirt, and a white dress shirt or blouse. The uniform features gold or silver braids and epaulets on the shoulders, symbolizing rank and position.
* '''Insignia''': The dress uniform displays a range of medals, awards, and badges earned by members of the Cyber Branch throughout their careers. Ribbons representing achievements and service are worn over the left breast pocket.
* '''Headgear''': A ceremonial cap or hat is worn with the dress uniform, featuring an embroidered Imperial Cyber Corps emblem.
==== 3. Field Uniform ====
* '''Appearance''': The field uniform is designed for operations in harsh and challenging environments. It includes a specialized camouflage jumpsuit with digital patterns suited for both urban and natural settings. The uniform provides protection against environmental factors and is equipped with pockets for carrying essential gear.
* '''Insignia''': Similar to the regular working uniform, the field uniform also features patches and insignia specific to ranks and positions. These patches are typically subdued to maintain a low profile during operations.
* '''Footwear''': Tactical boots are worn with the field uniform for comfort and durability.
* '''Accessories''': Cyber professionals may carry additional equipment such as tactical vests, helmets, and communication gear depending on the nature of the operation.
==== 4. Specialized Uniforms ====
* '''Mission-Specific Attire''': In certain cases, cyber operatives may require mission-specific attire. This could include specialized suits for electronic warfare, protective suits for hazardous environments, or equipment designed for covert cyber operations.
* '''Ceremonial Attire''': For formal ceremonies, members of the Cyber Branch may wear ceremonial attire, including full-dress uniforms with decorative elements such as sashes, gloves, and ceremonial swords.
==== 5. Service Uniform ====
* '''Appearance''': The service uniform is worn during everyday office duties and administrative tasks. It consists of a simpler black or dark gray uniform without the tactical elements of the regular working uniform. The focus is on professionalism and comfort.
* '''Insignia''': Members wear standard rank and identification patches but may not display as many awards or decorations as in the dress uniform.
* '''Accessories''': Service uniforms may include neckties or scarves with the Imperial Cyber Corps emblem.
==== 6. Physical Training (PT) Uniform ====
* '''Appearance''': The PT uniform is designed for physical fitness and training activities. It typically consists of moisture-wicking black or dark gray shirts and shorts, along with comfortable athletic shoes.
* '''Insignia''': PT uniforms are generally minimalistic in terms of insignia, with the focus on comfort and functionality.
These uniforms serve to distinguish the Cyber Branch members and provide them with the appropriate attire for various operational, ceremonial, and administrative purposes. Uniforms are worn with pride and reflect the professionalism and dedication of the Imperial Cyber Corps in safeguarding the empire's cybersecurity interests.
==See also==
==See also==


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