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Canes comes from the word "Canasta" which means Basket in the [[Papasimi]] Dialect. The first use of this name is unknown but it likely dates back thousands of years to some small tribe in the region. While pa comes from the word Potato. The meaning of these two words is vary significant to [[Canespa]] as they represent the country. While no one knows the original use of basket in the countries name it most likely came from a small tribe somewhere in [[Canespa]] that eventually found its way into [[Canespa]]'s name sake. While the baskets origin is must more wondered upon, the Potato in [[Canespa]]'s name came directly from [[House Papa]] and exstensive worship of the starchy food. It also is vary important to [[Canespa|Canespian]] culture as a whole.   
Canes comes from the word "Canasta" which means Basket in the [[Papasimi]] Dialect. The first use of this name is unknown but it likely dates back thousands of years to some small tribe in the region. While pa comes from the word Potato. The meaning of these two words is vary significant to [[Canespa]] as they represent the country. While no one knows the original use of basket in the countries name it most likely came from a small tribe somewhere in [[Canespa]] that eventually found its way into [[Canespa]]'s name sake. While the baskets origin is must more wondered upon, the Potato in [[Canespa]]'s name came directly from [[House Papa]] and exstensive worship of the starchy food. It also is vary important to [[Canespa|Canespian]] culture as a whole.   

===First era===
The first signs of human inhabitants within the region originate in around 19,000 B.C.E as early forms of scavenging tool and clothing have been found.
===Second era===
During the 8th through 14th century the country slowly began to centralize more into a state. The different families and clans slowly began to decrease in number but after the fall of [[House "Metal"]] in 1395, the clans stagnated as any move against one another would break the balance of power that existed. This all changed thanks to the [[Wasi King]] in 1458. He was a member of [[House "Light"]]. The [[Wasi King]] proposed that all the houses form together and create the country of [[Canespa]]. A country that could withstand the forces of any neighboring land. The houses were convinced by both by the [[Wasi King's]] legendary speaking skills and the looming threat of colonizers in the area. For the next 300 years [[Canespa]] would almost totally remove itself from the world. 
=== The Wasi King ===
The [[Wasi King]] has been a major individual and title that has greatly effected [[Canespa]] up to the modern day. The [[Wasi King]] first appeared in the year 1157. He was able to unite four of the houses at the time with a great war headed by the [[House Wasi]]. Who conquered [[House Kuskachay]], [[House Espada]], and [[House Kanchi]]. Though this union was short lived it cemented the concept of the [[Wasi King]]. Any person or persons that united multiple houses would be known as the [[Wasi King]]. There name(s) would also converted to [[Wasi]] and they would be regarded as one individual. The [[Wasi King]] was the supreme ruler up until the [[Canasta Company]] gained full control of the government in the 60s. Though some argue that the board of executives is the [[Wasi King]]. The board has interestingly never claimed this title and has effectively ended the tradition somewhat.
===Third era===
The reign of the [[Wasi King]] lasted for ages, and it brought relative prosperity to area. The country slowly expanded in a small series of conflicts that shaped the modern borders of Canespa. This was a quiet time in [[Canespa|Canespian]] history with not much going on. the threat of colonizers was on the rise but none had expressed much interest in [[Canespa|Canespian]] land. There was a brief civil war between [[Canespa|Canespa's]] south and its north over if the houses should even remain united with the threat of colonizers being a seemingly far one. This civil war ended in a northern victory which led to the maintaining of the union of houses. This could well have been a turning point in [[Canespa|Canespian]] history. 
===Fourth era===
During the {{wp|Age of Sail}} [[Canespa]] and the [[Maritime Dericania|Maritime Deric]] [[Duchy of Martilles]] formed an alliance that guaranteed that no [[Occidental]] power would try to colonize [[Canespa]]. This economic and military alliance would go on to greatly influence [[Canespa|Canespian]] history and it would influence the rise of the [[Canasta Company]]. Though the original alliance was vary primative compared to its current state. It is still was ended up saving [[Canespa]] as it held off any threat of colonization while also giving [[Canespa]] time to modernize on its own in a natural process that took centuries but would eventually pay off. Additionally [[Canespa]] would eventually start to modernize economically as industries and large companies began to form. This is the birth of the [[Canasta Company]]. An organization that would come to define [[Canespa]] and finally end the [[Wasi Kings]] reign. 
===Fifth/Sixth era===
The [[Canasta Company]] is one of the products of the 19th century. It revolutionized almost everything about the country. From healthcare to labor to education everything changed when the company started leading the country. The original executives who first led the country all had lived and learned in foreign lands and were ready to bring that knowledge and prosperity to [[Canespa]]. They first brought in mass produced modern farming equipment while also reforming the education system while updating almost every curriculum within [[Canespa|Canespian]] schools. The following technological boom lead into the [[Canespa|Canespian]] population boom which has doubled the number of [[Canespa|Canespian's]] since 1980. The company gave [[Canespa]] all the tools it needed to thrive. Though some conservative leaning members of [[Canespa|Canespian]] society fought back for some time they were quickly shot down as the prosperity within [[Canespa]] soared. Due to this new technology [[Canespa]] could produce food on a once thought to be impossible scale for a nation its size.  

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[[Canespa]], while being the in the far north of the planet, maintains a mild climate thanks to the currents of the ocean to its west. This has helped it maintain a climate suitable for farms. [[Canespa]]'s soil is thin and grainy which means it is perfect for the growth of potatoes. This soil has effectively shaped [[Canespa]]'s history into one of a rich monoculture that can produce more food then its people would ever need and more. The booming forests in the northern reaches of Canespa have allowed for a large logging industry to start in a few of Canespa's provinces.   
[[Canespa]], while being the in the far north of the planet, maintains a mild climate thanks to the currents of the ocean to its west. This has helped it maintain a climate suitable for farms. [[Canespa]]'s soil is thin and grainy which means it is perfect for the growth of potatoes. This soil has effectively shaped [[Canespa]]'s history into one of a rich monoculture that can produce more food then its people would ever need and more. The booming forests in the northern reaches of Canespa have allowed for a large logging industry to start in a few of Canespa's provinces.   
==Government and Politics==
==Government and Politics==
[[Canespa]] is effectively ruled by the [[Canasta Company]]. But its still split into two "branches" including the [[Board of Executives]] and the [[House of Union]]. 
The country's Executive branch is led by the [[Board of Executives]] a 12 person council. There are two mandated members from each of the houses. Additionally one member is mandated to be a foreigner from a foreign branch of the company. Since this position was mandated it has been controlled by [[Burgundie|Burgoignesc]] individual. The last member is the head of the council. They are required to be from [[House Wasi]]. This individual must be either a child or grandchild of the previous council head above the age of 25. The council heads official position name is the Wasiexu (Was-ee-x-oo). The [[Wasiexu]] is the effective CEO of the [[Canasta Company]]. The [[Board of Executives]] is in charge of all of Canespa's foreign relations and most of its economic decisions. 
To Become A member of the [[Board of Executives]] a person must be of at least the age of 25 (though this is rare) and have proved themself within the [[Canasta Company]] working their way up the chain of command. Each executive is required to have a designated heir that holds a high ranking position in the company while also being of the same house. As for the [[Wasiexu]]. They are voted on by the [[House Union]]. Usually there are only 3-4 runners for the position considering the strict requirements. Additionally the foreign spot is chosen by the other executives and not by the previous foreigner.
===Federal Subdivisions===
===Federal Subdivisions===
[[File:Canespa sub division.png|thumb|All 22 subdivision's of [[Canespa]]]]
[[File:Canespa sub division.png|thumb|All 22 subdivision's of [[Canespa]]]]
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Each subdivision is usually controlled by the [[Canespa|Canespian]] House that has the largest stake in the population of the division. The election of this house is monitored by the [[Canasta Company]] and the [[Wasiexu]]. Based on which house controls a certain division can determime anything from the laws to the culture to the worldview of the people in the division. This gives each division a different and distinct culture. This also allows for the addition of new divisions if the need arrives.
Each subdivision is usually controlled by the [[Canespa|Canespian]] House that has the largest stake in the population of the division. The election of this house is monitored by the [[Canasta Company]] and the [[Wasiexu]]. Based on which house controls a certain division can determime anything from the laws to the culture to the worldview of the people in the division. This gives each division a different and distinct culture. This also allows for the addition of new divisions if the need arrives.

The only place where any pseudo parties exist is the [ House of Union]. Since worker unions are illegal in the country, an alternative was created in the form of the [[House of Union]]. Its job is to make sure the houses left over from the [[Wasi-King]] are reigned in and happy. Each house controls a certain amount of members in a 275 person senate. This senate will vote over cultural and internal issues. Effectively acting as a guard to stop extremest Executives from gaining to much power. This senate has little power though and is not always effective. The houses include [[House Papa]], [[House Espada]], [[House Kuskachay]], [[House Qispisqa Kay]], and [[House Kanchi]]. Historically [[House Kanchi]] has reigned supreme but since 1994 [[House Papa]] has held a commanding lead. Bribery is common within the [[House of Union]]. Different Executives will occasionally bribe entire houses in order to gain more power within the country.    
The house will vote on bills passed to them by the countries executives. There are different types of bills that require different percentages of the house. The main three are economic, law, and defense. A bill can be passed to the [[House of Union]] once any number of executives have signed the bill. The percentage needed to pass any bill starts at 92.5% with one executives signature and goes down by 7.5 percent with every additional signature. Defense bills add 10%, Law bills don't effect the percentage and Economic bills subtract 10%. The percentage needed to win maxes out at 92.5% while the minimum percentage needed for any bill is 10%.
The House's members are chosen through a series of recommendations made by different high officials in different industries and recommendations from different training programs. These recommended men and women are then voted in by anyone with a managing position within the company. 

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[[Canespa]] does not have large programs for many sports. But it does have notable Football (American) League known as the [[Canespa|Canespian]] Football League or the CFL. There are 12 teams in the CFL that all compete for the top four records in the main season in order to enter a four team playoff. The CFL is split in the SCFL (Southern Canespian Football League) and the NCFL (Northern Canespian Football League). Each league sends two teams to the playoffs who play in the [[Canespa|Canespian]] Potato Bowl. The winners famously get to enjoy a massive feast with the [[Wasiexu]] and other notable members in the countries government.
The Potato Flower is the main symbol of the country and is the logo of the [[Canasta Company]]. It is also used to represent the Nature School of [[M'acunism]]. The first use of this as a symbol of [[Canespa]] was in 1198 when [[House Papa]] carved the flower into there war canoes. The use continued and eventually spread to other houses before becoming the man symbol of the [[Wasi King]] and his power. It was and still is a fashion for girls to wear a potato flower in there hair. The flower is even used in the seal of [[Canespa]]. Though the flower does not make an appearance in [[Canespa]]'s flag it is still a vary important symbol in its culture.  
The Potato Flower is the main symbol of the country and is the logo of the [[Canasta Company]]. It is also used to represent the Nature School of [[M'acunism]]. The first use of this as a symbol of [[Canespa]] was in 1198 when [[House Papa]] carved the flower into there war canoes. The use continued and eventually spread to other houses before becoming the man symbol of the [[Wasi King]] and his power. It was and still is a fashion for girls to wear a potato flower in there hair. The flower is even used in the seal of [[Canespa]]. Though the flower does not make an appearance in [[Canespa]]'s flag it is still a vary important symbol in its culture.  


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