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===The Deluge===
===The Deluge===
The early 21st century saw increased international tension and armed conflict all over north and central [[Crona]], a period known as [[The Deluge|the Deluge]]. [[Daxia]] for its part saw the chaotic situation to advance its interests and settle some territorial ambitions. Agreeing during negotiations in [[Touxian]] on a memorandum of understanding with the [[Kiravia|Kiravian Federacy]] in 2010, that secretly divided the territory between Xisheng and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]]. The agreement formalized the future control of [[Daxia]] over the entirety of the [[Ixa'Taka]]n rump and moreover apportioned western [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] and formalized the western half of the capital city of Rigo for Daxian control under the [[Rigo Joint Security Area]]. Within weeks of the agreement, [[Daxia]]n border forces began making incursions under the premise of protecting ethnic [[Chimoche|Chimor]] from being oppressed on the other side of the border. Ixa'Taka's monarch, King Cacama protested these violations before the [[League of Nations]] to no avail, [[Daxia]] even contrived to secure a mandate from the Security Council to 'secure' these territories. In any case a full fledge military attack was well underway while these proceedings were taking place, [[Chimoche|Chimor]] irregular forces moved in small numbers into western [[Ixa'Taka]] followed shortly after by a strong mechanized [[Daxia]]n assault that overwhelmed [[Ixa'Taka]]n static defenses at numerous points of the frontline and caused a mass rout among Ixa'Takan forces. [[Ixa'Taka]]n remants regrouped at the capital of Rixis which soon came itself under aerial attack; mass use of glide bombs rendered all of the capitals defenses into debris within two weeks. As the [[Daxia]]n armored thrust pushed north and south of the city, the risk of encirclement became a coming certainty. King Cacama got in touch with the [[Daxia]]n High Command and requested an armistice, which was granted. The statelet of [[Ixa'Taka]] was thereafter under strict military occupation while its dismantling was carried out; the monarchy was abolished, the remains of its defense forces were demobilized and its independence snuffed out. Only in 2015 would it regain a semblance of self rule with the passing and implementation of the Law on Autonomies, however instead of King Cacama a new ruler was installed over [[Ixa'Taka]], an outsider with no local ties named Gurban Mamedow would act as a strongman closely monitored by the [[Daxia]]ns. There are certain theories that [[Ixa'Taka]] and the other Autonomies currently function as laboratories for new ways of politically organizing the many [[Crona]]n peoples under [[Daxia]]n rule.
The early 21st century saw increased international tension and armed conflict all over north and central [[Crona]], a period known as [[The Deluge|the Deluge]]. [[Daxia]] for its part saw the chaotic situation to advance its interests and settle some territorial ambitions. Agreeing during negotiations in [[Touxian]] on a memorandum of understanding with the [[Kiravia|Kiravian Federacy]] in 2010, that secretly divided the territory between Xisheng and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]]. The agreement formalized the future control of [[Daxia]] over the entirety of the [[Ixa'Taka]]n rump and moreover apportioned western [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] and formalized the western half of the capital city of Rigo for Daxian control under the [[Rigo Joint Security Area]]. Within weeks of the agreement, [[Daxia]]n border forces began making incursions under the premise of protecting ethnic [[Chimoche|Chimor]] from being oppressed on the other side of the border. Ixa'Taka's monarch, King Cacama protested these violations before the [[League of Nations]] to no avail, [[Daxia]] even contrived to secure a mandate from the Security Council to 'secure' these territories. In any case a full fledge military attack was well underway while these proceedings were taking place, [[Chimoche|Chimor]] irregular forces moved in small numbers into western [[Ixa'Taka]] followed shortly after by a strong mechanized [[Daxia]]n assault that overwhelmed [[Ixa'Taka]]n static defenses at numerous points of the frontline and caused a mass rout among Ixa'Takan forces. [[Ixa'Taka]]n remants regrouped at the capital of Rixis which soon came itself under aerial attack; mass use of glide bombs rendered all of the capitals defenses into debris within two weeks. As the [[Daxia]]n armored thrust pushed north and south of the city, the risk of encirclement became a coming certainty. King Cacama got in touch with the [[Daxia]]n High Command and requested an armistice, which was granted. The statelet of [[Ixa'Taka]] was thereafter under strict military occupation while its dismantling was carried out; the monarchy was abolished, the remains of its defense forces were demobilized and its independence snuffed out. Only in 2015 would it regain a semblance of self rule with the passing and implementation of the Law on Autonomies, however instead of King Cacama a new ruler was installed over [[Ixa'Taka]], an outsider with no local ties named Gurban Mamedow would act as a strongman closely monitored by the [[Daxia]]ns. There are certain theories that [[Ixa'Taka]] and the other Autonomies currently function as laboratories for new ways of politically organizing the many [[Crona]]n peoples under [[Daxia]]n rule.
[[File:BoomBoomTank.jpg|thumb|[[Daxia]]n army tank during a skirmish in north [[Varshan]]]]
[[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] for its part was subject to its own tribulations during this period. The government of Mirek Alaganek was under attack by Kiravia's 45th Army corps, fighting on behalf of the Chappaquiddick Peace Council and its drive for independence. Alaganek's forces were demoralized and losing ground quickly in the face of Kiravian technological superiority. Tragically for [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] the past assurances of [[Daxia]] that it would not involve itself in affairs east of [[Ixa'Taka]] were shelved in favor of the full implementation of he [[Touxian]] Agreement. The following attack on [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]]'s western flank proved catastrophic for its strategic position, as the bulk of its combat worthy units were in the east of the country. The rapid [[Daxia]]n advance towards [[Rigo Joint Security Area|Rigo]] from the west soon turned the military situation untenable for the government as it simply lacked the reserves or logistics to mount a proper defense against the surprise attack. Under pressure by two militarily superior foes, the regime of Mirek Alaganek began dissolving, the leader himself attempting to escape hidden inside of a fridge before his capture. The collapse and debellation of [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] was propagandized as a great victory for the international order, the elimination of a vain and cruel regime with a very narrow band of ethnic support. With multiple Security Council resolutions in hand, [[Daxia]] and [[Kiravia]] proceeded to carve out the territory between them, [[Daxia]]'s half being absorbed into Xisheng and the [[Kiravia]]n half eventually evolving into the [[Mid-Atrassic_States]].
[[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] for its part was subject to its own tribulations during this period. The government of Mirek Alaganek was under attack by Kiravia's 45th Army corps, fighting on behalf of the Chappaquiddick Peace Council and its drive for independence. Alaganek's forces were demoralized and losing ground quickly in the face of Kiravian technological superiority. Tragically for [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] the past assurances of [[Daxia]] that it would not involve itself in affairs east of [[Ixa'Taka]] were shelved in favor of the full implementation of he [[Touxian]] Agreement. The following attack on [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]]'s western flank proved catastrophic for its strategic position, as the bulk of its combat worthy units were in the east of the country. The rapid [[Daxia]]n advance towards [[Rigo Joint Security Area|Rigo]] from the west soon turned the military situation untenable for the government as it simply lacked the reserves or logistics to mount a proper defense against the surprise attack. Under pressure by two militarily superior foes, the regime of Mirek Alaganek began dissolving, the leader himself attempting to escape hidden inside of a fridge before his capture. The collapse and debellation of [[Nanseetucket|Nanzitolclatl]] was propagandized as a great victory for the international order, the elimination of a vain and cruel regime with a very narrow band of ethnic support. With multiple Security Council resolutions in hand, [[Daxia]] and [[Kiravia]] proceeded to carve out the territory between them, [[Daxia]]'s half being absorbed into Xisheng and the [[Kiravia]]n half eventually evolving into the [[Mid-Atrassic_States]].

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