Talk:Office of Foreign Affairs (Faneria)
Office of Trade and Travel
Customs Bureau Customs Police Division: Attached to other Customs Bureau departments, and acts as the enforcement arm of the Bureau. Import/Export Registration and Fees Division: In charge of the taxation of imports and exports as well as quality control testing for foreign goods. In the 21st century, the latter function has come to dominate its activities as more and more trade is made electronic and fees automatically applied, after which the Tax Bureau becomes responsible. Maritime Trade Police Division: Assists with supplying personnel to the IRF at ports and with collecting intelligence and conducting minor antipiracy operations in tandem with the Trade Tracking Department and the Merchant Marine. Immigration Division: Processes applications for residency within Faneria as well as issuing travel warnings relating to foreign nations. Foreign Bureau Exploration and Charting Division: Conducts deep sea, cartographic, and exploratory studies abroad and within Faneria, and assists the Records Bureau and the military construct accurate and updated maps. International Waters Division: Monitors trade in international waters. National Trade Tracking Department: Assists the Merchant Marine in planning and logistics. Foreign Aid Division: Manages the movement of funds and products abroad, often with the help of the Merchant Marine, when foreign aid is allocated by the government's budget or special request. Merchant Marine Division: Operates those ships owned by Fhainnin state corporations and moved goods to and from abroad.