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Greek pronunciation: [{{{1}}}]
→ Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|pron}}
→ pronounced [n]{{IPA-el|n|lang}}
→ Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|IPA}}
→ IPA: [n]{{IPA-el|n|IPA-no-colon}}
→ IPA [n]{{IPA-el|n|local}}
→ locally [n]{{IPA-el|n|anc}}
→ Ancient Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|anc-pron}}
→ Ancient Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|att}}
→ Attic Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|att-pron}}
→ Attic Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|ion}}
→ Ionic Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|ion-pron}}
→ Ionic Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|hom}}
→ Homeric Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|hom-pron}}
→ Homeric Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|epic}}
→ Epic Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|epic-pron}}
→ Epic Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|att-ion}}
→ Attic–Ionic Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|att-ion-pron}}
→ Attic–Ionic pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|dor}}
→ Doric Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|dor-pron}}
→ Doric Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|aeo}}
→ Aeolic Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|aeo-pron}}
→ Aeolic Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|ark}}
→ Arcadocypriot Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|ark-pron}}
→ Arcadocypriot Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|koine}}
→ Koine Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|koine-pron}}
→ Koine Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|byz}}
→ Byzantine Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|byz-pron}}
→ Byzantine Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|med}}
→ Medieval Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|med-pron}}
→ Medieval Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|mod}}
→ Modern Greek: [n]{{IPA-el|n|mod-pron}}
→ Modern Greek pronunciation: [n]{{IPA-el|n|lat}}
→ Græcē [n]{{IPA-el|n|grc}}
→ Ἑλληνιστί [n]{{IPA-el|n|el}}
→ ελληνικά: [n]{{IPA-el|n|a}}
→ Ancient: [n]{{IPA-el|n|k}}
→ [n]{{IPA-el|n|ml}}
→ [n]{{IPA-el|n|md}}
→ Modern: [n]{{IPA-el|n|}}
→ [n]