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Archduchy of Reothadt
Archduchy of Reothadt
===Vicarial Era===
Main Article: [[Tundra Wars]]
Haibnelann was created after the 1690-1691 invasion of Reothadt by the Vicariate of Gleathan, supported by the ''Rih'' of Fhainnlannachaeran and troops supplied by the Vicar of Connsmonan. Peace negotiations occurred after the Grand Duke was killed by one of his sons, (name here), who was given rulership of the Vicariate of Haibnelann in the throne's name and spent the next twenty years piecing together the remaining areas of Haibnelann to enforce that legal fiction as a de-facto king in his own right. Haibnelann was a battlefield for most of this time as the continuing war in neighboring [[Lyukquar]] and peasant uprisings and resistant local lords made pacifying the area difficult. During the [[Sutharine Succession Crisis]], he was a staunch supporter of the Suthar-Màrtainn line, converted from a local pagan sect to Catholicism, and ensured his Vicariate was awarded with trade and legal privileges beyond most Vicariates and dubbed a 'subservient state' rather than a formal territory of Faneria. The initial claim from Gleathan's Vicar was sold to (name here) in exchange for parcels of land within the Deamhainn Mountains and a generous grant of land from Vrael following the First Kin War.

===Vicarial Era===
Peace negotiations occurred after the Grand Duke was killed by one of his sons, (name here), who was given rulership of the Vicariate of Haibnelann in the throne's name and spent the next twenty years piecing together the remaining areas of Haibnelann to enforce that legal fiction as a de-facto king in his own right. During the [[Sutharine Succession Crisis]], he was a staunch supporter of the Suthar-Màrtainn line, converted from a local pagan sect to Catholicism, and ensured his Vicariate was awarded with trade and legal privileges beyond most Vicariates and dubbed a 'subservient state' rather than a formal territory of Faneria.
===Monarchic Era===
===Monarchic Era===
===Republican Era===
===Republican Era===