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After his rise to the position of Grand General of the Royal Army, MacCarrin was given considerable latitude in conducting military reforms after the uneven quality of Throne forces became impossible to ignore. From the xxxxs onward, he orchestrated a standardization program for military training, formally codified physical, drill, and dress standards, formed a centralized procurement and supply system, and most significantly successfully petitioned the Throne directly for an end to the gold-or-blood method of appointing ranking officers which he himself had benefited from. These actions radically altered the structure and organization of the Royal Army while simultaneously ruining the MacCarrin family's relations with the officer nobility, who were weakened significantly by the Grand General and the willing cooperation of The Throne.
After his rise to the position of Grand General of the Royal Army, MacCarrin was given considerable latitude in conducting military reforms after the uneven quality of Throne forces became impossible to ignore. From the xxxxs onward, he orchestrated a standardization program for military training, formally codified physical, drill, and dress standards, formed a centralized procurement and supply system, and most significantly successfully petitioned the Throne directly for an end to the gold-or-blood method of appointing ranking officers which he himself had benefited from. These actions radically altered the structure and organization of the Royal Army while simultaneously ruining the MacCarrin family's relations with the officer nobility, who were weakened significantly by the Grand General and the willing cooperation of The Throne.

MacCarrin was considered a legend among the generation of officers introduced during his tenure, many of whom were either petty nobility or literate freemen, as well as a rallying figure for the Aenglish immigrant community. His status as the 'father of the modern army' corrected numerous anachronisms and points of failure the Royal Army had struggled to overcome since the [[Tundra Wars]] of the 1710s and provided the excuse for increased curtailing of noble privileges and social power compared to the growing merchant and early industrialist classes.  
MacCarrin came to be considered a legend among the generation of officers introduced during his tenure, many of whom were either petty nobility or literate freemen heavily influenced by his personal charisma and supportive political writings from the army of publishers and propagandists assembled throughout his campaigns. In addition, he was a rallying figure for the Aenglish immigrant community. His status as the 'father of the modern army' corrected numerous anachronisms and points of failure the Royal Army had struggled to overcome since the [[Tundra Wars]] of the 1710s and provided the excuse for increased curtailing of noble privileges and social power compared to the growing merchant and early industrialist classes. MacCarrin invested a large portion of his time overseeing officer training at [[Haldane Military Drill School]], which he established in xxxx.
One of the last major contributions MacCarrin made to military history before his retirement at age 83 was a treatise on contemporary warfare titled ''Warfare as a System'', which approached military affairs as a holistic science with an emphasis on a high level of control over force generation and regeneration, strategic and tactical command and control, and information and counterinformation warfare as a force multiplier, particularly with regards to artillery elements (in contrast to his writings surrounding the West Vandarch War, where he decisively favored mobile forces over fires similarly to the Culriochan Army). This treatise remained in use into the 1840s and continues to be referenced in modern works on military doctrine and procurement, and remains part of the military curriculum with some alterations in the modern Fhainnin Army's officer program as well as several other militaries, primarily in the Occident.