History of Faneria: Difference between revisions

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|Prince Ruaridh Màrtainn of Mhartainnvail inherits the titles of Connsmonan, Cheatharnaich, and Itheachan
|Prince Ruaridh Màrtainn of Mhartainnvail inherits the titles of Connsmonan, Cheatharnaich, and Itheachan
|May 19, 1364
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|Rethys Màrtainn founds Kingdom of the Fhainn, enforces claim militarily in Vandarch Basin
|Rethys Màrtainn founds Kingdom of the Fhainn, enforces claim militarily in Vandarch Basin
|December 7, 1398
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|1698 invasion of lyukquar
|Faneria declares war on the Grand Duchy of Lyukquar
|March 9, 1698
|Lyukquar, Faneria
|Lyukquar, Faneria
|Rih ______ dies, Sear Mari coronated
|Reothadt reorganized into Vicariate of Haibne
|Reothadt reorganized into Vicariate of Haibne
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|demarcated some borders along the deamhainns
|demarcated some borders along the deamhainns
|1712 - lyukquar annexed
|Final Lyukquar holdouts crushed,
|June 3, 1712
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|Ceann a Rhydwell Governate (capital province) formed
|Ceann a Rhydwell Governate (capital province) formed
|April 3, 1822
|1830 - Rih Luthais Suthar-Màrtainn makes the country's first constitution, which includes a clause allowing suffrage for landed men, and agreed to allow voting for Vicars (switching the position to a local governor) by 1900 - now constitutional monarchy with rubber stamp senate
|Rih Luthais Suthar-Màrtainn passes the country's first constitution, which includes a clause allowing suffrage for landed men, and agreed to allow voting for Vicars (switching the position to a local governor) by 1900 - now a constitutional monarchy with rubber stamp senate
|July 25, 1830
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|1887-1888 - Fourth Kin War - Disastrous fuckup by Fanerian army/Rih gets a royal family member killed and the main royal army outmaneuvered and captured, Fiannrians basically walk in, take their land back after 50+ years of generational change (basically right as assimilation is finishing up), and humiliating Faneria and especially the old guard
|1887-1888 - Fourth Kin War - Disastrous fuckup by Fanerian army/Rih gets a royal family member killed and the main royal army outmaneuvered and captured, Fiannrians basically walk in, take their land back after 50+ years of generational change (basically right as assimilation is finishing up), and humiliating Faneria and especially the old guard
|February 18th, 1888 - August 13, 1888
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|1905 - major socialist party gathering butchered by Thronewatch troops; republicans lose a few members as well, not a setup
|Rih agrees to elections, has lobbying people arrested as soon as they leave
|December 30, 1905
|King's train bombed on way to inspect navy at Sethsport, Civil War begins
|September 1906
|1906 - King's train bombed on way to inspect navy at Sethsport, Civil War begins
|major socialist party gathering butchered by Thronewatch troops; republicans lose a few members as well, not a setup
|November 1, 1906
|Rihsport falls to Republican troops
|May 1907
|1909 - civil war ends, Republicans overthrow Monarchists, Constitutionalists, and Socialists
|1909 - civil war ends, Republicans overthrow Monarchists, Constitutionalists, and Socialists
|February 7, 1909