Talk:North Levantine Front (Great War): Difference between revisions

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| alt        =
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| caption    =  
| caption    =  
| date        = May 18, 1929 - January 19th, 1948
| date        = May 18th, 1935 - August 1st, 1943
| place      = Northern [[Levantia]]
| place      = Northern [[Levantia]]
| coordinates =  
| coordinates =  
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*{{flagicon|Burgundie}} Burgundine or Urcean aide
*{{flagicon|Burgundie}} Burgundine or Urcean aide
| commander3  =  
| commander3  =  
| units1      = {{flagicon|Fhainnaeran}} Office of the Republican Army
| units1      = {{flagicon|Fhainnaeran}} [[Office of the National Army|Fhainnin National Army]]
| units2      = {{flagicon|Fiannria}} Fiannrian Army
| units2      = {{flagicon|Fiannria}} Fiannrian Army
| units3      =  
| units3      =  
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===Pan-Gael Movement====

====Fourth Kin War===

Battle of (Kuhl City)
====Fhainnin Civil War====

Battle of (Kuhl City)
====Derian Conflicts====

First Gaoth Offensive
====Faelhaen Telegram====

Second Gaoth Offensive
==Early War==

Mhuirthead Campaign
====Initial Strikes====
Isles Campaign
Battle of Malin
Vandarch Offensive
Torr Campaign
Battle of Bah Torr
Mountaint Campaign
Prevalian Prevention War
Battles of Bah Lannan
Vandarch Canal Seizure
Haibne Campaign/Haibne Landings
Nordska Campaign

First-Fifth Storm Seasons (major Fhainnin pushes, 1,2,4th successful, 3rd suffered badly, 5th stalemated)
====Ninerivers Campaign and the Vandarch Offensive====
Battle of Laewyrst (combined airship/naval battle, 1935 - only major engagement of airship-to-airship fighting?)

Battle of the East Gate (1st-3rd) (large strike on R/I naval garrison, if extant by then, and the mouth of the Grand Caroline to open resupply route to Deria?)
Battle of the East Gate (1st-3rd) (large strike on R/I naval garrison, if extant by then, and the mouth of the Grand Caroline to open resupply route to Deria?)

====Isles Campaign/Nordska Campaign====
Battle of Geartheal (naval)
Battle of Geartheal (naval)

Lost Corps Campaign (lone Fiannrian corps trapped and besieged for over two years)
Operation Pridewind (northern oil fields seizure by Fhainnin troops)
Ninerivers Campaign (initial invasion of Fiannrian Vandarch Coast)
Operation Pridewind (northern oil fields seizure by Fhainnin troops)  

Operation Grenfeld (late-war large push in center, ground to halt)
====Seizure of (Prevalia region)/Vandarch Canal Seizure====

Operation Giorgios (invasion of Prevalia?)
Operation Giorgios (invasion of Prevalia?)

Operation Titan Star (seizure of straights from Caergwyn?)
====Northern War====
Battle of Laewyrst (combined airship/naval battle, 1930ish - only major engagement of airship-to-airship fighting?)
Fiannrian resistance movements in occupied territories
Fiannrian resistance movements in occupied territories

Fiannrian quisling government - Republic of the Eastern Gaellige
Republic of the Eastern Gaellige - quisling gov't in Fiannria

====Mountain Campaign====

===Fhainnin Civil War===
====Stagnation of the Northern Front====

===Pan-Gael Movement===
==Late War==

===Holy Levantine Fratricides===
====Intervention in Caergwynn====
Operation Titan Star (seizure of straights from Caergwyn?)

=Early War=
====Operation Grenfeld====
- push into central western Fiannria and southern cutoff area

- quickly roll southern region back into fold, establish provincial gov't
(late-war large push in center, ground to halt)

- advance into central valley stagnates with spring '30 rains
Lost Corps Campaign (lone Fiannrian corps trapped and besieged for over two years)

- slow advance until 1931, then stalemate with mostly mountain wars as neither side wants to escalate trench warfare (Fhainn for ideology, Fiannrians for needing time and not wanting to escalate civilian casualties/reprisals without HLE support)
====Haibne Campaign/Haibne Landings====
Battles of Bah Lannan

- air strikes and artillery trump infantry and machine guns, excepting specialized mountaineer units, quickly escalated to an airship/aeroplane race
====Caergwynn Declares War====
Mhuirthead Campaign
- Vandarch dominated even by weakened Fhainn fleet, Fiannrians dominate outer sea and push slightly into Fhainnaeran on northern border coast by 1932
- war basically inactive/minimal heavy combat 1932-1935 sans buildup and air/sea battles
=Middle War=
- HLE support comes in, major Fiannrian offensive pushes Fhainn back to secondary position in center, Fhainn push back in north and reignite heavy air/sea combat in the ocean and along the island-smattered coast

- more conventional trench war (still mostly playing chicken) in summers and autumn, both sides effectively don't campaign too hard in winter or early spring
====Second Treaty of Gaoth====

- air war tilting away from airships, tanks becoming more common and 'duelling' with each other, old cavalry units, and smaller motorcycle units/dragoons in lieu of infantry charges

====Human Cost and Treatment of Civilians and Prisoners====
- any non-Fiannrian units (not seen by Fhainn as 'brothers under a different flag) that come in get a proper war instead of the almost gentlemanly fighting taking place between the land forces and repeatedly get hammered, which does start up the most bloody Fhainn-Fiannrian violence as the Fiannrians back up their foreign volunteers/allied units
- any non-Fiannrian units (not seen by Fhainn as 'brothers under a different flag) that come in get a proper war instead of the almost gentlemanly fighting taking place between the land forces and repeatedly get hammered, which does start up the most bloody Fhainn-Fiannrian violence as the Fiannrians back up their foreign volunteers/allied units
Major Participants: Fhainnaeran and maybe an ally vs Fiannria, Urcea, Deric States
Time Frame: May 18th, 1928 to August 1st, 1951
Results: Ceasefire ####, Peace Treaty #####, Fhainnaeran pays ###### in reparations and all prisoners are released (almost all?)
Sub-fronts: (Vandarch Coast, early land invasion and mountain skirmish with naval elements throughout war), (North coast, largely naval and mtn skirmish), (central corridor, tanks and massed infantry/artillery)
Notable things:
Fhainnin royalist remnants joining with Fiannrian army

gov't-endorsed Christmas/Holiday ceasefires (?)
gov't-endorsed Christmas/Holiday ceasefires (?)
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War Order 1928-14: Fhainnin military order instructing high standards for following honorable rules of war and instating heavy punishments for '... butchering, brutalizing, robbing, abusing, or unduly aggressing against the citizenry of Fiannria; or for executing or maiming surrendering Fiannrian soldiery who have not spent the greater portion of their ammunition; or for inciting or compelling other soldiers to commit gross violations of existing military law.'
War Order 1928-14: Fhainnin military order instructing high standards for following honorable rules of war and instating heavy punishments for '... butchering, brutalizing, robbing, abusing, or unduly aggressing against the citizenry of Fiannria; or for executing or maiming surrendering Fiannrian soldiery who have not spent the greater portion of their ammunition; or for inciting or compelling other soldiers to commit gross violations of existing military law.'

The Fhainnin navy of the republican era focused on the production of battlecruisers, favoring a strategy of holding the [[Vandarch Sea]] and using fast warships to contest foreign dominance over the wider world oceans.
====Political Upheavals====
Fhainnin design teams tend to focus on speed over and accurate long range alpha strike ability over staying power, focus on kiting and ambush tactics
Fhainnin navy entering the GW: 2 battleships, 1 prototype carrier 16 battlecruisers, 43 cruisers, 68 frigates/destroyers, 2 submarines
Fainnin air force entering the GW: 1 soft airship, 5 rigid airships (one of which was biplane carrier prototype), 400 various planes
fhainnin navy leaving the GW: 1 battleship, 12 battlecruisers, 1 carrier, 4 light carriers, 28 cruisers, 49 frigates
Fhainnin air force leaving the GW: 16 rigid airships (two of which were fitted as light plane carriers, and four others with light armor and artillery mounts), 1,200 various planes
Great War Entry Fleet (1929): 2 Battleships 7 Battlecruisers 1 Carrier (light) 30 Heavy Cruisers 0 Light Cruisers 62 Destroyers 12 Submarines 18 Airships
Great War Final Fleet: 2 Battleships 6 Battlecruisers 1 fleet carrier 3 light carriers 31 Heavy Cruisers 3 Light Cruisers 59 Destroyers 27 Submarines 14

Carrier airships scrapped postwar as tech makes biplanes useless by then, 3 other battlecruisers given to Fiannria to help repay war debt
==See Also==
