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= History =
= History =
=== Prehistory ===
=== Prehistory ===
The early history of the Escal Isles are generally unknown.
Archaeological findings suggest that the western islands, closer to the larger island modern [[Stenza]] is on. The date of the earliest settlement is unclear, as radiocarbon dates are scarcely available. However, due to their peripheral location in the Austronesian region, it can be assumed that the Escal Isles were colonized relatively late, probably during the late 10th century. On the islands of Selangai, Koráng, and Fata'ukula, there are flat ceremonial platforms (called ''marae'') made of coral blocks, although their exact age is unknown. There is evidence of kinship between other island clans with Escal, as the native word for the land ''Tûsapuopelũ'' comes up in other neighboring civilizations.
A near-beach settlement on the northern coast of Selangai was excavated beginning in the late 20th century, probably from a very early settlement phase. Food remains from the waste pits suggest that the inhabitants fed mainly on shellfish (fish, mussels, crustaceans) from the lagoon. Other food animals included pigs, chickens and rat. The processing of mussel shells, probably also for the exchange of goods with other settlements, was an integral part of the economy. Dating of charcoal remains yielded dates of 1053 (±150 years) and 1113 (±50 years). According to the current state of research, an initial settlement of the Escal Isles can be assumed at the beginning of the second millennium AD.
=== Indigenous civilizations ===
=== Indigenous civilizations ===
The first recorded settlers of the Escal Isles were Austronesians
=== First arrival of Occidentals (1331-1413) ===
=== First arrival of Occidentals (1331-1413) ===
=== Dark Period (1413-1592) ===
=== Dark Period (1413-1592) ===