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=== Effects on Civilian Infrastructure ===
=== Effects on Civilian Infrastructure ===
In Arcerion, the wars have taken a toll on the civilian infrastructure in the areas affected by the conflict. After the end of the Third Conflict, Parliament designated a joint area stretching from Oakham to Dunborough as part of the Northwestern Border Security Zone, which is a special administrative division and therefore entitled to additional sources of federal funding to assist rebuilding. It does not preclude normal governance by the respective Lieutenant Governors of Norham and Northlea, but rather subdivides the area for federal assistance.  
In Arcerion, the wars have taken a toll on the civilian infrastructure in the areas affected by the conflict. After the end of the Third Conflict, Parliament designated a joint area stretching from Oakham to Dunborough as part of the Northwestern Border Security Zone, which is a special administrative division and therefore entitled to additional sources of federal funding to assist rebuilding. It does not preclude normal governance by the respective Lieutenant Governors of Norham and Northlea, but rather subdivides the area for federal assistance.  
[[File:Port repairs farnsworth.jpg|thumb|A destroyed civilian freighter is re-floated in the small port of Sharwick as part of ongoing reconstruction efforts in the Gibson Gap, 1990.]]
During the First Conflict, damages to port and dockyard facilities, as well as smaller municipal and county roads was the biggest impact. Similar damage was done to Dunborough during the Second Conflict, with the failed attacks on Dunborough. Port facilities had undergone major repairs, and the Confederate Parliament used these as an opportunity to give additional funding for upgrades to the older facilities in Dunborough and Farnsworth.  
During the First Conflict, damages to port and dockyard facilities, as well as smaller municipal and county roads was the biggest impact. Similar damage was done to Dunborough during the Second Conflict, with the failed attacks on Dunborough. Port facilities had undergone major repairs, and the Confederate Parliament used these as an opportunity to give additional funding for upgrades to the older facilities in Dunborough and Farnsworth.  
Highways in Arcerion, notably Highway 1 connecting Dunborough and Oakham was significantly damaged by shelling, air strikes, and tracked vehicle usage on the pavement during the Second Conflict. Repairs were completed by 2000 and the road was operable for heavy truck traffic.  
Highways in Arcerion, notably Highway 1 connecting Dunborough and Oakham was significantly damaged by shelling, air strikes, and tracked vehicle usage on the pavement during the Second Conflict. Repairs were completed by 2000 and the road was operable for heavy truck traffic.  

Arcer citizens also had their homes damaged, notably in Oakham, Westchester, and Dunborough. These cities and town saw significant urban fighting in the outer suburbs and the nearby towns, devastating them. The government worked with insurance companies and subsidized the rebuilding of homes and small business in these areas to promote the return of citizens and permanent residents to the towns. The [[Royal Arcerion Constabulary]] was also tasked with additional policing and assistance in these areas to prevent the spread of lawlessness or looting, and dozens of locals were arrested for crimes of that nature in 1991 and 1992 as the towns went through reconstruction.  
Arcer citizens also had their homes damaged, notably in Oakham, Westchester, and Dunborough. These cities and town saw significant urban fighting in the outer suburbs and the nearby towns, devastating them. The government worked with insurance companies and subsidized the rebuilding of homes and small business in these areas to promote the return of citizens and permanent residents to the towns. The [[Royal Arcerion Constabulary]] was also tasked with additional policing and assistance in these areas to prevent the spread of lawlessness or looting, and dozens of locals were arrested for crimes of that nature in 1991 and 1992 as the towns went through reconstruction.  
In Kelekona, rebuilding efforts have been exceptionally scattered and ad hoc. With multiple changes of government, a poor economy, and a lack of professional modern engineering and construction companies, reconstruction efforts are still underway in the 2000s from the first conflict. The damage to Bambara and Tallyibumbera after the Second conflict can still be observed. The airport in Bambara has only one of the original three terminals in operation as of the early 2020s, and the Bambaran military airfield was never again occupied by the Kelekonan Air Force. Reconstruction efforts also were abandoned or lacked funding from the League of Nations as the majority of the funding and NGO assistance was redirected to Varshan after the [[Final War of the Deluge]], and the collapse of the Kelekonan State in the 2020s.  
In Kelekona, rebuilding efforts have been exceptionally scattered and ad hoc. With multiple changes of government, a poor economy, and a lack of professional modern engineering and construction companies, reconstruction efforts are still underway in the 2000s from the first conflict. The damage to Bambara and Tallyibumbera after the Second conflict can still be observed. The airport in Bambara has only one of the original three terminals in operation as of the early 2020s, and the Bambaran military airfield was never again occupied by the Kelekonan Air Force. Reconstruction efforts also were abandoned or lacked funding from the League of Nations as the majority of the funding and NGO assistance was redirected to Varshan after the [[Final War of the Deluge]], and the collapse of the Kelekonan State in the 2020s.  
== Foreign Involvement ==
== Foreign Involvement ==
=== Nations ===
=== Nations ===
==== Titechaxha ====
==== Titechaxha ====
Titechaxhan government officials supported Kelekona throughout the three conflicts with weapons, diplomatic support, and intelligence on Arcer forces. Titechaxha also defended Kelekona in the League of Nations, as part of the Cronan Indigenous Bloc. The Tite government permitted the landing of Kelekonan jets and aircraft
==== Malentina ====
==== Malentina ====
==== Istrenya ====
==== Istrenya ====