User talk:Arco

- 2626 edits
Projects, plans, and future writing agenda.
Feel free to comment ideas or tag in if you see something you can assist with.
Planned Lore
Border clash in the 90s w/ Telekona/Kelekona or early 2000s
main page full restructure
A version of the Alamo for Arcerion
@ Kir - we still doing your civil war stuff?? Is that happening, I saw that Alstin and I are on the anti-commie side
@ Urc - can I get involved with the Albion Affair retroactively at all?
@ Urc pt.2 - is the template for motorcycle club available? or gangs
- I have no idea. Compare Christian Motorcyclists Association. Urcea (talk) 14:57, 19 April 2023 (EDT)
- Can do, I'll work on it
- I have no idea. Compare Christian Motorcyclists Association. Urcea (talk) 14:57, 19 April 2023 (EDT)
Ardo - term for Ardmori resettled peoples after the civil war
Use Danish Leopards for Arco Tank Regiment, use Danish Flag as basis for the ATR camp flag
Admin directive
I need you to categorize your pages more deliberately. Also try to not make so many orphan pages
see you on the other side Urcea (talk) 22:11, 5 April 2023 (EDT)
two minor issues (i am a no-fun spoil sport)
1. at this time it was not my intention to have Ardmore be protestant, especially not Anglican as that's the Anglei religion. I envisioned the state along Carnish lines, which I think were secularized former Catholics 2. can you replace your main wiki page map with a less fun standard locator one?
thanks Urcea (talk) 14:45, 28 April 2023 (EDT)
Damnit Urc - (1) I'll make the revision in the coming days and just flip it to be majority catholic. (2) I don't have a super solid main locator one at the moment - let me see what I can dig up to make it less cool. Let me know if that works. Arcerion (talk) 09:45am, 29 April 2023 (EDT)
- Update - the map is changed to a kind of okay interim one. Let me know if that works for now.
- I will have to make it.
on a separate note, Istrenya is getting a neighbor and new Songun country. your presence around would be helpful Urcea (talk) 17:40, 30 April 2023 (EDT)
Saw the new neighbour, should be back soon. Looking forward to chatting. Aiming to have my MP completely done this week, pretty close just a couple small things to flesh out under Society. Also I switched religion so the largest component is Catholic, ref. the bar graph, should be good now. Arco 01 May @ 3am
Urc pls
@ URC check your NS TGs when you can. Arc (10 May @ 12:23pm)
Cronan champions league
Thinking of doing a UEFA style champions league and nation cup format for crona I’ll make the page and do all of that just need to know if you’re down for it Tierrador (talk) 18:19, 18 May 2023 (EDT)
Sounds like a great idea, sign me up and once you fill out your section I'll model mine off of that. You thinking South Crona or the entire Continent? Arco @ 18:25 18 May
I was thinking the whole continent but the powerhouses of Cronan soccer are more prominent in the south like Tierrador, Alstin, Cape, Arcerion, Paulastra and Istrenya, but yeah I’ll go ahead and make the page and we can go from there. Tierrador (talk) 21:13, 18 May 2023 (EDT)