
- 2626 edits
Governor-General of South Crona Arcerion GG | |
Education | Cronan History (major) Conflict Studies (minor) |
Alma mater | Royal Arcerion Institute for Engineering |
Years active | 2022-present |
Known for | Energy and Geography Lore, Pub Lore, 20k byte articles |
Notable work | Arcer Bush Wars, Telekonese Conflict |

Arcerion, a democratic, decentralized Confederate Republic in Southern Crona. A collection of separate Governorates, creating a beacon of stability, commerce, security and peace for a region usually rife with infighting, famine, disease, and genocide. Carved from Cronan soil and with Carnish, Gaelic, and Anglic roots, a country of 90 million citizens all working together to form a better future, in the spirit of their frontier forefathers and out of respect for the generations before.
Article creation methodology: 1-2 big articles every week, supported by several smaller ones. (ie. large article: Structure of the Arcer Army, smaller articles to support like Arcerion Regimental System and Royal Moorden Regiment).
2021 Rookie of the Year.
Award Winning Articles
- 2022 Confederate Memo on Defence
- Arcer Bush Wars
- Arco Polar Expeditions
- Government of Arcerion
- Arcerion National Security Enterprise
- Arco Determinism
- Royal Arcerion Fire Service
- Royal Arcerion Naval Service
- Arcerion Maneuver Training Centre
- Arcer National Space Exploration Agency
- Royal Arcerion Submarine Service
- Jones' Defence
- Arcerion Steel Corporation
- Arcerion Parachute Regiment
- Istrenyan Crisis
- Air Crona
- Ardmori Civil War
- Arcerion Armoured Corps
- Cronan Theatre of the Second Great War
- Royal Arcerion Infantry Corps
- History of Arcerion
- Medieval Ardmore
- Arcerion
- Telekonese Conflict
- Arcerion Tank Regiment
- Battle of Westchester
- Aeroco
- Operation Featherlite
- Royal Easthampton Borderers
- Chester-on-Moore
- Economy of Arcerion
- Arco-Burgoignesc Relations
- 2033 Arcer Armed Forces Act
- Operation Elevator
- Structure of the Royal Arcerion Naval Service
- Culture in Arcerion
- Cameron Doyle-Greene
- Titechaxha
- 2034 Arcerion Federal Election
Lore To-Do List
Ongoing Major Projects
-Arcer Military (Army/Navy/Air Force/Special Operations)
-Geography of Arcerion -Government of Arcerion

-Royal Arcerion Fire Service -Cronan Security and Trade Union
Short term to do:
-Royal Arcerion Constabulary (Gendarmerie) -History of Arcerion (incl. wild west-esque history)
-Paddle/river/steamboat stuff
-Arcerion Special Operations Command (ASOC)
-Natural Geography of Arcerion
-NWBSZ or something on recent insurgency
-Overhaul OPSNS page
-Arcerion Coast Guard
-Arcer Search and Rescue Service (ASRS), avalanches, floods, etc. Lump the ASRS under the federal fire service which is for fighting wildfires. Arcerion will lore-wise be the leading fire service for wildfires and search-and-rescue operations in Crona, and amongst the foremost in the world.
-Golf in Arcerion
-Famous pubs of Arcerion
-Country clubs of Arcerion
-Arcer Participation in the First Great War
-Radio and Telecom Company for military radios etc
-Forts of Arcerion
Long term to do:
-History of each governorate (Moorden/Norham/Northlea/Foxhey/Howland)
-Major cities pages for each
Finished Pages:
-Arco Determinism, governing national and political ethos
-2022 Confederate Memo on Defence
-Regimental System of Arcerion
-Ministry of Finance (barring occasional updates for legislation linked pages, etc.)
-Foreign Office (occasional embassy updates)
Colour References
Lion (Red)
Roundel Exterior for Airforce: rgb(78,129,177)
Arcer Green rgb(18,88,29)
CSTU green rgb(48,119,51)
OLD LORE (pre-restructure)
Early Colonial History (1790-1880s)
Arcerion was first settled by early Carnish populations in the 1790s, becoming a recognized and organized colony in the Kingdom of Carna in 1793. In the period that followed, Kurst, Kinnaird, and Chester-on-Moore all grew into prosperous colonial towns, providing jobs and stability in a region that was noted for its shifting political states and reliability of colonial partners. Arco settlers spread quickly to what would become the rolling plains of Northlea governate, taking their pluck and knack for farming and creating vast farming estates, helping to boost the early colony's independence on foreign foodstuffs and goods by increasing tis self-reliance. By the 1830s, expansion into the mountains had begun, and the small mining town of Easthampton had discovered the resources that would help solidify Moorden's future as a raw ore and industrial processing center in Crona. Gained economic and interior governance independence in the 1880s. Full independence just before the Great War. A series of border skirmishes with their indigenous neighbours to the North would be a constant, with Arco militia forces taking over the bulk of the country's policing and security operations by the 1860s. Carnish influence continued to exist in the capital, and Arco settlers still proudly identified their loyalty to the crown and identified as citizens of Carna until they were granted self-rule and governance in 1886. By this time, there was only token presence of Carnish tax inspectors, administrators, and politicians, with the vast majority of government positions having been taken over by Arcer citizens. It was roughly this time that Carna began to permit the issuance of passport-equivalent paperwork and allowed Arcerion to have its own self-determined foreign policy, beginning with the fledgling emergence of Arcerion's Foreign Office, which first began as the Foreign Secretary and their staff.
Self-Governance and Growth (1880s-1920s)
Self governance brought its own series of challenges as Arcerion grappled with instituting its own public services and administrations. Arcerion specifically focused on the overhaul of its Parliament, resulting in the legislature moving away from a colonial model to a two-tiered system with an upper and lower house. By moving the lower-house to the Provincial/Governate level, the hope was that the creep of federal power would not detract from the Confederation as a whole. The result was a decentralized approach to governance allowed for individual governates to grow, with the assurance that the collective would support in times of need. By the late 1890s, increased border skirmishes required the country's first 'sovereign' or 'independent' deployment of military forces to Northlea and what was then-Northlea's Western portions, and what would eventually become Oakham governate. Multiple Arcer infantry, cavalry, and the first light artillery formations were sent North to combat the growing restlessness of indigenous populations who had begun to attack and murder families of Arcer farmers as they ventured out into the Cronan wilds to stake their claim. This period, The Border Wars, would help form part of modern (2000s) Arco policy towards Kelekona and Titechaxha, wherein the borders are rigorously patrolled and monitored.

The addition of Carna granting limited independence for economics and foreign politics meant Arcerion was finally able to unilaterally negotiate in Southern Crona, establishing relationships early with the two Kiravian colonies there, the Cape and Paulastra. Relations were generally friendly with both, as the hardships of settling Southern Crona was generally a bonding tenet of foreign policy on the continent.
As the decades continued the economy continued to grow, with Moorden's raw iron ore exports shipped through the Songun Straits out to the old world, and Arcer foodstuffs from Northlea governate slowly becoming more prevalent in markets and groceries through Southern Crona. Roads and rail systems began to be created under new infrastructure projects, as early politicians used the limited federal taxes and income to benefit the average Arco citizen. The establishment of the Arco National Railway Service (ANRS) in 1886 resulted in the nation's first heavy commercial rail line from the Kinnaird-Kurst areas to Easthampton to carry raw resources to ports for transport to manufacturing facilities abroad.
The Great War (1927-1953)
Antebellum and Early Modern History (1953-1990s)
Modern History (2000-)

Arcerion culture itself is an evolved version of Carnish culture. Whereas Carna followed a more socialist and red-banner-eqsue path, colonial Arcer culture continued on its own course to its modern form. While Arcerion has no current landed nobility, politics and the military are both commonly dominated and flush with families and dynastic clans that control important aspects of Arcer culture. For example, a prominent figure in Arcer military history, General Johnathan Eddis, fathered three sons, two of whom became senior Army officers and the youngest a mayor in Northlea. This follows a slightly modified trend in Arcerion from their landed Carnish noble ancestry. Due to the rural and agrarian roots of Arcerion, it tends to follow much more of a 'boot-strap' mentality, wherein families that succeed based off of hard work and industriousness are prided over families of landed gentry from over a century prior. In Arcerion, country/social club culture is also an incredibly central feature of each family's weekly activities in the city, and in most rural communities as well. Families will send their children off to play in gardens, parks, or pools, whilst parents congregate in social lounges or parlours. This also serves as an integral part of Arcer business and government structure, with deals and agreements often being settled on the golf course or within the confines of a lounge over tobacco and gin. Traditionally, social clubs are managed by a private or public board, and are usually for-profit. Membership usually comes from sponsoring from an existing member, and with a limited number of new memberships each year, this creates obvious social circles within Arcer communities. Concurrently, membership is also passed paternally or maternally depending on the governate or even province, meaning that one's future membership can be determined just based off of one's parents.
Rugby in Arcerion
See Also: Sport in Arcerion

Arcer social culture also extends into sports and sporting events. Rugby, the national sport, regularly draws large crowds in the tens of thousands, and more leisurely sports such as golf, tennis, and sport shooting are common in all communities. The National Arco Rugby League (NARL), consisting of 24 teams (six per governate), represents the largest sporting event watched in Arcerion, with the largest viewership of any sports league in the country. As well, the annual Arco-Paulastra Rugby Cup is a major national event, wherein each nation commits three teams from its national leagues to compete in a round-robin tournament, and that year's victorious team hosting the following year's match.
Year | Victor | Victor | Location | Host |
1994 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Kurst, Arcerion | ![]() | |
1995 | ||||
1996 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
1997 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
1998 | ||||
1999 | Northlea Foxhounds | Craigfearn, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2000 | Northlea Foxhounds | Kurst, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2001 | ||||
2002 | ||||
2003 | ||||
2004 | ||||
2005 | Kinnaird Greenbacks | Kinnaird, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2006 | ||||
2007 | Kinnaird Greenbacks | Kinnaird, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2008 | ||||
2009 | ||||
2010 | Kinnaird Greenbacks | Kinnaird, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2011 | Kinnaird Greenbacks | Kinnaird, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2012 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2013 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2014 | ||||
2015 | ||||
2016 | ||||
2017 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Kurst, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2018 | ||||
2019 | ||||
2020 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2021 | ||||
2022 | ||||
2023 | Easthampton Mountainmen | Easthampton, Arcerion | ![]() | |
2024 | Oakham Roughriders | Kurst, Arcerion | ![]() |
Alcohol and Pub Culture
Arcerion is an avid consumer of gin and other spirits, both domestic productions and foreign imports. Several world-renowned distilleries call Arcerion home. In addition, Pub Culture within Arcerion is a critical piece of each otwn and city's fabric. Farmers to MPs all have their own respective watering hole, and many of these pubs and taverns have played pivotal key moments in Arco history, from where the first Pub was created (disputed between Emily's in Chester-on-Moore and The Red Lion in Kurst) to where MPs of the then-Carnish Arco colony rallied and strategized prior to independence and trade agreements with their Carnish colonial governors. Arcer expats also have a significant presence in other countries such as the United Republic of Alstin, where they are known for setting up Arco pubs and blending it with the local Alstinian culture.
Arts and Literature
The geography of Arcerion is a mix of serengeti-like lowlands and lush river valleys, spotted with small towns and larger bustling urban cities. It can best be described as subtropical with several local variations. Drought is not unusual in non-irrigated areas or in the presence of large rivers. It is not uncommon to see winter snows in Moorden while on the same day have extreme heat in the Northlea or Oakham plains. Severe thunder or lightning storms are not particularly common, but wind and dust storms can be more prevalent the farther away from irrigated land someone is.
Political Geography
Arcerion's governates form the largest political bureaucratic level below the federal government. Characterized by their different economies and geography, but shared language and beliefs, the governates all have representatives, best described as liaisons that are additional seats in the Confederate Parliament.

Northlea is the most populous governate in Arcerion, and also geographically the largest. It also is partially home to the capital, Kurst, although it falls into its own quasi-governate area known as the Kurst Capital Region (KCR). The provincial capital, Kinnaird, is the largest city in Arcerion and is the cultural capital of the Cronan nation. It was the third Carnish settlement that started Arcerion, and was the de facto capital up until the country's full independence from Carna before the Great War. Northlea has several smaller provinces, from the highly urbanized centres around Kinnaird and its suburbs in the Greater Kinnaird Urban Area (GKUA) to the rural communities in the far reaches of Northlea along the border with Titechaxha. Northlea is known for not only its vast agricultural outputs, but also the old financial institutions in Kinnaird such as the banks and investment centres that compete regularly with their counterparts in Kurst for who is the true financial capital of the nation.
Moorden is Arcerion's Eastern most governate, and the one that produces the vast majority of its raw resources such as iron ore, bauxite, copper, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum and tungsten. Moorden's capital, Easthampton is a major manufacturing city, and the railheads it uses send important raw materials as far South as the Cape and as far North as Telonaticolan. Moorden has long been known for its beautiful mountains, as well as the rolling hills that separate the greater Arco plains from the Eastern Mountains. Resort towns in the mountains are popular spots for tourism, with small cottages and chalets being a staple of Arco winter culture as people look to ski and mountaineer. It is also home to some of the Army's winter warfare and mountaineering courses, meaning it is a prized posting for soldiers looking to experience something other than the rolling plains of Northlea or Oakham. Moorden has also traditionally been the home of Arcerion's finest rugby teams, the Easthampton Mountainmen being the winners of the National Rugby Championship seven of the last ten years since 2015. Moorden has been taking a greater role in Arco politics as the Warrington Straits, the transitory sea passage between the Malentine and Songun Seas have meant the city of Chester-on-Moore required more ivnestment from the federal government in rail and port facilities.
Kurst Capital Region (KCR)
The Kurst Capital Region is the National Capital's governate-equivalent administrative area that extends for 4-9km surrounding the capital city of Kurst. Designed to reflect the special economic, political, and cultural significance of the second Carnish settlement (the original being Chester-on-Moore) that turned into Arcerion's capital, the KCR is governed by the Grand Mayor of Kurst, who also is the city's most senior elected official at the municipal, provincial, and governate-levels, and reports to the Deputy Minister of Arcerion. Kurst is known as the second-oldest city in Arcerion, and is home to stunning historical buildings of Carnish architecture, as well as several of the best universities in Southern Crona, such as the Carnish Anglican University, Royal Arcerion Institute for Engineering, as well as the Royal Arcer Military College (more commonly referred to as 'The Fort'). In addition to many educational and post-secondary institutions, Kurst also has one of the larger white-collar business sectors, with te city's financial and banking district have it listed as one of Crona's Top 5 'banking cities.'
Politics and government
Executive and Federal Offices
Prime Minister
Confederate Parliament
The Confederate Parliament is a democratically-elected indirect democratic body. Although regular votes federally occur every 3-4 years, it is not unusual in times of national crisis for the Parliament to grant the Prime Minister a year extension to calling an election. Comprised of Members of Parliament (MPs) from each Province, it also has Caucuses for each Governate, as well as several major political factions. The creation of parties is strictly forbidden, as this is believed to create sectarianism within the government and slow national progress. However, as a workaround candidates will often identify with voting Blocs, and these generally fall into one of five categories (Conservative, Liberal, New Liberal, Green, and Provincial). Each Bloc has no set mandate, constitution, or governing set of rules as that would constitute a party. However members often will shift between Blocs depending on their province's stance on certain issues, allowing for a greater sense of freedom. For example, fiscally citizens of Kurst are majority conservative when it comes to their fiscal beliefs. But from a social perspective they may find themselves more liberal, allowing their MP to shift between voting Blocs as needed to represent their interests, and without the need to toe a Party line and jeopardize a career in politics. While career politicians are not uncommon, politics is not generally seen as a long-term career or profession. MPs usually will sit for 3-4 elections (average 12-16 years in Parliament). This allows for a generally frequent influx of new candidates and MPs, ensuring that the modern voice of Arcerion is actually championed by its elected representative. MPs are also organized onto Boards and Committees depending on their respective interests or backgrounds. This is the responsibility of the Deputy Minister, as part of their portfolio is the management of the day-to-day conduct of governance. They see to Internal Affairs, and while subordinate to the will and direction of the Prime Minister, generally have a high level of autonomy when compared to other nation's equivalents. The Prime Minister however, will focus on foreign affairs, macro-level political machinations and plans, as well as assigning and management of Ministers and federal-level organizations versus the Parliament's functioning itself.
Ministries and Departments
Arcer National Space Exploration Agency (ANSEA)
The ANSEA is Arcerion's joint civil-military body for governing satellite launches, orbital systems maintenance and management, unmanned space vehicles (USCs) as well as warfighting in the space domain. Established in 1977 after the Fourth Bush War, it works closely with industry partners such as CRONASAT for mapping, data collection, intelligence gathering, and weather forecasting.
Ministry of Public Safety
The Arco Ministry of Public Safety oversees the training, education, and deployment of police and security forces at the governate and federal level. They work closely with the OPSNS to ensure that Arcer citizens are able to go about their daily lives unbothered by crime or other systemic issues relating to the law. Headquartered in Kurst, the organizaiton has several offices, those being Federal Directorate, Governate Directorate, Municipal Directorate, and Administrative and Training Directorate. Each is subordinate to a Deputy Commissioner, with Constables and Inspectors making up the rank and file. As well, under the headquarters is the nation's Emergency Response Group (ERG), which is comprised of Special Constables and other senior police members that deals with national-level issues regarding counter-terror, organized crime, and armed suspects. The ERG also provides the main domestic manhunting organization in Arcerion for outstanding warrants and the nation's most hardened criminals. The Ministry also under their Administrative and Training divisions helps with Border Security and certain Search-and-Rescue functions as these fall under their mandate.
Arcerion Foreign Office
Arcerion Ministry of Defence
Arcerion Ministry of the Interior
Office of Public Safety and National Security (OPSNS)

The OPSNS is the domestic and foreign intelligence service of Arcerion. Their primary function is the gathering of intelligence, with a focus on domestic terror threats and foreign intelligence that serves to protect or illuminate threats to Arcerion's interests. Before the 1950s, there was no formal intelligence apparatus, just a series of agencies that all had their own ability to conducted a limited scope of intelligence work. However after government reforms in the 1950s, these offices and directorates were merged and formed the Office of Public Safety and National Security. While the headquarters is located in the capital, Kurst, there is field offices located in each of the governates, and in most major cities. The OPSNS also works closely with domestic law enforcement agencies, as they frequently will have overlapping interests or mission sets, meaning the Deputy Minister often will work with the Minister of Public Safety to ensure that proper cooperation is maintained.
Neighbours & Foreign Policy
Arco-Paulastra Relations
Arcerion and Paulastra, its largest Southern neighbour have long had close, friendly relations. Few border disputes, coupled with a mutually beneficial history of trade have long led the two to have close ties. As well, a favourite summertime event in the Arcer capital of Kurst is the annual Arco-Paulastra Rugby Cup, wherein each nation commits three teams from its national leagues to compete in a round-robin tournament, with the victor hosting the next year's finals. Aside from this, the two have a close history of military cooperation due to shared interests in the creeping threat of communism, and the mutual assurance that a peaceful Southern Crona provides. Economically, Paulastra benefits greatly from Arcer raw mineral and ore exports, as well as the bountiful harvests Arcerion ships South as part of the existing Grain and Trade Agreements from the 1950s. Arcerion on the other hand utilises their close ties for easier access to high-quality machine equipment and defense goods, the former which are often found in Northlea's massive rolling farms, and the latter in many Arco Garrisons. Together, the two nations have consistently emphasized that a unified, peaceful Southern Crona will only serve to create lucrative trade routes and increase the economic development of their South-Eastern Peninsula.
Arco-Stenzan Relations
The diplomatic relations between Arcerion and Stenza only truly began in the early 2020s, stemming from Arcerion's push for a greater role and presence in the Malentine and Stenza's recent opening to outwards politics. From this, Arcerion soldiers, sailors, and air crew have gone to Stenza and the surrounding waters consistently for exercises, mostly notably the VIGILANT SEAFARER series. The pair of nations both benefit greatly from a safe and prosperous maritime passageway from the Polynesian to Songun Sea, and aim for collective training and operations to protect this maritime freedom of navigation. Both nations also enjoy mutually beneficial agreements on the economic plane, with trade between the countries picking up rapidly.
See also: Armed Forces of Arcerion
The Arcer military is comprised into four main elements, all subordinated under National Defense Headquarters (Kurst), also known as NDHQ(K). It is comprised on the Army, Air Force, and Navy. All three of the main services are subordinated under the Joint Operational Command Committee (JOCC), which has an administrative and liaison relationship with the fourth element, the Arcer Special Operations Command (ASOC). ASOC is subordinate to the Minister of Defence, however its units and personnel are drawn from each of the three respective armed services.

The Army, by far the largest service, has a focus on hybrid warfare, with a large push recently to emphasize its strengths as a middle power. Loitering munitions, MRAP-type vehicles, increased and more resilient C2 infrastructure, combined with an influx of drones, ISR (man-portable and vehicle-based), as well as investments into indirect fires have made the Arco ground forces flourish in a modern renaissance. Traditionally the favourite of the three main armed services, the Army may not enjoy the largest budget, as the Navy and Air Force capital acquisitions often vastly outpace their land-based peers, but the Army still hast the most uniformed members and the greatest global footprint. Organized around supporting decentralized combat teams (reinforced infantry companies or battalions with attached enabling units), the Arcer military benefits from a strong, well-educated NCO corps, as well as an officer corps that often can enforce ruthless meritocracy, which some may sometimes negatively impacts the organization. However, the Army is plagued by shortages of volunteers, as the Confederate Parliament refuses to conscript or draft young men and women into the armed services, deeming national service as being a privilege to be chosen, not enforced. As such, manpower shortages have a cyclical effect on the organization, causing higher rates of burnout and attrition amongst senior members. With the 2022 Confederate Memo on Defence, the Army was allocated greater purchasing power for itself in terms of procurement of capital projects. Looking to replace the ageing second-line vehicle fleet, as well as life cycle and upgrades to its rotor-lift capabilities, this will help keep the Army relevant for the next decade or more.

The Navy is the armed service with the largest budget but perhaps the smallest operational footprint abroad. The Arcer Navy, officially known as the Arcerion Naval Service, represents the second oldest of the three armed services behind the Army (formed from colonial militia units upon early independence in the 1880s). Experts would describe the Arco surface and sub-surface fleet as a green-water Navy, with aims to expand to blue-water operations and increase its ability to conduct expeditionary activities. Considered 'green-water' as it is comfortable operating in the littoral zones of the Malentine and Songun Seas, it has the ability to conduct limited operations in both size, scale and operational scope in the Polynesian Sea, Ocean of Cathay, and the Odoneru Ocean. Doctrinally, the Navy has been focused on traditional roles existing from legacy white papers and defense memos, but recent changes with the 2022 Confederate Memo on Defence placed a much greater emphasis on what the government refers to as 'three core capabilities,' these being: anti-submarine warfare (ASW), support to expeditionary operations (EXOPSUP), and finally undersea warfare (USW). This is in alignment with the government's push for a future force as a recognized global 'middle power,' emphasizing strengths where it can and limiting weaknesses with technology.
The Navy's core is the surface fleet, centered around two main ship classes, both of which are frigates. The aging Seaforth-class frigate was introduced in the 1980s, and lifecycle upgrades of the resilient class have retained its use some forty years later. However the newer replacement, the Kilkenny-class sees an increased air complement (an additional airframe) as well as a new suite of C2, ASW, and surface radar systems. An emphasis on Frigates, both used in the general-purpose role as well as the anti-submarine role is reflective on Arcerion's proximity to the Malentine and Songun seas. For greater expeditionary deployments, the destroyer fleet, coupled with limited availability of its one fleet carrier and limited landing ships allowed the Arco Navy the ability to patrol its own sea lanes as well as project limited surface power beyond its own waterways.
Critically, it is focused on protecting the Warrington Strait, a key naval chokepoint between Arcerion and Istrenya. This serves as the gateway to the Malentine, meaning that a permanent patrol and surface force is present to ensure it remains open and free for trade, as well as responding to search-and-rescue requests as needed.
The Navy also operates several overseas Joint Bases and naval Stations, the most important of them being Joint Naval Station Leighton-Lennoix, located in the Polynesian Sea, near Sarolasta.
Air Force

The Arcer Air Force (AAF) is the smallest of the Armed Services but plays the largest role in terms of support domestically to natural disasters as well as maintaining the movement of equipment and personnel across the globe. At this time, it is going through a transitory phase, as it was originally part of the Navy, being born from ship-based patrol aircraft and seagoing search-and-rescue squadrons. As such, the emphasis for fixed-wing aircraft has traditionally been on maritime patrolling, anti-submarine warfare, and bomber interdiction. This only reflects part of the Air Force's storied history, however. The rotor wing assets owned by the AAF have consistently contributed to Arcerion domestic and expeditionary operations, and the Army's recent changes as part of the 2022 Confederate Memo on Defence have resulted in an increased reliance on helicopters for MEDEVAC, close air support, as well as troop lift to support vertical envelopment. The Air Force is split into five distinct branches, those being Air Forces (Land), Air Forces (Maritime), Air Forces (Training), Special Air-Ground Operations, and Air Force Staff & Training. By doing this, the Air Force allows itself the flexibility to support Arcer operations domestically, and abroad. The Air Force also has the mandate to patrol Arcerion's coastline as well as its own airspace. With the end of the Varshan conflict it has committed aircraft to supporting the humanitarian efforts that are ongoing with airlifts of supplies and aid to those in need. The Air Force uses these opportunities to practice its expeditionary capabilities, such as the mass movement of men, weapons, and equipment far distances to allow it to continue supporting actual ongoing operations. Maritime Patrolling also allows for an increased ability to conduct either civilian search-and-rescue or Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) of which the Air Forces (Maritime) command have been training for since the 1950s.

The Special Operations Aviation units within the Air Force are usually seconded to the Army, as they provide its immediate ability to conduct raids and infiltrate/exfiltrate commandos with ease. Due to their slightly detached nature, the Special Operations Aviation units often can be left fighting for more budgetary constraints as ASOC continues to demand more and more from its land and maritime units while expecting the Air Force to consistently provide effects.
Expeditionary Operations
The Arcer military, while primarily geared for national defense and domestic operational support to civil authorities, also has an extensive expeditionary focus that covers a broad spectrum of operational activities, including foreign internal defense, peacekeeping, and natural disaster relief operations. While expeditionary warfighting is a core capability of the nation's armed forces, these tasks are generally undertaken by ASOC, with support from the Arcer Air Force and Navy. The Navy's emphasis on green-water operations, those being in the Malentine and Songun seas have left it under-equipped for extended blue-water operations or for long-distance patrolling, aside from show-of-force or single frigates or destroyers patrolling. To note, the Arcer Navy's only standing expeditionary deployment group in the Northern Polynesian Sea (Standing Maritime Patrol Group 1, SMPG1) regularly requires the addition of auxiliary and logistical support elements to maintain roughly a dozen ships of varying sizes and classes past the Cape. ASOC however has an extremely foreign focus for operations, with both officially acknowledged operations and undisclosed operations across Ixnay occurring regularly. For example, in the Committee on Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (CSOLIC) in the Confederate Parliament, ASOC staff acknowledged that in 2024 alone ASOC had 3 deployed task forces, with smaller bespoke forces conducting short-term operations in support of the national interest.
Arcerion Confederated Parliament and the Ardmori Crown
Arcerion, as a former Ardmori colony, was once considered part of the Ardmori Kingdom, and as an extension was under the legal authority and governance of the seated Ardmori regent and their delegated representatives. During the Kingdom's early period in Crona, this manifested as the Crown-Governor of Arcerion, or more commonly referred to as the Governor General. Similarly, this verbage is where Arcerion gets its term for its state- or provincial-level bodies, the Governorates. Technically, even though the Ardmori government is now a communist state, Arcerion still falls under the authority of the Ardmori regent, not the state of Ardmore. Thus, even though independent, the figurative and former executive head of Arcerion remains the Ardmori regent.
This executive power included powers such as royal prerogative, which during Arcerion's colonial and notional independent periods (prior to full independence), included sweeping executive powers from the ability to draft and pass laws without going through the legislature to the ability to levee economic sanctions against a foreign power, and in some cases, even declarations of war.
During Arcerion's limited independence/governance period prior to independence in XXYY, Arcerion's Prime Minister sent regular correspondence and reports through the governmental departments under them to Carna and specifically the King or Queen, reporting on economic and diplomatic initiatives undertaken by their Cronan colony. As well, this included reequests for military assistance, most often ships, as Arcerion's military during this period was engaged in the Border Wars.
During the Colonial Period, many Carnish nobles and landed gentry made their way to Arcerion to stake their claim or expand their already existing dynastic holdings. This meant that up until Arcer independence, there was a noble class within Arco society. This even included a pair of Royal visits, the first in YEAR XXYY by REGENT 1, and the second in YEAR ZZZZ by REGENT 2.
The relationship with nobility was reaffirmed after Arcerion, and specifically the cities of Kinnaird and Kurst, became safe havens for Carnish citizens (commonly referred to in Arco culture as 'Carnish expats'), and within that citizenry included several members of the Carnish Royal family, and some already on vacation in South Crona. These settled in Arcerion, and while their Royal titles and honours did not apply to Arcerion as it had its own gentry and noble class, their titles were kept alive in memoriam of the Carnish Kingdom, and are honourary titles continued to this day.
Senate and Parliamentary Relationship
The Senate and Parliament in Arcerion serve as the Upper and Lower Houses of government respectively, with each reporting to a Deputy Minister who manages the government's portfolio for that particular legislative body. The discerning factor or difference between them is in how they are elected and appointed. The Confederate Parliament is elected using a XXYY style election, wherein candidates in multiple ridings are elected to the Lower House, and from there the Confederate Parliament comes to a voting consensus on who will be the Prime Minister. In this case, the Prime Minister is elected indirectly, as he is chosen from within the elected body. Additionally, there is a considerable amount of Blocs and crossing paths for interests, as the formation of formal parties is generally considered fairly taboo and does not reflect the cultural fabric of community that is seen so often in Arcerion.

The Senate, as the Upper House, is chosen from among senior members of Arcerion's academic, military, political, and business populations. Agnostic to political beliefs, they are usually chosen for a long history of excellence in their chosen profession, and while historically appointed by the Ardmori Crown-Governor, in modern times this is done with selection by the Prime Minister and approvals made by the Chief Justice of the Arcerion Supreme Court.
The two bodies serve distinctly different functions in the sense that only the Lower House can draft and propose resolutions and legislations they wish to see become law, whereas the Senate can only vote on organically-sponsored intents or directives. The raesoning being that the senior house is a trusted entity of the Arcerion intelligentsia which while itself reflects excellence in its field, does not necessarily represent the will of the people. It is rare for the Senate not to approve of legislation passed through the Confederate Parliament, as the Senate is often seen as redundant and this cold highlight that it is nothing more than an additional legislative due process.

Arcerion's economy is one of the most stabled and planned in Southern Crona. Strong government incentives for farming, protections on exports and imports, as well as negotiations politically all ensure that the economy is well-tended and shepherded through times of both growth and recession. The Arcer economy can be considered to be robust, and is appraised by most to be a mix market economy, although some government regulators wish to see a greater emphasis on command-style economic policies to protect Arco interests. This leads to the population of ~89,000,000 having a GDP per capita of $52,301, and a total national GDP of $2.957 trillion. The economy is a split between largely rural agrarian sectors contrasted against most urbanized financial or industrial producers.
Economic Sectors
Sector | % of Economic Output |
Mining and Petroleum | 48 |
Agriculture | 30 |
Fishing | 6 |
Banking/Finance | 11 |
Manufacturing | 3 |
Hydroelectric | 2 |
Arcerion's biggest sectors by far are farming and mining, The former centers on the country's governates of Northlea and Oakham, whereas the vast majority of mining and heavy industry are located in the South in Moorden governate. Due to this, they have vastly disparate economic needs, and the greater number of heavy rail versus light rail lines around the country reflect this. Fishing is usually coastal, with limited inland lakes and deep-water rivers, Arcerion mostly sees the maritime commercial fishing in the Foxhey islands off the coast based in the Malentine Sea. It makes up a smaller portion of trade, and the limited ability to fish in the Songun Sea, and Arcerion's lack of deep/open-water commercial fishing in the Polynesian Sea means that the fishing community has long been a sidebar economic topic in terms of national conversations on commerce.
The banking and finance sectors are usually exclusive to the original few Arcerion colonial towns as they have the upper societal classes and most of the white-collar finance districts, these being Kinnaird and Kurst. Manufacturing itself mostly centers around a small, but highly proficient arms industry (notably Aeroco and MacDonnell Thommen Dynamics), as well as limited exports of other machined goods such as cars, some aircraft, and commercial products ranging from home appliances to industrial HVAC systems. Finally, hydroelectric power makes up a small fraction of the economy as the neighbouring nations do not rely heavily on Arco energy goods. Specifically, Paulastra is not energy reliant on Arcerion, and the indigenous nations of Kelekona and Titechaxha are too underdeveloped to receive Arcer energy goods, as they are still rife with internal economic issues.
Arcerion Economic Relationships
Southern Crona

In Southern Crona, Arcerion negotiated at the 2025 Southern Crona diplomatic talks, held in Kurst, for increased protections and assurances for farming that include the use of chemical sprays as well as pesticides that will help protect Arco crops and benefit Arco farmers. Additionally, within Southern Crona Arcerion's economic aims have sought to ensure that the Songun and Malentine Seas have maintained a certain level of maritime freedom of passage, allowing commercial vessels to sail unobstructed and bring ship-borne freight into the upper reaches of Southern Crona. Arcerion has also tried to ensure that the farm industry works in harmony in Southern Crona with its manufacturing and industrial sectors.
Through negotiations, Arcer foodstuffs and staple farm exports will be increased in their export volume to the NSTA region. Ongoing negotiations between Urcea and Arcerion contribute to the exports of Arcer goods to the Nysdra Sea area.