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=== Piracy ===
=== Piracy ===
[[File:Students studying library arcerion.jpg|thumb|Students at the [[Royal Arcerion Institute for Engineering]] in [[Kurst Capital Region|Kurst]], Arcerion study for their final exams in the late 19th century. ]]
=== Frontiersman ===
=== Frontiersman ===

=== Ardmori Folk Tales ===
=== Ardmori Folk Tales ===
[[File:Students studying library arcerion.jpg|thumb|Students at the [[Royal Arcerion Institute for Engineering]] in [[Kurst Capital Region|Kurst]], Arcerion study for their final exams in the late 19th century. ]]
== National Parks, Museums, Libraries, and Galleries ==
== National Parks, Museums, Libraries, and Galleries ==
The architecture in Arcerion can largely be categorized as Occidental in nature, with the majority of influences coming from Levantia and traditional Gothic and Ænglish influences. The architecture in Arcerion was first simple wooden homes and buildings constructed from shipping lumber or from the trees found in Southern Arcerion. There is considerably less heavy stone masonry or works that are common in Levantia, such as Grand Cathedrals or Castles, as Arcerion had no distinct Occidental Medieval period. However there are a number of stone-and-earth forts, as well as some medium-sized stone churches that were built during the 19th century. Prominent large architectural structures from the colonial era include the Confederate Parliament, the Supreme Court, Fort Ellis, Fort Chester, the Arcerion Anglican Church, St. Thomas' Protestant Cathedral, and the Watchtower at Port Gibson.
Arcer inland homes were at best fortified villages. This defensible-commune style of building integrated wooden homes with earthern ramparts and wooden walls, with a gate and central grass or dirt square to hold horses, livestock, or wagons. This style of building was often referred to as a ''Safekeeps'', an homage to the small Levantine forts of the medieval era. Safekeeps were popular into the 1940s, but with the decline of the Indigenous population and their raids, as well as the growth of the Arcer state's ability to police internally and patrol the border areas, they gradually faded out of style. There has been some revivalist attempts at re-creating Safekeeps in the Northern Border areas of Norham and Northlea Governorates due to the refugee crisis and border conflicts with modern Kelekona and Titechaxha, and these feature modern improvements such as security cameras, barbed wire fences, and floodlights. Safekeeps of the colonial era usually housed a dozen families (~70-100 people), and modern Safekeeps are considerably smaller, with typically just a few dozen residents.
During the late 1860s, the usage of limestone and marble, as well as other advanced masonry began to become more prevalent with the economic boom of the mid-colonial era. Larger stone structures and buildings began to be erected more often, including universities, large marketplaces (made of brick and steel) as well as the expanded Crown Governor's Residence (now the Prime Minister's Residence). The Kurst Fire of 1867 damaged much of the downtown core of Arcerion due to its primarily wooden nature, and as a result freed up much real estate in the colony's capital for new buildings.
By the late 1800s, Burgoignesc architecture and styles were introduced and there was a heavy influence as the influx of Burgoignesc traders, merchantmen, and sailors had begun to become extremely common place in Arcerion, specifically the Southern Metropolitan areas. This was often referred to in the architectural and engineering communities as the Istroyan Revivalist period, where there was an increase in fine masonry and works, especially with a specific attention to detail and aestheticism. Combined with the late economic boom and the success of the Second Bush War meaning greater inland expansion and therefore a larger GDP, Arcerion's upper classes also began to construct a number of cottages and estate homes. Estates as they are known in common terminology, are large acreages featuring numerous small cottages and even villages, with a large multi-wing home central to the property, usually constructed out of stone, glass, and with wide rooms, high ceilings, and large doors. The Estate period saw much of the Ardmori wealth that had funnelled into Arcerion expand into the areas surrounding Kurst and Chester, leading to a growing middle and upper class having both summer cottages as well as winter city residences. Most of these buildings were unfortified, as by the time of the Third Bush War, most indigenous raids were limited to the Arcer Heartland and there was little need for fortified homesteads.
Piers and seaside wharfs became popular with the early colonial period, as well as boardwalks and pedestrian walkways in cities. Arcerion is known architecturally for having very walk-able cities, and the Chester Boardwalk is a major tourist attraction, as it is the oldest wooden seaside boardwalk in Crona.
There was a significant architectural boom after the Second Great War, with the return of tens of thousands of Arcer servicemen. Brick homes, with wood frames and concrete foundations, become extremely popular as they were easily zoned and constructed by the government. The Confederate parliament authorized the construction of thousands of "Servicemen's Huts" as they were called, and these post-war homes exist in every major Arcer city into the modern period. Although every decade sees less and less standing as they are destroyed and replaced with more modern multi-family dwellings such as condominiums or medium-rise apartments, these brick homes are a significant portion of the Arcer suburban cultural heritage for the post-war generations.

== Science and Technology ==
== Science and Technology ==