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[[File:Tihange - nuclear power plant.JPG|thumb|Nuclear plant in Telohakee]]

Nuclear power accounts for 24% of the country's energy production, and was one of the first instances of renewable energy in the country besides hydroelectricity. Nuclear power is heavily regulated in Tierrador, due to the immense risks that come with operating it. As of 2035, Tierrador's extensive nuclear power infrastructure collectively generates up to 389 TWh from 41 operational reactors. Furthermore, 2 more reactors are being built along the border of Tierrador and Ceylonia in [[Aracadó]] to produce a total of 7 combined TWh for both Aracadó and western Ceylonia, to be completed by 2040. Nuclear power is expected to account for 30% of South Crona's energy production by 2050, partially phasing out natural gas.
Nuclear power accounts for 24% of the country's energy production, and was one of the first instances of renewable energy in the country besides hydroelectricity. Nuclear power is heavily regulated in Tierrador, due to the immense risks that come with operating it. As of 2035, Tierrador's extensive nuclear power infrastructure collectively generates up to 389 TWh from 41 operational reactors. Furthermore, 2 more reactors are being built along the border of Tierrador and Ceylonia in [[Aracadó]] to produce a total of 7 combined TWh for both Aracadó and western Ceylonia, to be completed by 2040. Nuclear power is expected to account for 30% of South Crona's energy production by 2050, partially phasing out natural gas.

Revision as of 22:05, 6 August 2024

Hydroelectric power stations, like this one on the Moscakee River near Davidson, Tansher, are some of the most common energy sources in South Crona.

Energy in Tierrador mainly refers to the production, consumption, and export of energy and electricity within the country and its immediate sphere of influence. Tierrador is one of the largest energy producers in Crona, and produces and generates a large percentage of South Crona's energy and electricity. Energy produced by Tierrador typically comes in the form of renewable energy, nuclear power, natural gas, and fossil fuels. Based on its reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and fossil fuels, Tierrador is considered to be energy self-sufficient, and has been considered as such since the early 20th-century. As of 2036, renewable energy, such as hydro, wind, and solar power, makes up the largest portion of energy production in Tierrador, at 45%. Natural gas (31%) and nuclear power (24%) are the 2nd and 3rd-highest, respectively.

Energy production in Tierrador is mainly seen as a competition method between the 18 Commonwealths of the country, since all of them play a somewhat equal role in the country's energy capabilities. In 2035, Telohakee, being the largest commonwealth by population, also consumed the most energy of any commonwealth. They were closely followed by Ulunkheria and Las Rozas, which are the 2nd and 4th-most populous commonwealths, respectively. That same year, Telohakee made up for their high consumption numbers by producing the highest percentage of energy in Tierrador, followed by Teschego, Ulunkheria, and Alcosky. Tierrador enjoys unlimited access to the abundant oil and natural gas refineries in both the Gulf of Telohakee-Alcosky and Cape Sudmoll, as they both are entirely engulfed by the Tierradorian exclusive economic zone.

Tierrador primarily exports oil, natural gas, and renewable energy to other South Cronan countries, including Alstin, Ceylonia, Istrenya, Malentina, and Porlos, and more recently, Asteria. Tierrador's mainland power grid also extends to the aforementioned countries. Outside of South Crona, the country exports considerable amounts of energy to Timbia and Castadilla from the Tierradorian overseas commonwealth of Teschego.


For much of its early history, energy production in Tierrador had been solely provided by coal, and due to the rapid industrialization occurring at the time, energy was consumed at a very fast rate, which allowed for mining companies, such as Auqali Mining (now Auqali Lithium), to profit immensely off the rapidly-increasing demand. The 1920s saw an oil boom for the country, as various oil and natural gas reserves were discovered off the coast of the Gulf of Telohakee-Alcosky. Soon after, petroleum became the main energy source for Tierrador.

Eventually, as the Tierradorian government under the Walakee State caught on to the environmental effects caused by coal/oil power plants, they began to allocate funding towards developing hydroelectric plants. In 1932, the Ambaqwe Basin Dam was established as the first hydroelectric station, and it would bring clean, renewable energy to the city of Ambaqwe. During the 1950s, the Tana'oska Program saw the creation of nuclear fission, which scientists would eventually discover that it could create clean, renewable energy, to serve as an alternative for cities that could not be reached via hydropower.

In 1962, Pedro Kintón signed into effect the Renewable Energy Act, which required a large percentage of energy in Tierrador to be produced via clean and renewable energy sources by the year 2000. Over Kintón's tenure as the Tierradorian Grand Marshal, he would incentivize major changes to Tierrador's, and later all of South Crona's, means of energy production. From 1964 to 1975, thirteen nuclear power plants would open across Tierrador. The midwestern region of Tierrador would begin to see a rise in wind power throughout the 1980s and 1990s, due to its low, flat terrain not being suitable for hydroelectric power.

Today, Tierrador is the world's 5th-largest producer of electricity, and was the 2nd-largest producer of renewable energy in 2029. The East Tansher Basin Plant, which opened in 1964 in Qulitet, Tansher, was the first nuclear power station on the Cronan continent, and would soon account for almost 90% of electricity provided for Taisgol and Eastern Tansher. Tierrador Company was created in 1969 to regulate nuclear energy throughout the country, but later expanded to be one of the biggest energy companies in the country. Tierrador is also the 3rd-largest hydroelectric producer and the 9th-largest nuclear energy producer in 2029.

Energy sources

Natural gas

Natural gas makes up 31% of Tierrador's energy production, and is the largest non-renewable energy source in the country. It has one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world, and it used to be the world’s largest natural gas exporter for some time. However, it has now been bumped down to the 3rd spot, as other world powers had begun exporting natural gas of their own, citing its high profitability. Many oil companies, such as PT and Summit Petroleum, account for the majority of Tierrador’s natural gas production and distribution. However, other general mineral extraction companies, such as Auqali Lithium and Western Mining Company, have also begun natural gas operations in recent years. Despite this, PT still accounted for 65% of all South Cronan natural gas production.

Historically, Tierrador’s natural gas production had been situated in and around the Qalhéq Mountains in the western portion of the country. For a few decades, Alcosky and Ulunkheria practically dominated the natural gas market, up until the discovery of the Gulf of Telohakee-Alcosky gas fields in the 1920s, which propelled Telohakee to the top-3 along with the aforementioned two commonwealths. Recently, natural gas investment has increased to Teschego, due to the abundance of oil and natural gas in the Cape Sudmoll Refinery, which was discovered in 1977, as well as several inland refineries in both Teschego and the mainland. The Saukhin Islands are also a hotbed for oil and natural gas production, however newer environmentalist laws have greatly reduced their production capabilities.

Tierrador has a wide-reaching natural gas pipeline system, extending throughout the country's mainland along with various different pipelines throughout South Crona. In what is referred to as the South Crona Pipeline System, or SCPS, various natural gas pipelines extend from Tierrador to Alstin, Ceylonia, Istrenya, and Porlos. The MalenStream pipeline, which was announced in 2033 and is nearing completion, will carry Tierradorian natural gas from the north end of the Vernaza-Iraso pipeline in Iraso, Istrenya, to the Malentine capital of Salcojina. There are also early-stage plans to expand into Kelekona, however the country's current political situation has brought along several delays. Meanwhile in Peratra, two major pipelines originating in Teschego provide natural gas for Timbia and the Castadillaan overseas state of Samalosi.

As of 2035, Tierradorian natural gas accounts for an average of 45% of South Crona's energy imports, and a further 39% of its energy demands. Tierrador has also increased investment in its liquified natural gas (LNG) capacity and reserves.


Nuclear plant in Telohakee

Nuclear power accounts for 24% of the country's energy production, and was one of the first instances of renewable energy in the country besides hydroelectricity. Nuclear power is heavily regulated in Tierrador, due to the immense risks that come with operating it. As of 2035, Tierrador's extensive nuclear power infrastructure collectively generates up to 389 TWh from 41 operational reactors. Furthermore, 2 more reactors are being built along the border of Tierrador and Ceylonia in Aracadó to produce a total of 7 combined TWh for both Aracadó and western Ceylonia, to be completed by 2040. Nuclear power is expected to account for 30% of South Crona's energy production by 2050, partially phasing out natural gas.

Nuclear research played a key role during the Walakee State, in which the Tana'oska nuclear program fully developed the first instances of nuclear fission and energy in the country. Originally meant for the development of nuclear weapons, which had been successful in its own right, Tierrador had also begun experimenting with nuclear power as an alternative for coal and oil power, and even for areas that hydroelectricity did not reach. In 1962, the East Tansher Basin Plant was opened in Qulitet, Tansher, and was the first nuclear power station in Crona. Ever since then, nuclear research and development had became more advanced for South Crona in such a short time, as more nuclear plants would appear in northeastern Tierrador. The Tierrador Company was established in 1969 for the purpose of regulating nuclear energy throughout the country, as there were many risks associated with the energy source.

Nuclear energy is widely used in Bogocía, Tansher, Qaleqa, Onancía, Taisgol, Las Rozas, and Ulunkheria. These commonwealths make up half the total electric generation from nuclear power in Tierrador. Ceylonia is also a major user of nuclear power, with infrastructure and energy itself being provided to the country by Tierrador.


Hydroelectricity makes up a quarter of Tierrador's power grid. Five commonwealths make up almost half the total hydroelectricity generation in Tierrador: Auqali, Anbarsnia, Moscakee, Aracadó, and Porvaos. Hydroelectric plants in Tierrador generate 451 TWh across 889 conventional plants and 32 pumped storage plants, which propels Tierrador as the third-largest hydroelectricity producer in the world.

Hydro was one of the first instances of renewable energy being used in Tierrador, as the country opened the Ambaqwe Basin Dam in 1932, which later provided a large majority of the City of Ambaqwe's power. By 1960, Hydroelectricity accounted for one-third of South Cronan energy production. Despite this, once nuclear power became the newest form of energy innovation throughout the country, hydro's role would stagnate in the remaining decades of the 20th century. However, around the beginning of the 21st century, hydroelectricity saw a rise in its usage once coal power had become completely phased out. Many expect both hydroelectricity and nuclear power to become the main sources of energy for South Crona once the world's oil and natural gas supply both run out.

The Qopake River Dam in Anders, Anbarsnia is the largest hydroelectric power dam in South Crona, generating a total yield of 7,112 MW. HydroDam Anteerii in Anteerii, Porlos, is the largest plant in South Crona outside of Tierrador, generating 4,889 MW. As of 2035, hydroelectricity accounted for 35% of Tierrador's energy sources.

Other renewables

Wind and solar power make up 7% and 3% of Tierrador's power grid, respectively. Wind farms are fairly noticeable throughout Telohakee, specifically in the Alóqal Qoyalet, however not much investment has been put into that form of energy production. Meanwhile, solar panels are mainly used by individuals who feel a moral obligation to use cleaner energy sources for their homes or businesses. Currently, there are only two solar farms that are operated by Tierrador Company: the Tchanteqanee Solar Farm near Tchanteqanee, Ulunkheria, and the Lake Vernaza Solar Farm in Vernaza, Telohakee. Many steps have been taken to increase the presence of wind and solar energy production, however, and it is expected that they both will play a big role in future energy endeavors throughout South Crona.


Producers and companies

Tierrador's biggest energy production company is the partially state-owned Tierrador Company, which operates 19 divisions based on the 18 commonwealths along with Ceylonia. The Imperial Government imposes various rules and regulations which allow for safe and efficient energy production among the several other energy production companies operating throughout Tierrador and, subsequently, Tierrador's immediate sphere of influence. Other Tierradorian companies which produce energy and electricity throughout the region include PT, Summit Petroleum, Auqali Lithium, Western Mining Company, Northwest Energy, Telocor, Aquador, TescheCo, POLY Energy, Sudmoll Refining, and Natukala.


Because Tierrador has a large power grid, and is a pluri-continental country, it is split into three major interconnections: The East Tierrador Mainland Interconnection (ETM), which serves the commonwealths of Auqali, Aracadó, Anbarsnia, Tansher, Las Rozas, Taisgol, Onancía, Bogocía, Porvaos, Tawakee, Sonaxa, and Moscakee, along with the entirety of Ceylonia, the Western Interconnection, which serves the commonwealths of Qaleqa, Telohakee, Alcosky, and Ulunkheria, and the Peratra Interconnection, which serves the commonwealths of Teschego, the Saukhin Islands, the Castadillaan overseas state of Samalosi, and the entirety of Timbia.

The electric power transmission in Tierrador extends beyond the already mentioned commonwealths/countries, however, as the grid consists of 210,000 kilometers of lines, which spread across Tierrador, Ceylonia, Porlos, Malentina, and Istrenya, along with the Betlands and Veraise provinces of Alstin. Power lines typically run parallel to roads and rail lines, however, some underseas cables, mostly running from the Saukhin Islands to Teschego, have been laid in the early 2000s. Meanwhile, Sonaxa and Tawakee are connected via underseas cables running from Auqali and Ceylonia, respectively.



Ceylonia receives 43% of its national power supply from Tierrador, with the remainder being provided domestically or from the Cape. Ceylonia is a part of the ETM Interconnection, which creates a key geopolitical point for the country's relations with Tierrador. Steps have been taken to establish a fair market for Ceylonian, Tierradorian, and Capetian energy endeavors throughout the country, including controls on price increases and tariffs for foreign energy producers. They also allow for Tierradorian and Capetian companies to provide energy services in the country. Ceylonia's energy grid is governed by Ceylonia Power, which is a direct subsidiary of Tierrador Company, and is tied to 27 different energy transmission systems in the country, all connected to the ETM Interconnection.


Much like Ceylonia, Istrenya receives a large percentage of its national power supply from Tierrador as well. The country sits on the long northern border with Tierrador, which is mostly defined by the Qalhéq Mountains. The eastern portion of the border is a key corridor for Tierro-Istrenyan energy transmission, as it is flat, navigable terrain with optimal conditions for connecting both countries' power grids. Istrenya is not a part of any Tierradorian power grids, however it imports 48% of its power supply from the country, with the rest being provided domestically. Various natural gas pipelines, such as the Vernaza-Iraso pipeline which runs from central Telohakee to the Istrenyan city of Iraso, provides Istrenya with optimal access to energy produced by natural gas. Tierrador has also put aside significant investments in recent decades to upgrade Istrenya's energy infrastructure. In 2007, the Madara Nuclear Plant in Madara, Istrenya's third-largest city, was constructed using $2.4 billion in Tierradorian foreign funding.


Malentina's access to Tierradorian energy runs through Istrenya. Therefore, Malentina does not receive a lot of energy from Tierrador. Despite this, expansions have been made to the Vernaza-Iraso pipeline to bring natural gas to the large Malentine city of Salcojina.


Porlos receives approximately 37% of its total power supply from Tierrador. Despite not sharing a border with Tierrador, it is still connected via three underseas power cable systems and two major natural gas pipelines, which both originate in Sevier, Ulunkheria and run through the neutral Ormatia and branch off into several smaller pipelines, connecting almost every major city in Porlos to the small but significant Tulangia Mountain gas fields. Porlos has received the most foreign energy funding from Tierrador for the purpose of improving its own energy infrastructure. In 1986, Tierrador invested $640 million into the construction and operations of HydroDam Anteerii, which grew to be the largest non-Tierradorian hydroelectric plant in South Crona. Repaired relations between both countries and Asteria have given way for various new energy opportunities for Porlos, as the main obstacle between Tierro-Porlosi energy cooperations has been neutralized.

Timbia and Samalosi

Timbia and Samalosi both receive a lot of electricity, natural gas, and LNG from Tierrador's overseas possession of Teschego. The Peratra Interconnection serves all of Teschego and Samalosi, along with a large percentage of Eastern Timbia. The Power of Peratra Pipeline, completed in 2016, connects Teschego, Samalosi, and Timbia to the Cape Sudmoll Gas Fields, which holds one-fifth of the region's crude oil and liquid natural gas.

See also