Upper Atrassic Crona

Revision as of 19:14, 19 September 2021 by Kir (talk | contribs) (→‎Governance)
General Government of Upper Atrassic Crona

Ēvsiārika Ixtíatrassikróná
CapitalPokavaśnen (Pokawachne)
Largest cityRamapóv (Ramapo)
Official languagesKiravic Coscivian
Recognised national languages
  • Muligatawny
  • Shamokin
  • Tobyhanna
  • Bennyhanna
  • Tamaqua
  • Copacabán
Ethnic groups
  • 94% Native Cronan
  • 5% Kiravian
  • 1% Other
Demonym(s)Upper [Atrassic] Cronan
GovernmentCivil administration
• Governor-General
D.V. Ceridian
• Secretary of State
Flaccus Delyankir
LegislatureAssembly of Chiefs
Transplants' Stanora
(both advisory)
• Treaty of Electorsburgh
• Organised
CurrencyCronan lira (KLR)
Date formatdd.mm.yyyyy
Driving sideleft
Internet TLD.xk


Upper Atrassic Crona encompasses the northeasternmost corner of former Varshan. Most of its western border, with Xisheng and the Kiravian Occupation Zone of Varshan, runs along the peaks of the Mountains of Terror, from the Yaviža Gap to Mount Ba Atžol. It's eastern and northern border is with Telonaticolan, roughly along the [physical feature], and it borders the [New State] to the southeast, and a short boundary with the Copacaban Republic in the north.


Hailstorm Warriors

Debellation of Varshan

The territory that would become Upper Atrassic Crona was contained within the Northern Division of the Kiravian Occupation Zone, later renamed the Highland Division. During the transition to civil administration, Area A was separated to become the Trust Territory of A, and Area B was separated as the Montagnard Transitional State. What remained of the Highland Division was officially detached from Varshan and placed under civil administration as Upper Atrassic Crona.


UAC is a civil administration governed at the state level by appointees of the Kiravian government, with a bureaucracy staffed mainly by the Colonial Civil Service (Kiravian deployees), but with a growing contingent from the Upper Atrassic Administrative Corps (UAC natives, some of whom are also naturalised Kiravian citizens). Its basic law comprises the Atrassic Highlands Ordinance (a Collegiate order) and the Government of Upper Atrassica Act 2025.

The Governor-General (appointed by the K.F. Prime Executive) and the Executive Council, which is appointed by the Governor-General and comprises a Secretary of State, Secretary of the Exchequer, Secretary of Social Affairs, Secretary of Development, Secretary of Institutional Affairs, and Secretary of Veterans' Affairs, direct the civil government and promulgate laws.

At present, there are no deliberative or representative bodies with constitutional authority. However, two advisory, consultative assemblies exist as part of the political development and institution-building process in the territory, and a third assembly is in the works. The Great Conference of Elders represents the native population, and its members are elected from tribal councils from among their own number. The Transplants' Stanora represents Kiravian transplants living in the territory. A third body, the Great Lodge of Delegates, is intended to be directly elected by native people who have met the (still undecided upon) requirements to be granted the franchise, beginning with Hailstorm veterans and other natives naturalised by fiat. Howver, many important details of the Great Lodge remain to be settled.


Society & Culture

The native people of Upper Atrassic Crona belong to several different ethnic groups, with each ethnic group comprising several kinship-based polities (tribes). [List ethnic groups]. A sizeable Copacaban community live in the wee lowland part near the Copacaban Republic. There are also a few Telos there.

Varshani remains the most widely spoken language in the country. It is spoken natively by the ethnic Varshani population and many (though not all) non-Varshani former slaves, but is spoken as a second language with at least a moderate level of competency by a large share of the former [native]* population.

The religious demography of Upper Atrassic Crona is difficult to gauge and has yet to be comprehensively surveyed. It is generally accepted that a plurality of the population adheres to some form or another of Arzalism, with most of the rest adhering to M'acunism or to highland tribal religions, though the boundaries between these three traditions are not clear-cut and overlap is believed to be considerable. [The Hailstorm God of the tribes].

  • in the NS Raider theology sense