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Asperidan is a state in western Great Kirav.

State of Asperidan
Ārka Asperidan


Country Kiravian Federacy
Theme Federation
Capital Iyanvar
Largest City Idelūrasar
Population 6,632,420
Governor Níall Ó Gorsaich
Chancellor Ivardus Tórmalin
Legislature Congress of Asperidan
Thríormor Asperidask
Stanora seats 3
Official languages Kiravic Coscivian
Recognised languages Visikir Coscivian
Dirvanian Coscivian
Postal Abbreviation ASP
Time Zone Valēka Standard Time

Society & Culture

Asperidan is bisected by the Western Highlands and Near Western cultural regions.


Asperidan's post-Kirosocialist growth trajectory has been exceptionally robust for an inland and Highland state, earning it the nickname "Verakośa of the West" in reference to the similarly prosperous Verakośa State in the similarly underdeveloped Eastern Highlands.

Mining & Skiing

Ugliest cityscape in Asperidan

Average Asperidan house