Talk:North Levantine Front (Great War)

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Page mainly for the Fhainn-Fian front of the Great War, change the title if you have a more consistent nomenclature for fronts

(infobox here)

Losses data needed: Fhainn Mil: ### kia, ### mia, ### wia (crippled/wounded but not killed later), ### captured Fhainn Mil: ### kia, ### mia, ### wia, ### captured Fhainn Civilian: ### killed, ### wounded Fhainn Civilian: ### killed, ### wounded

Major Participants: Fhainnaeran and maybe an ally vs Fiannria, Urcea, Deric States Time Frame: May 18th, 1928 to August 1st, 1951 Results: Ceasefire ####, Peace Treaty #####, Fhainnaeran pays ###### in reparations and all prisoners are released (almost all?)

Sub-fronts: (Vandarch Coast, early land invasion and mountain skirmish with naval elements throughout war), (North coast, largely naval and mtn skirmish), (central corridor, tanks and massed infantry/artillery)

Notable things:

Airships airplanes tanks railroads pan-galeicism Fhainnin royalist remnants joining with Fiannrian army gov't-endorsed Christmas/Holiday ceasefires (?) War Order 1928-14: Fhainnin military order instructing high standards for following honorable rules of war and instating heavy punishments for '... butchering, brutalizing, robbing, abusing, or unduly aggressing against the citizenry of Fiannria; or for executing or maiming surrendering Fiannrian soldiery who have not spent the greater portion of their ammunition; or for inciting or compelling other soldiers to commit gross violations of existing military law.'