
Kiravian addressing system

The Kiravian addressing system is based on a nested hierarchy of discrete geographical units, from the dar (lot, parcel, or estate) to the block (ram) or townland, on up to the province. Kiravian addresses do not make reference to streets or roads, but rather to the physical configurations of the country’s built environments and the boundaries of its administrative divisions. The web portal describes the system as “place-oriented rather than route-oriented”. The system is complex and idiosyncratic, showing considerable variation across the country.

General paradigm

There are two general forms of address in Kiravia, usually referred to as "urban" and "rural". The boundary between urban and rural in terms of addresses is often blurry. Buildings in clustered rural villages typically use an "urban"-style address, while some newly built-up peri-urban developments use rural addresses.

Urban Rural
[ Lot №] , [ Block № ]-ram, [ Circuit № ]

[ vintuv ]
[ Optional additional layers: District, Cityborough, Township, Quadrant, Sector, Island, etc. ]
[ City ], [ Countyship ], [ Province ]
[ Country, e.g. KF, Atrassic Crona ]

[ Lot № OR Named Estate ], [ Townland ], [ Sector ]

[ Optional additional layers: Township, Island, Hollow/Valley, etc. ]
[ Optional: Nearest town or village ]
[ Countyship ], [ Province ]
[ Country, e.g. KF, Atrassic Crona ]

Example Example
Orbital Resonance SAK

№ 6, 12-ram, 9-kontruv
Central Business District
Xéulev, Co. Tapanin, Kaviska
Kiravian Federacy

Fyren Raıdhvód III

№ 28, Stalkinurmom Twnld. NW
Co. Turmut, Kensonia
Kiravian Federacy

In urban addresses, lots are numbered within their "block" (ram), and blocks are numbered (often irregularly) within a "circuit" (kontruv). In rural addresses, lots are numbered within their townland. Most townlands are named, but in some remote parts of the colonies and remote parts of the mainland interior they may be numbered instead. It is not uncommon for large rural estates or high-volume urban addresses to dispense with lot numbers, and use a named location instead (e.g. Konsaháken Manor, World Financial Building).

All urban circuits have numbers known to the sector post office; however, in some cities the sector numbers are not common knowledge, and the corresponding neighbourhood name is used instead. In Escarda, the opposite is the case: most residential neighbourhoods do not have official names and use only the kontruv number. In larger towns and cities, kontruv are numbered within vintuv which are (or once were) physically discernible districts or outgrowths of the urban area. Rural addresses are also grouped into sectors, which in most cases are directional divisions of the countyship (e.g. NW, NE, SE, SW), though in the South and the Baylands they are generally named instead and correspond to large historic landholdings or feudal domains.

Many addresses feature additional geographic information that may apply, such as a city district or borough (if not elsewhere specified), a civil or survey township in states where they exist, or relevant physical-geographic features such as hollows, valleys, or islands. Such information helps to reduce ambiguity and facilitate timely and correct delivery.

All rural addresses include the countyship in which the address is located. Most urban-type addresses also include the countyship, though in the largest cities it is more common to omit it. The Kiravian Post strongly recommends that all addresses include the province in which they are located. However, in Valēka, it is customary to ignore this for residential addresses. Every province has an official postal abbreviation, as do the Army Post Office, Fleet Post Office, and Diplomatic Post Office.

For international mail, the country (e.g. Kiravian Federacy, Atrassic Crona, Scapa, Pribraltar, Saint Kennera) should also be specified.


The Kiravian addressing system is used throughout the Kiravian Federacy and Kiravian Collectivity, with the exception of New Ardmore. In New Ardmore, streets are named and urban addresses resemble those used in Urcea or Arcerion. In rural areas, an indigenous reckoning of townlands is in use, so rural addresses in New Ardmore more closely resemble their mainland Kiravian counterparts.

The Kiravian Post also serves the associated states of Saint Kennera and Pribraltar, and the Kiravian addressing system is used there as well. The same is true in Scapa, with the unique distinction that all addresses in Scapa are rural in form, even those in the larger towns.

Another Caucus List

Caucus Camp
Shaftonist-Republican Alliance Mainstream, pro-market conservatives and reformists, mainly in the Renascentist and Shaftonist-democratic tradition Pro-admin.
Caritist Social Union Religiously-inspired centre- to centre-left economic reformers Divided
Coscivian National Congress Coscivian nationalists and centre-authoritarian statists Pro-admin.
Popular Democratic Front Kirosocialists, other socialists and social-democrats, and other left-wing populists and nationalists. Anti-admin.
Authentic Historical Caucus Market-skeptical and rural-oriented traditionalist conservatives, doctrinnaire theoconservatives and Islamists, Imperial Revivalists, and Southern regionalists. Anti-admin.
Union of Democrats & Independents Liberal centrists, modern liberals, and dissident Shaftonist-Republicans Anti-admin.
Kiravian Free Alliance Anti-establishment populists, libertarians, and others. Anti-admin.
Kiravia of Regions Antifederalists, minority interest parties, and others. Neutral

Immigrants 🤮

21120 Census Pontevedra
Country or Theme of Birth Population
  Great Kirav 9,165,570
  Overseas Regions 310,019
  The Cape 243,490
  Cartadania 241,403
  Caphiria 117,161
  Paulastra 80,062
  Sydona Islands 77,300
  Turkey 69,835
  Corumm 67,540
  Kelekona 60,438
  Gongchakuo 56,692
  Levantine Union 55,022
  Biznatchistan 52,758
  Titecaxha 49,124
  D.R. Wiki 47,091
  Telonaticolan 47,058
  Chappaqua 18,209
  Other countries and territories 846,914


21120 Census Bérasar
Country or Theme of Birth Population
  Kiravian Federation 9,165,570
  Overseas Regions 310,019
  Faneria 243,490
  Levantine Union 241,103
  Caphiria 117,161
  Hendalarsk 80,520
  Caergwynn 69,835
  Lilliputia 52,758
  Corumm 67,540
  Bigtopia 60,438
  Gongchakuo 56,692
  Cartadania 55,022
  Marche Noir 52,758
  Titecaxha 49,124
  Sydona Islands 7,300
  Telonaticolan 47,058
  South Kirav 18,209
  Other countries and territories 846,914