
Revision as of 11:08, 9 September 2021 by Ralkern (talk | contribs) (→‎Religion)

Vithinja (Ruþí: Viþjinsk)is a constitutional monarchy in Kiro-Borealis, just north of Northern Levantia. It borders Caergwynn in the south among the ‘islands name’ islands. To the west on the other side of the Kilikas Sea lies Kiravia while to the south across the sea lies Faneria. Vithinja is connected to Caergwynn via a huge bridging project that connects Vithinja to the Levantian mainland. The Vithinjan capital is Rolvsvik, despite being only the 5th largest city in the nation. The two largest cities are Tår Bringär and Cärviken, both of which lie within the “islands name” island chain. Vithinja has a population of ~64 million people. The vast majority of the population lives either in the "islands name" isles, or the more temperate south-western coastline.

Vithinja is a relative newcomer among the nations of today, only existing in it’s current form for the last 150 years. The nation originates from two separate peoples and a number of different nations. Around the year 900 the first group of settlers who would become the Ruthans left their homeland in western Levantia to sail for new lands in the north. They started settling many of the islands along the northern coast of Levantia as well as finding the lands of Rutheria. (Ruþí:Fhres-Ruthirí)

The vithinjan population is mainly divided into the Ruthans, the ruling people as well as the Gvergoles (Ruþí: Gvärgöthe, Siarvish: Siargogle), who make up the majority of the population. The history behind this situation is quite complex, the former natives of the region have been driven extinct by the collective effort of both of these peoples, and they arrived at about the same time to the Kira-Borealis mainland and the "islands name" isles. The warrior culture of the Ruthans allowed them to set themselves up as the rulers of these lands, but in modern times this fact has become more and more controversial among the larger number of Gvergoles people.

While not being a very populous country thanks to a combination of large quantities of natural resources with a high security for companies to extract them as well as large control of the northern Levantian maritime trade the Vithinja is quite well of. Maritime is especially secured thanks to hsving one of the largest harbours in northern Levantia.

Viþinjske Köningsrigge Zyndicatist (Ruþí)

Motto: 'Fhremodt imot himmlvägnen'
'Forwards towards heavens road'
  • 'Pö hemjske vägnen'
    'Journeying Home'
  • 'Fholk, y gäver
    'People, to arms!'

Royal anthem: 'E sort hänt kriegr'
'A black handed warrior'
LargestTår Bringär
Official languagesRuthi
Recognised national languagesRuthi, Siarvish
Recognised regional languagesCaeric
Ethnic groups
Demonym(s)Ruthan, Ruthie
GovernmentUnitary Semi-Syndicated Constitutional Monarchy
• King
Rolv XI Sortvit
Rikart Ragnersson
Ingrid Fridsdotr
• Total
1,099,191 km2 (424,400 sq mi) (rank here)
• Water (%)
• 2020 estimate
• 2018 census
14 761 615 full citizens
• Density
61.1/km2 (158.2/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$3.236 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2019)Negative increase 42.9
HDI (2019)Decrease 0.871
very high
CurrencyRuthan korunmärck (ʍ)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatyy-mm-dd
Driving sideleft
Calling code+61


Tribal Era

The Vithinjan lands in Kiro-Borealis once housed small tribes of a somewhat unique culture. Little remains of these natives as most of their history is lost with only small amounts of archeological evidence that they ever even existed.

Two legends from two very different cultures speak of how the beautiful lands of Vithinja was once first discovered. The Ruthans take their name from the leader of the first settlers, Ruth, who left his home in western Levantia to explore the north, searching for a new home. At first he settled the island of Nordland, but near the end of his life he left to discover the Ruthinja mainland.

From the other side of Levantia a group of "old celts" lead by three brothers lead a small group of settlers to cross the ocean towards the Vithinjan isles. The legend goes that the three brothers traveled with a sizable fleet of settlers north of Levantia to find rich unsettled lands. When they found the first large island the first brother settled, stating he would build a great city there. His brothers both decided to continue on, searching for better lands. The remaining two brothers discovered another large island, this one with a large natural harbor. The second brother stated he would build a greater city than his older brother there. The youngest decided again to continue, leaving with only a small remaining group of settlers to find even richer lands. They ended up finding a huge island, even richer than the first two in everything one would need to build a civilization. He settled there, and within his lifetime, he had conquered both of his brothers and built himself a small nation of his own.

These two original groups of settlers are believed to have arrived in Vithinjan lands as early as 850, but it wasn't until 950 that these tribes made up large enough numbers to really start affecting the other tribes and nations in the region. The few original settler tribes quickly expanded, spread then splintered into numerous smaller tribes. These smaller tribes did some fighting between each other but generally preferred going out to sea to find others worth raiding. The tribes living in the harsher lands of Kiro-Borealis ended up needing the supplies they could bring in from raiding, as they did not have enough to trade back. Despite having substantially different pagan beliefs the Ruthans and celts both started traveling south to raid coastlines.

Ruthan Unification - One of the Ruthan tribes unifies the Ruthans into a Catholic Kingdom by using converting and subjugating the many celtic tribes to use against the other Ruthans. ~1050

Kingdoms Era

First Kingdom - The first Ruthan kingdom was a catholic kingdom that spent most of it's time fighting Caergwynn over the Vithinjan isles and the celts living there. When not fighting the southern celts the kingdom was usually fighting some kind of civil war. ~1100-1300

First Collapse - After a number of civil wars from both the unconverted Ruthans as well as the northern celts the Ruthan kingdom collapsed into a number of duchies and smaller kingdoms. During this time the Kingdom of Caergwynn was able to reconquer large parts of the Vithinjan isles. ~1300-1500

Second Kingdom - Riding a wave of Christian reformists a man known as King Rolv was able to unite the Ruthan people for a second time, declaring himself the head of a new branch of Christianity. Today that branch is simply known as the Church of Rolv. His home was in the islands of Vithinja, which he named his new united kingdom after. ~1500-1750

The kingdom of Vithinja fought many wars with the many nations surrounding them, mainly in an attempt to gain full control of the northern Levantian trade.

Second Collapse - After many wars fighting their neighbors and the monarchy being forced to leave the country Vithinja started down the path of collapse again. The only thing that kept the nation together was the declaration of a federal republic ~1750-1850

The Unforgotten Peace

The 100 Year Republic - Country was lead by a republic that attempted to change the nations values to be more multicultural and peaceful. ~1850-1950

The Great War - With the arrival of the great war the republic attempted to stay out of the war. However this only lead to those still following the old warlike culture resurrecting the monarchy and taking over the country through a hostile coup. ~1950

Third Kingdom - After the Great War the monarchy was struggling with recognition. The country was approaching a civil war. A powerful organization of Syndicalists approached the King with a demand of abdication. The monarchy levied the last of their power to reject this proposal, attempting to reach a compromise. The syndicalists had collected a lot of support by advocating for a peaceful power transfer, which in the end lead to what is today known as The Vithinjan Compromise.


After giving ~1970


Vithinjas varied geography is both a blessing and a curse. Although large portions of the lands are difficult to impossible to inhabit, they hold some of the most beautiful landmarks to be found in the world. Between the innumerable fjords covering the coast to the northern villages surrounded by the sights of huge tall mountain ranges, large glaciers that glimmer in the sunlight and if any visitor is lucky, the wondrous northern lights.


The climate in Vithinja is defined by the separation between the warmer coastal regions including the Vithinjan isles, the fjord covered northern coastlines the northern mountainous regions and the subarctic lake regions.



The Vithinjan constitution is an unorthodox work as it is a product of three origins. The constitution borrows a few things from the constitution of the Vithinjan republic, however this is the smallest component in the text. Secondly and thirdly it is sourced from the compromise between the government of the royal Sortvit family and their supporters as well as the national syndicalists that make up the nations labour unions. This has caused the constitution to have proved over the years to be a convoluted mess that contradicts itself in more than a few places.

National Syndicalism

The Vithinjan way of syndicalism is quite strange partially since they do not have full control of the government.

The meaning of national syndicalism has to outside observers appeared to have drifted overtime. Where it once was a dedication to simply prove the greatness of syndicalism by showing it working in the nation itself, now many ideas of segregation and superiority has seeped into the higher levels of the organization. (Paragraph unavailable in Vithinja)

Citizenship and Residents

Because of a lack of democratic institutions the idea of citizenship doesn't quite exist in Vithinja. However there is still a way to affect the political makeup of the nations leadership. This comes in one of two ways: members of a union or members of the military. To be an official member of the military a Vithinjan needs to be a full time serviceman. Reservists who want the power to elect need to join a union. The difficulty of joining a union varies greatly by profession and region. All of this effectively means that if only members of the military or members of a union are considered citizens about 82% of all Vithinjans above the age of 16 are citizens, leaving 18% to simply be residents.

Because of the mostly professional requirements for effective citizenship Vithinja is often considered to be a great place to immigrate too for people who have the right skills. It can take as little as a month to go from seeking a temporary residency visa to becoming a union member.

As there are quite a few who believe that either joining a union is too difficult or simply that there should be a union for those who could be classified as residents, there is a modern civil rights movement in the nation that in part advocates for these changes.


The Vithinjan military can be divided into three distinct organizations: The Royal Army of Vithinja, The Union of the National Reserve and the Guards of the Revolution. Some would only consider the first two as actual members of the military and the third as a paramilitary organization, especially since the constitution contradicts itself when describing them.


Vithinja exports marine vehicles, engineering products, refined steel products as well as pharmacueticals and medical equipment. Vithinja also produces mostly for domestic needs: Weapons...


Vithinjas natural resources is mainly made up of a mixture of aluminum, fish, iron ore and crude petroleum. A lot of these resources are used to produce more refined goods for export.


Vithinjan energy is largely made up of hydroelectric and geothermal power, with the difference mostly being made up by nuclear power plants. As the economy generally produces a surplus Vithinja always looks to export whatever energy it can. Their main energy trading partner is Caergwynn.


While large parts of the world started moving over towards building roads for cars, the Syndicalists of Vithinja stubbornly leaned away from car travel and towards trains. Because of this Vithinja is one of the worst places in the world to bring a car, but has some of the best railway connectivity of any nation. It also has one of the lowest per capita carbon emissions thanks to the lack of fossil fuel use both in transportation and power generation.


Taxes in Vithinja are collected from the unions by the unions with the exception of the military tax, which is collected from everyone. Because of a convoluted taxing system when it comes to income tax Vithinjans pay a very sizeable tax rate which looks way less to the majority who is uninformed of the details of the taxing system. Vithinja has a pretty standard tax rate on inheritance and a huge tax rate on land ownership that is not owned by a union.

Military Industrial Complex

Because of the remnants of a strong warrior culture Vithinja has always had a loose view of weapon ownership. Since the Syndicalization this idea of privately owning a firearm has continued to be encouraged, with the exception of those who could be seen as residents, for whom owning a firearm is illegal. Vithinja has one of the highest rates of firearm ownership, with over 125 firearms for every 100 people.



The Vithinjan population is officially broken up into three main demographics with a secondary break up based on languages. These three demographics are: the Ruthans, who make up just over 22% of the population; the Gvergoles, who make up almost 42% of the population; lastly the Ruth-Gvärs, who make up about 32% of the population. The numbers for these demographics are exact as it is a component of every persons recorded information at birth for the governments identification data.


The official and most spoken language in Vithinja is Ruthi, a gothic language very unlike most other gothic languages. This is the expected language to use for any official work like research. Almost as common but not always allowed officially is Siarvish, a celtic language with a lot of similarities to Caeric. While in some regions one can easily live only ever speaking Siarvish it is difficult to achieve great success without also learning Ruthi. Both of these languages may be taught at schools but most schools either teach Ruthi or both.

On the Vithinjan isles, especially in the south there are many who still speak Caeric. While recognized as a regional language it is often discouraged, usually by the higher levels of unions, to use the language outside of private matters.


Vithinja is a religiously divided nation, caught between the royal Church of Rolv, the many who still follow the catholic church as well as the idea of abandoning the old beliefs often pushed by important members of the unions.

Church of Rolv

The church of Rolv is a branch of protestantism with some quite radical differences. It has added clauses for means by which one can enter into heaven that include military service and sacrifices for the good of ones people.


Education in Vithinja is completely controlled by the government, as private schools have been made illegal by the union of education. While the government attempts to specifically encourage certain education paths, these efforts have generally lead to educating way more members than needed into a narrow field. Recently new efforts have been made to address these issues.


Vithinja features a very extensive public healthcare system. The union of national healthcare holds a lot of influence and has at numerous occasions pressured other industries towards decisions that would assist public health. One of these choices is a complete ban on smoking and huge efforts toward reducing drinking. Despite these efforts both smoking and drinking are still publicly practiced in many communities. Tobacco smuggling is an extremely profitable black market in Vithinja because of these efforts.


For being a nation in modern times Vithinja features a large indirect punishment for pretty much any crime: increased difficulty to join a union, which makes everything from getting a job to finding a partner more difficult and may lock one out of the political process. Despite this the number of people convicted for a crime has been hovering around 2.5% up until the last two years, where it has slowly increased to 3%. It is often noted that 95% of convictions are against those considered residents.











While many other nations take the most interest in football the household sport in Vithinja has been hockey ever since the commercialization of the radio. This applies to both field hockey, which is more common to be played by youths and in private, as well as ice hockey, which is more popular professionally and gets more media attention. Vithinjan hockey referees are often less strict with more violent acts than what is common internationally, leading to Vithinja having by far the most penalty time assigned to them, to the point that they almost double the runner up nation. This has however not prevented Vithinja from becoming one of the most successful nations in international hockey.



Vithinjan Tourist centers are often especially targeted at veterans. This is in large part because of support from the church of Rolv, who spends some of their income on efforts to attract and convert veterans.


Much of Vithinjan cuisine has been based around a mix of fish, hardy vegetables and grain mixed with rare meat from hunting. Because of the relative lack of farmlands there was never much room to raise cattle, leading to a near complete lack of cattle based food for a large portion of their history. By the time these products became more common they generally imported the way to cook meals together with the meat.
