
A farmer sprays crops on his farm in Moorden governate, Northwestern Arcerion.

Arcerion's economy is one of the most stabled and planned in Southern Crona. Strong government incentives for farming, protections on exports and imports, as well as negotiations politically all ensure that the economy is well-tended and shepherded through times of both growth and recession. The Arcer economy can be considered to be robust, and is appraised by most to be a mix market economy, although some government regulators wish to see a greater emphasis on command-style economic policies to protect Arco interests. This leads to the population of ~89,000,000 having a GDP per capita of $52,301, and a total national GDP of $2.957 trillion. The economy is a split between largely rural agrarian sectors contrasted against most urbanized financial or industrial producers.

Economic Sectors

Sectors by GDP
Sector % of Economic Output
Mining and Petroleum 48
Agriculture 30
Fishing 6
Banking/Finance 11
Manufacturing 3
Hydroelectric 2

Arcerion's biggest sectors by far are farming and mining, The former centers on the country's governates of Northlea and Oakham, whereas the vast majority of mining and heavy industry are located in the South in Moorden governate. Due to this, they have vastly disparate economic needs, and the greater number of heavy rail versus light rail lines around the country reflect this. Fishing is usually coastal, with limited inland lakes and deep-water rivers, Arcerion mostly sees the maritime commercial fishing in the Foxhey islands off the coast based in the Malentine Sea. It makes up a smaller portion of trade, and the limited ability to fish in the Songun Sea, and Arcerion's lack of deep/open-water commercial fishing in the Polynesian Sea means that the fishing community has long been a sidebar economic topic in terms of national conversations on commerce. The banking and finance sectors are usually exclusive to the original few Arcerion colonial towns as they have the upper societal classes and most of the white-collar finance districts, these being Kinnaird and Kurst. Manufacturing itself mostly centers around a small, but highly proficient arms industry, as well as limited exports of other machined goods such as cars, some aircraft, and commercial products ranging from home appliances to industrial HVAC systems. Finally, hydroelectric power makes up a small fraction of the economy as the neighbouring nations do not rely heavily on Arco energy goods. Specifically, Paulastra is not energy reliant on Arcerion, and the indigenous nations of Kelekona and Titechaxha are too underdeveloped to receive Arcer energy goods, as they are still rife with internal economic issues.

Arcerion Economic Relationships

Southern Crona

A container ship transits the Warrington Straits area, proceeding to the Arcerion coast via the Malentine Sea.

In Southern Crona, Arcerion negotiated at the 2025 Southern Crona diplomatic talks, held in Kurst, for increased protections and assurances for farming that include the use of chemical sprays as well as pesticides that will help protect Arco crops and benefit Arco farmers. Additionally, within Southern Crona Arcerion's economic aims have sought to ensure that the Songun and Malentine Seas have maintained a certain level of maritime freedom of passage, allowing commercial vessels to sail unobstructed and bring ship-borne freight into the upper reaches of Southern Crona. Arcerion has also tried to ensure that the farm industry works in harmony in Southern Crona with its manufacturing and industrial sectors.


Through negotiations, Arcer foodstuffs and staple farm exports will be increased in their export volume to the NSTA region. Ongoing negotiations between Urcea and Arcerion contribute to the exports of Arcer goods to the Nysdra Sea area.


Varshan Sphere of Influence (VSI)