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Adonerum was a thalassocratic ancient Latinic civilization, that originated on Urlazio. It included the partial coastlines of what is now Urcea, Caphiria, Cartadania, Burgundie, though some later colonies loosely associated with Adonerum would reach to the northern Odoneru Ocean. The civilization spread out of the Latinic homeland on Urlazio primarily across the Odoneru Ocean and Urlazian Sea from the 14th Century BC with the latest colonies being founded in the 700s BC. The Adonerii civilization was a loose confederation of city-states formed as the Adonerii League primarily for the purpose of common defense and expansion of trade opportunities, with a council of local rulers convening infrequently and irregularly in Vetera to discuss the affairs of the League. The League experienced its peak in the 7th century BC and sharply declined due to the growing influence of periphery cities (particularly Urceopolis and Venceia but also others, like Cana) in addition to a series of changing climates and natural disasters on Urlazio, which would destroy many cities like Vetera and render several others crippled as urban population centers dissolved into scattered rural villages. The final dissolution of the league came with the conquest of Urlazio by King Marius Tempestas Natus, after which time the cities of Levantia formed the new league-state of Great Levantia.

League of the Adonerii

Foedus Adonerii
14th Century BC–570 BC
The extent of the Adonerii League in ca. 750 BC
The extent of the Adonerii League in ca. 750 BC
Common languagesAncient Latinic
Old Latinic
GovernmentKingship (city-states)
• Established
14th Century BC
• Defunct
570 BC
Today part ofUrcea

Over the course of its long history of colonizing, Adonerum became the primary driver for the spread of Latinic culture, its colonies forming the early nuclei of cities for civilizations that would later become Urcea, Caphiria, and Burgundie. It additionally had far reaching consequences as initial settlers spread north and east into Levantia and west into Ixnay, forming a wide variety of Romance cultures along the way alongside strains of more pure Latinic cultural heritage in some of these areas. The Latin language and its various regional versions - in addition to Romance languages it spawned - form the nucleus for language in northern Ixnay as well as southern Levantia. Most scholars consider Adonerum the direct forebears of the Latino-Romance civilizations prevalent in the 21st century.




This Arx, found in former Urcean Urlazio, is typical of the structures built in the countryside by the Adonerii.

The Adonerii are well known for construction of Arxi, a kind of tower-fortress. These structures dot Urlazio and some remnants can be found in Urcea and Caphiria as well, though due to the more heavily populated nature of those countries many were disassembled for their stones. 18th century historians and archaeologists originally believed these to be some kind of religious-burial site as remains were found around most Arxi, but scholars today generally agree that they were for military application, and that they served a function in the Urlazio countryside enforcing a system that could be described as proto-Feudalism.


In archaeological survey of Adonerii cities and settlements, temples and cultic structures are exceedingly common. The Adonerii pantheon already included many divinities that were subsequently encountered in the earliest periods of Great Levantia before the growth of the Cult of the Stategod. The Adonerii elevated gods related to the sea and rivers into pride of place.

Burial sites

